July 2013
Hematological response in human toxocariasis patients
The present study was carried out on the human population in Kashmir valley to study the status of hematological parameters of Toxocara infection. Blood samples were collected from 514 individuals; 298(57.97%) males and 216 (42.02%) females; 187 (36.38%) tested seropostive for human toxocariasis. In the present study, Toxocara infection and hemoglobin value were correlated. It was found...
July 2013
Examination methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) prevalence in cockroaches from hospital in Chaharmahal-va-Bakhtiari province, Iran by polymerase chain reaction (PCR)
This study gives the reported prevalence of cockroaches and the medical importance of theinsects due to the transmission of nosocomial infections. Besides, one of the major reasons of hospital and community infections all over the world is methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus(MRSA). The aim of this study was to...
July 2013
No differences in total bilirubin levels in neonates from Tzeltal, Chol and Mestizo ethnic groups in the state of Chiapas, Mexico
Ethnicity is an important factor for neonatal hyperbilirubinemia. This study explored total serum bilirubin levels in three ethnic groups of Chiapas, Mexico (Tzeltal, Chol and Mestizo groups). The aim of the study was to examine whether the level of total serum bilirubin is associated with any specific ethnic group. This study was conducted in 113 neonates of three different ethnic groups from Chiapas,...
July 2013
The risk factor indicators of malaria in Ethiopia
This study evaluates the effects of socio-economic, demographic and geographic indicators on the malaria rapid diagnosis test (RDT), using the baseline malaria indicator survey of 2007. This survey covered the Amhara, Oromiya and Southern Nations, Nationalities, and People’s Region (SNNPR) of Ethiopia. A total of 224 clusters of, on average, 25 households each were selected. In total, 28,994 individuals...
July 2013
Anti-osteoclastogenic activity of butanol fraction of rice bran extract via downregulation of MAP kinase activity and c-Fos/NFATc1 expression
Osteoclasts are responsible for bone metabolic diseases including osteoporosis, rheumatoid arthritis, multiple myeloma and peritonitis. Recently, the anti-osteoporotic activities of natural product extracts have become the subject of research interest. Rice bran (RB) extracts exhibits anti-inflammatory activity and ameliorates anti-oxidative stress. However, the effects of RB extracts on...
July 2013
Evaluation of National Health Insurance Scheme (NHIS) awareness by civil servants in Enugu and Abakaliki
The awareness of the National Health Insurance Scheme (NHIS) by civil servants residing in Enugu and Abakaliki were evaluated using questionnaire. The results show that the level of awareness was very low with most of the respondents not knowing the mode of payment and benefits of the NHIS and were of the opinion that NHIS may not succeed in Nigeria. The recommendation is that the operators of the NHIS should embark on...