Article in Press
Sprinkler irrigation, a widely used method, faces criticism for its inefficient resource usage, particularly due to water losses from wind drift and evaporation. Estimating these wind drift and evaporation losses (WDEL) poses challenges as it is time-consuming, expensive and often marred by a high level of error. As an alternative, the use of empirical models has gained attention. These models have been explored in various...
Article in Press
This study was conducted to investigate the influence of hydrogeological processes on the water systems of the Uburu-Okposi area situated in the Lower Benue Trough. The aim was to analyze how the interaction between aquifer materials and water impacts its chemical composition. Forty (40) water samples, collected randomly from both groundwater and surface sources, underwent thorough analysis to determine their...
Article in Press
The purpose of this study is to optimize Water Distribution Networks (WDNs) to ensure cost-effective design and operational efficiency while meeting hydraulic and system constraints. The study focuses on comparing two evolutionary algorithms: Genetic Algorithm (GA) and Self-Adaptive Differential Evolution (SADE). The study applied GA and SADE to optimize pipe diameters in WDNs. EPANET 2 hydraulic simulation software was...
Article in Press
Agriculture is the backbone of the Sub-Saharan African economy. Ethiopia's GDP is also shared by 45 from the agriculture sectors. However, it is confronted and challenged by variable rainfall and climate changes. Particularly, in South Wollo zone, agriculture is not exceptional in facing such daunting challenges and effects of variable rainfall and climate change despite there are abundant alternative irrigated water...
Current advancement of nanotechnology for wastewater treatments through zinc oxide nanoparticles
Article in Press
The dilemma of environmental pollution becomes a hot issue in today’s world. Globalization, industrialization, population growth and other processes are major factors for Environmental pollution, especially water with high toxic chemicals, heavy metals, organic contaminates, pathogenic microorganism, and other different pollutants are major problems all over the world. Due to increased pollution of water resources, the...
Aspects and performance of anaerobic treatment technology
Article in Press
This study provides an overview of the definition, characterization, basic features, and efficacy of anaerobic wastewater treatment technology. Morocco currently has 37 million people living there, and by 2030, that number is expected to rise to over 41 million. Drought and water pollution are two serious threats to people's livelihoods in developing nations like Morocco. Morocco is in fact dealing with serious issues...
Sustainable School wash Plan for Mayurbhanj district, Odisha, India
Article in Press
This paper aims to report on Sustainable School WASH (Water Saniation and Hygiene) Plan for Mayurbhanj District, Odisha. Children have a right to basic facilities such as toilets, safe drinking water, clean surroundings and basic information on health and hygiene. Mayurbhanj district is a land-locked district with a total geographical area of 10,418 Sq.Km. and situated in the Northern boundary of the state with district...
Impacts of Treated Greywater on Some Growth Parameters of Pepper (Capsicum annum) in Akure, Nigeria
Article in Press
Paucity of freshwater is becoming an increasing problem in Nigeria, hence, the need to use other source of water for irrigation purposes. This study was conducted to investigate the effect of treated greywater on some growth parameters of pepper in Akure, Nigeria. Raw greywater was collected from Jadesola female hostel, Federal University of Technology, Akure (FUTA) and pre-treated via a 500 Liters sedimentation tank...
Article in Press
The catchment bassin of Mouhoun, the largest in Burkina Faso, has experienced particularly severe flood and low water events over the last years. In view of the recurrence of these exceptional events, the estimation and the predetermination of extreme quantiles of floods discharge and low discharge are a strategic axis for prevention against floods and drought in this region. To do this, the generalized Pareto (GPA or gpa)...
Physico-chemical and bacteriological quality of Lake Hawassa, Hawassa Ethiopia
Article in Press
Water quality is the major limiting factor in the productivity of aquatic ecosystems, including fish resources. The objective of the study was to evaluate the water quality of Lake Hawassa. The water samples were collected from January to December 2021 from six sampling sites. The results indicated that the level of physico-chemical parameters such as pH (8.35-9.70), DO(4.36-6.20 mg/l), turbidity (9.40-29.62 NTUs), EC...
Flood Hazard Analysis and Modeling of Big Akaki River Basin, Ethiopia
Article in Press
The study was carried out to analyze flood hazards and model the flood of Big Akaki River,Upper Awash River Basin, Ethiopia. The flood frequency distributions were conducted using Easy Fit 5.6 professional, thus, extreme value type one, was the best fitting probability distribution. The return period for the study area is 5, 25,50, 100 and 200 years were selected. The comparison of the observed and simulated hydrographs...
Climate related risks in Oti I and II rural communities (Northern Togo)
Article in Press
In tropical Sudan climate regions, agricultural activities are often affected by increasingly frequent extreme climate events (floods, droughts). With regard to current climate manifestations, this study aimed at assessing agricultural risks in the rural communities of Oti I and II. The analysis of daily, monthly and annual rainfall and temperature data for the period from 1961-2020 enabled to identify the risks faced by...
