June 2012
Groundwater: Characteristics, qualities, pollutions and treatments: An overview
This review considered groundwater resources, its characteristics, qualities, pollutions and available treatments. Groundwater refers to all the water occupying the voids, pores and fissures within geological formations, which originated from atmospheric precipitation either directly by rainfall infiltration or indirectly from rivers, lakes or canals. The chemical, physical and bacterial characteristics of...
June 2012
Modeling the generation of domestic waste for supporting the planning of municipal waste services
The Polokwane declaration on waste management is to stabilize waste generation and reduce the waste disposal by 50% by 2012 and develop a zero plan for zero waste by 2022 waste generation is an ongoing process which will continue, as long as humans exist. The types and quantity of waste generated in South Africa have however, changed over time often leading to constraints in municipal waste management budgets...
June 2012
Kinetic studies on the removal of some metal ions from aqueous solution using modified orange mesocarp extract
This study examines the kinetics of the removal of zinc, copper, nickel and cobalt ions from aqueous solutions by Carboxylated-Toluene Di-isocyanate Orange Mesocarp Extract Resin (CTOR) and Sulphonated-Toluene Di-isocyanate Orange Mesocarp Extract Resin (STOR). Results from contact time experiments indicate that the rate of ion exchange was initially rapid and equilibrium was attained within 40 to 45 min. It...
June 2012
Reservoir storage variations from hydrological mass balance and satellite radar altimetry
Knowledge of storage variations in reservoirs and lakes is important for water resources planning and use. In developing countries where lakes may be poorly gauged and water quantity data sparse or unavailable, a simple and cost-effective method of estimating storage would be useful for reservoir operation and management. In this study, we showed how to estimate reservoir storage by combining hydrological...
June 2012
Nonlinearity in storage- discharge relationship and its influence on flood hydrograph prediction in mountainous catchments
The influence of nonlinearity in storage-discharge relationship on flood hydrograph prediction in three catchments in Zagros mountain region in south west of Iran is examined. An event based runoff routing model, watershed bounded network model (WBNM) is applied to assess the response of the selected catchments. Using all available hyetographs and corresponding flood hydrographs, the nonlinear parameter value...
June 2012
Modeling daily stream flow using plant evapotranspiration method
In hydrological models, soil conservation services (SCS) are one of the most widely used procedures to calculate the curve number (CN) in rainfall run-off simulation. Recently, another new CN accounting procedure has been mentioned, namely the plant evapotranspiration (ET) method or simply known as the plant ET method. This method is embedded in the Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) model which has been...