Full Length Research Paper
In order to identify the vectors of bovine trypanosomiasis in the locality of Logone Birni, inventories were carried out from March to June 2020 in six sites. The purpose of this work is to contribute to the evaluation of the seroprevalence of bovine trypanosomiasis, to identify trypanosome vectors and to inventory the vector control methods already implemented in this area. Forty cattle were sampled for parasite analysis using the Rapid Diagnostic Test (RDT) method. Insect captures were made using Vavoua traps at a frequency of three successive days per week during the two months of investigations. Surveys and interviews were also conducted with thirty people (traditional leaders, livestock farmers and shepherds) about local control methods. The analysis results show that, of the 40 cattle tested, Trypanosoma vivax and Trypanosoma congolense are the most frequent parasites with a seroprevalence rate of 30 and 05%, respectively. A total of 12,482 Stomoxes and 494 Tabanids were captured with an average of Apparent Population Density (APD) of 173.36 Stomoxes/Trap/Day and 6.86 Tabanids/Trap/Day, respectively. In short, trypanosome seroprevalence is very high compared to the diversity of mechanical vectors (Stomoxes and Tabanids) and the absence of biological vectors (Glossina species). According to breeders, control methods reduce the pressure of insect vectors on cattle and make pastures more accessible, hence the need to deepen by diversifying control methods against the mechanical vectors listed.
Key words: Seroprevalence, vector, trypanosome, trypanosomiasis, vector control, apparent density, Stomoxes, Tabanids.
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