Article in Press
The aim of the study was to evaluate the water quality status from the source to end user in Omo Kuraz Sugar Factory -1.In the study, both primary and secondary sources of data were used to conduct the research. Stratified random sampling technique was adopted to select the sample needed for bacteriological analysis of the water quality. Samples were collected in rainy season for three times started from July 22 2019 to...
Impact of Land use and Land cover change on stream flow of Beshilo watershed, Ethiopia
Article in Press
Land degradation is a series problem in Ethiopia highlands, particular in abbay basin reflected in the form of soil erosion and soil fertility decline from time to time. Beshilo catchment is one of the Abbay basin tributary, which covers 5,700 km2; this shows that the problem of the catchment is significant effect in Abbay basin development. In this study the impact of Land use/ Land cover change on annual outflow...
Article in Press
In most regions of our country, human interference with the natural landscape, including diverse river systems, is growing as a result of population increase and insatiable need. As a consequence, the river system was in danger and jeopardized the socioeconomic and infrastructure systems permanently. Investigating rivers' historical evolution and producing accurate predictions about how rivers can adapt to shifting...
Lactic acid from food waste enhances pathogen inactivation and urea stabilization in human urine
Article in Press
In areas where conventional sewer systems are not possible, innovative and low-cost methods are needed to get rid of pathogens in human urine. Treatment through acidification is a reliable method. In this study, the effect of fresh cabbage waste, potato peel, and teff flour water as substrate for lactic acid treatment of source-separated urine was investigated. Laboratory scale batch experiments were conducted to compare...
Article in Press
The objective of this work is to characterize the quality of drinking water in the city of Mao and its surroundings. This study is based on 20 water samples collected in the city of Mao and its surroundings between 2018 and 2020. The parameters considered are the physicochemical parameters (pH, T°, Electrical conductivity), major chemistry and bacteriological. The chemical analysis made it possible to highlight three...
Article in Press
The study aims to utilize the NRCS-CN and Remote sensing methods in estimating streamflow of Okhuwan and Okhaihe catchments. Remote sensing data, coupled with GIS techniques were used to estimate seasonal rainfall and stream flow. Measured rainfall data was collected from the Nigerian Meteorological Service, while field measurement of stream flow was carried to generate baseline data. Measured rainfall and streamflow were...
Article in Press
Metronidazole is an active antibacterial that is highly effective against trichomoniasis and protozoan infections. The electrocatalytic properties of the ZnO&CPE electrode were examined using cyclic voltammetry (CV), EIS. Zinc oxide nanoparticles formed on graphite carbon sheets under optimized experimental conditions showed excellent electrocatalytic performance for the reduction of trace amounts of metronidazole. The...
Article in Press
The Duu River is heavily polluted through varied human activity along its course. Despite the potential health hazards that the pollution of water bodies has on aquatic lives and persons who use the water bodies, river pollution persists. Samples from four points Slipway Community, Rock Spring Valley Community, Jallah Town 1 and Jallah Town 2 communities were subjected to both physical and chemical tests. The study...
Water Supply Interruptions in Umzinto Water System: Ugu District, South Africa.
Article in Press
The Constitution of the Republic of South Africa states that all citizens have a right to access adequate food and water. However, water services provision has remained one of the biggest challenges faced by most municipalities. The Umzinto water supply system under the auspices of the Ugu District Municipality (Ugu DM) was selected as the study area to evaluate the water supply interruption frequency. Data range for the...
Article in Press
Recently water is becoming a vital natural resource which can be used for many things in human life i.e. hydropower generation, sanitation, drinking, irrigation and transportation. But surface water is not enough to satisfy this all demands of humans. So beside surface water, ground water resource is by far huge in amount and not much exploited yet. Now a day exploitation of ground water through hydrogeological surveying,...
Article in Press
Rainfall intensity for a particular frequency and duration is one of the most important parameter for the hydrologic design of dam, reservoirs, storm sewers, culverts and many other hydraulic structures. This can be obtained from Intensity-Duration-Frequency (IDF) relationship, which is determined by frequency analysis of rainfall data. The goal of this research is to develop rainfall intensity-duration frequency...
Study on irrigation water quality in the Rift Valley areas of Awash River Basin, Ethiopia
Article in Press
Awash River water has impaired by various types of pollution owing to waste released from different socioeconomic activities in its basin. This study aimed to evaluate irrigation water quality of Awash River and its tributaries in the basin used for irrigation purposes. Sampling sites were identified based on the pollution sources, accessibility, and land use coverage. A total of 17 sampling sites were chosen along the...
