Full Length Research Paper
The present study was carried out on the human population in Kashmir valley to study the status of hematological parameters of Toxocara infection. Blood samples were collected from 514 individuals; 298(57.97%) males and 216 (42.02%) females; 187 (36.38%) tested seropostive for human toxocariasis. In the present study, Toxocara infection and hemoglobin value were correlated. It was found that infected persons had less mean values of hemoglobin (10.23±1.5 g/dl) than uninfected individuals (10.51±1.5 g/dl). The mean erythrocyte value of infected and uninfected individuals was 4.82±0.39 × 106/ mm3 (4.0-6.2, 95% CI 4.76-4.88) and 4.84±0.44 × 106/ mm3 (3.4-6.7, 95% CI, 4.79-4.89) respectively. The mean total leukocyte count in Toxocarapositive individuals was 8.73±1.45 × 104 and in uninfected individuals was 7.70±1.23 × 104, respectively. Toxocara infection considerably increased the total number of leukocytes. Individuals with Toxocara infection had higher values of eosinophil in their blood, 9.0±4.30% (range 1-23; 95% CI 8.36-9.63), where as the mean values of eosinophil in uninfected individuals was 3.22±2.47% (range 1-17.00; 95% CI 2.77-3.67).
Key words: Toxocariasis, humans, hematological study.
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