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Bangladesh is a very low energy consuming country; it is pursuing a low carbon growth path, while building its resilience to climate change, and reducing the risk of climate change, which represents national development. Bangladesh is one of the top 10 nations; mostly vulnerable to climate change and by the end of the century, Bangladesh is set to disappear under the waves. Both Bangladesh and India are parties to the convention that obliges them to maintain natural water flow in river catchment areas to conserve regional ecology and biodiversity. There are many Transboundary Rivers and ecological issues between Bangladesh and India that needs to be resolved. India, being the neighboring country, will also be affected, if the ecology and economy of Bangladesh collapses under the weight of climate and environmental crises. It is therefore in the interest of both India and Bangladesh to work together in directions that will enable Bangladesh to withstand the climate and economic challenges that it faces. Bangladesh and India should take into consideration during their discussions and reach ecology-friendly, win-win solutions, which are common ecological issues. Both the nations should be united in the campaign for protection of the nature, ecology, and environment.
Key words: Poverty, population, migration, government’s integrity.
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