Multiscalar analysis of drought events in Upper Omo-Gibe River Basin, Ethiopia
Article in Press
Drought is a complex natural phenomenon that affects life and natural resources. It is needed to understand the drought events to take adaptation and mitigation measures. Thus, the objective of this study is to analyze the temporal and spatial patterns of multiscalar drought events at 20 stations in the Upper Omo-Gibe River Basin (UOGRB) for the period of 1981 to 2016. Mann-Kendall, Sen’s slope estimator, Pettit test,...
Article in Press
Egypt is one of the most rich countries world–wide in its archaeological remains as well as the geological heritage that almost has not been discovered till now requiring much investigations through major projects under the umbrella of international institutes. Farafra Oasis and its surroundings in the heart of the western desert of Egypt, has some high geomorphic landforms of chalky limestone constitute an attractive...
At site flood frequency analysis for Gumara and Megech Rivers, Blue Nile Basin, Ethiopia
Article in Press
Extreme environmental events, such as flood, have severe environmental and socio-economic effects. Reliable estimates of peak flow and flood forecasting are of great concerns in water resources management and development. Flooding is a common problem in Ethiopia. Frequency and magnitude have increased rapidly in the last few decades. The increase in flooding is a result of climate change as well as land-use change...
Article in Press
This study is aim at investigating the causes of failures and hence the unsustainability of boreholes in Chikun Local Government Area of Kaduna State. Data was collected through field survey, structured interview and the use of Global Positioning System (GPS). The result of the study was analysed using descriptive statistics and GIS buffer analysis techniques. The study revealed that there are 79% functional boreholes, and...
Article in Press
The water quality data was collected from the Department of Water and Sanitation (DWS), and for this paper, the 2008 to 2018 data for the Krokodilrivier was used. There are 17 water quality variables, which were analysed, and are grouped into physical and chemical parameters. The data was compared with some of the international drinking water quality standards, such as the one issued by the World Health Organisation (WHO),...
Article in Press
The fast changes in the land use and land cover of an urban area have become a major environmental concern recently in Kabul City. Land Surface Temperature, monitoring major elements of climate changes in a region studies. This paper aimed to explain the technique for land surface temperature differences analysis with the data from Landsat_7 Enhanced Thematic Mapper plus (ETM+) and Landsat_8 OLI/TIR thermal infrared sensor...
The effect of geological structures on groundwater in sedimentary formation of Abuja. Nigeria
Article in Press
Abuja sedimentary formation is located within the southern part of the federal capital territory which house Abaji and Kwali area councils. This area was investigated for ground water potential using the effect of the rock structures to determine the hydrology components of the studied area. Geophysical method and geological method of exploration involving the vertical electrical sounding was employed to prospect for...
Article in Press
Land use and land cover changes in Kulfo River watershed experience enormously of human instabilities due to agricultural development, and growing urban demand for charcoal, cutting wood for energy; resulting in forest and land degradation. This consecutively transformed the hydrologic responses of the watershed. The purpose of this study was assessing the hydrological impact of land use change on Kulfo River watershed....
Analysis and Characterization of Rainfall trend using Statistical Approach: a case study
Article in Press
In a city like Bangalore, where the population is high, settlements are congested and thus every nook and cranny of the city is occupied by residences, businesses etc. During rainfall, the low-lying areas become flooded. This poses a risk towards life and property of the people living in such areas. During rainy season this catastrophe can be manages as the authorities would be well prepared and take necessary action. But,...
Article in Press
Now a day, Lake Hawassa is seriously impinged by the various human activities in its watershed. This could create favorable conditions for the invasive Macrophytes like water hyacinth attacking Lake Tana and Koka. Hence, identification of the impacts of pollution on the Macrophytes species diversity, distribution and coverage is very important. In doing so, rapid bioassessment method in five pollution entry points, where...
Article in Press
From the times of the industrial revolution, there has been an enormous change in social and economic growth leading to various compromise in other areas such as environmental degradation at the expense of development and modernization, most settings tend to focus more on social and economic stands and other important strands of the environment without appreciating the status and changes in the environment. The rationale...
Analysis of Rainfall Trend in the eastern parts of Ethiopia, West Harargae
Article in Press
Analysis of rainfall trend is an important tool for decision making in water resources management. The objective of this study was to investigate the time series trend of rainfall data for three sites in the eastern parts of Ethiopia, west Harargae. The double mass curve techniques was used to assess the homogeneity of the rainfall data and the Man-Kendall test was employed to detect the changes. Accordingly, the analysis...
Article in Press
Remote sensing is a means for LULC classification. This study was carried out in upper Blue Nile in small catchment called Awramba watershed having an area of 700 ha. To evaluate and tested the accuracy of sentinel 2A level 1 image in land use land cover classification .Thirty –Four training simple ground truth points were collected from the field using GPS. Sentinel 2A level 1C Top of Atmosphere (TOA) captured...
