June 2010
Comparison of pollutant levels in effluent from wastewater treatment plants in Blantyre, Malawi
In Malawi, the requirement to treat wastewater is underscored by the existing regulatory framework, institutional arrangements, and policy guidelines. In addition, formalized national effluent standards exist. This study was conducted to determine the pollutant levels in effluent from municipal wastewater treatment plants in the city of Blantyre, Malawi, and to compare these with Government of Malawi...
June 2010
Modeling hydropower plant system to improve its reservoir operation
One way of improving water management is increasing the efficiency of utilization of dam reservoirs. Even small improvement in reservoir operation can lead to large benefits. But there is no universal solution for reservoir operation problems. Hence, it is necessary to study the system and determine optimal reservoir operation guides for each scheme. In the present study, Melka Wakana Hydropower Plant in...
June 2010
Prediction of water table depth in a hard rock basin by using artificial neural network
The objectives of this study were to determine the factors that influence and control the water table fluctuation in a specific geomorphologic situation, to develop a forecasting model and examine its potential in predicting water table depth using limited data. Prediction of region specific water table fluctuation would certainly guide the way towards conceiving, designing and taking scientific measures to...
June 2010
The influence of water and sewage networks on residential water consumption
In this study a real case is used in order to evaluate the effect of the factors controlling the residential water demand in one of the suburb of the state of Kuwait. The study investigates the effect of having or not having water and sewage networks on the water demand. The importance of this study arises from the difference between the two studies residential areas in which one of them contains complete and...