Full Length Research Paper
The study was aimed at estimating the depth to magnetic source bodies in Nsukka and Udi areas which falls within the Anambra basin. Aeromagnetic data were used and Spectral Analysis approach was employed in the quantitative interpretation. The total magnetic intensity (TMI) contour map which ranges from -53.1 to 133.7 nanoTesla (nT) was separated into regional and residual contour maps to produce a residual aeromagnetic intensity contour map. The residual intensity varies from -51.2 to 59.6 nT while the regional intensity varies from -8.7 to 85.1 nT. Depth results obtained from spectral analysis revealed two depth sources; the shallower magnetic source bodies and the deeper magnetic source bodies. The depth of shallower magnetic sources ranges from 314.12 to 1061.05 m with an average depth value of 632.32 m, whereas the depth of deeper magnetic sources vary from 1465.90 to 5888.73 m with an average depth value of 3260.41 m.
Key words: Magnetic source bodies, depth estimation, spectral analysis, Nsukka and Udi areas, aeromagnetic data
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