Article in Press
Water scarcity in African cities often linked to deficiencies in service delivery than limitations in available water resources. These limitations have created a situation where multiple service providers enter the urban space to meet the gap in providing access to water. In this context, water resources managers emerge as the only entity with a common picture of how water resources are managed. They require more...
Article in Press
This study evaluates the quality of groundwater in relation to dumpsites in Maiduguri, a total of 4 water samples were analysed in dry and wet for physico-chemical characteristics. Temperature, Turbidity, pH, TDS, and EC were measured using standard laboratory instruments. The BOD, DO, COD and NO3 were determined using standard laboratory methods. The heavy metals were analysed using the multi-wave plasma atomic emission...
Article in Press
Sesame (Sesumum I.) crop is one of the cash crops exported from Ethiopia to Europe and Asia that contributed to the country GDP. The main objective of this study was to evaluate the water use efficiency (WUE) under full and deficit irrigated sesame crop in wereda Kafta-Humera, Tigrai-Ethiopia. Sesame crop production was particularly related to the summer (Kiremt rainfall). But due to a variation in rainfall distribution in...
Article in Press
Sesame crop (Sesumum indicum L.) is one of the cash crops exported from Ethiopia that contributed to the country GDP (gross domestic product). The main objective of this study was to evaluate the economic water productivity (EWP) under full and deficit irrigated sesame crop in wereda Kafta-Humera, Tigrai-Ethiopia. Sesame crop production was particularly related to the summer (Kiremt rainfall). But due to a variation in...
Hydraulic Performance Assessment of Mychew Small Scale Irrigation Scheme, North Ethiopia
Article in Press
Assessment of irrigation performances is very essential in taking different water management strategies. However, the performance of Mychew irrigation scheme was not assessed yet and hence, this research was undertaken to assess the hydraulic performance of Mychew small scale irrigation scheme. Moreover, identification of the cause and effect for mal-functionality of irrigation structures was also another objective of this...
Article in Press
Reference evapotranspiration (ETo) is useful for water management, calculating crop water requirements and irrigation scheduling. ETo was estimated from 5 empirical methods based on temperature, 5 based on solar radiation and on Machine Learning Technique (MLT). The MLT model consisted of Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) and Support Vector Machine (SVM), with 6 architectures each one. The MLT and empirical methods were...
Article in Press
Climate change alters regional hydrologic conditions and results in a variety of impacts on water resource systems. Such hydrologic changes will affect almost every aspect of human well-being. The economy of Ethiopia mainly depends on agriculture; and this in turn largely depends on available water resources. The aim of this study is to assess the impacts of climate change on surface water availability of Upper Awash River...
Article in Press
Crop coefficients for Calendula officinalis L. have not been determined yet, although crop coefficients of many plants have been provided by the Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO). C. officinalis L. is a medicinal plant used for manufacturing skin and beauty medication products. This study aimed to determine crop evapotranspiration (ETc) and single and dual crop coefficients (Kc) for C. officinalis L., in the...
Surface water distribution among the provinces of Pakistan
Article in Press
The water resources sector is both the lifeline and the gear of development in Pakistan. The main source of water in Pakistan is the ‘Indus River System’. Under the ‘1960 Indus Basin Treaty’ with India, Pakistan was entitled to the flow of three western rivers (Indus, Jhelum and Chenab), with occasional spills from the eastern Rivers Sutlej and Ravi diverted upstream by India. The average annual inflows of the...
Rural water supply sources, systems and systems performance in Nigeria
Article in Press
Access to potable water in rural communities in Nigeria is failing rather than rising. In this context, this paper investigates the landscape of rural water supply in Nigeria using reliable data collected across the six geo-political zones in the country. The data used were obtained through questionnaire surveys, field observations and from records in the national and states agencies responsible for public water supplies....
Ground water potential mapping for Suryanagara Watershed, Bangalore District, Karnataka State, India
Article in Press
The present work is an attempt to geographic information system (GIS)-based analysis in ground water potential zone identification in hard rock terrains. It is necessary to understand different types of landforms and their characteristics, igneous rock types, geological structures and how they evolved with respect to each other .hydrological characteristics and slope in order to demonstrate the integrated remote sensing...
Article in Press
In this paper the main results from the implementation and interpretation of the geophysical survey using very low frequency electromagnetic (VLF-EM) method carried out in Capitol solid waste disposal site (Southern Nigeria) are presented. The objective of the study was to monitor the effect of suspected leachate contamination in Capitol solid waste disposal site. The survey comprised ten VLF-EM traverses in North-South...
Article in Press
Water in agricultural activities is important for satisfying increasing food demands of the ever-increasing population through irrigation practices which was considered as the main alternative for a sustainable agricultural production. A good quality of surface water has a positive effect on soil and agriculture. However, before using surface water for agricultural purpose, its quality should be tested and analyzed to...
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