February 2011
Creating space for community-based conservation initiatives (CBCLs) in conventional academics
Government promoted protected areas (PAs), and large integrated conservation and development projects (ICDPs) such as joint forest management (JFM) are normally mentioned as the only means of conservation and locals are mentioned as the sourcewhere 'biotic pressure' comes from in most of the curricula which could make the professional conservation biologists and policy makers biased and may...
February 2011
Female households and poverty: A case study of Faisalabad District
This study shows the relationship between female-headed households, male household and poverty in the two Tehisils of District Faisalabad. Eighty response clients were interviewed. Compare means; regressions and the binary Logit regressions analysis are used to detect the relationship between female household, male household and the factors that affect the possibility towards poverty. Linear...
February 2011
Exploring the reality in which members of the teaching profession are immersed in Argentina: A case study
The concept of teachers’ precarious working conditions refers to the pressures and adjustments suffered, during the last decades, in public schools in Argentina. The Neo-liberal project influenced all aspects of public and social life, such as health, education and working rights; deteriorated the conditions under which those sectors function; and destabilized labor structurally. The pressure exercised...
February 2011
Obama and Woods: “Master Tacticiansâ€1 in a supposed post-racial world
This essay examines and critiques Obama’s racial and political identity, comparing and contrasting it to another matchless man of color, Tiger Woods in a supposed post-racial world. This short essay is a critique: it interrogates Obama and Woods’ motivations in regard to how they both (dis)similarly frame their racial identities. Specifically, this essay will charge both Obama and Woods as being...