Full Length Research Paper
This study examines the influence of study strategy on academic achievement of undergraduate students of ATBU Bauchi. A survey design was adopted. One thousand two hundred undergraduate students of ATBU Bauchi participated in the study and were selected randomly from the seven faculties of the university. A study strategy questionnaire adopted from previous studies relevant to the current research was used as an instrument for data collection, while academic achievement of the students was measured using students’ cumulative grade point average (CGPA). The study found that there was positive and significant relationship between study strategy and academic achievement of undergraduate students. The study further suggests that undergraduate students with efficient and effective study strategy perform better academically. It was, therefore, recommended that, study strategy should be emphasized at ATBU. This will help students improve their poor academic achievements which usually result in many being withdrawn or spend many years in the university.
Key words: Study, strategy, academic, achievement, undergraduate, success.
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