Journal of
Geography and Regional Planning

  • Abbreviation: J. Geogr. Reg. Plann.
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 2070-1845
  • DOI: 10.5897/JGRP
  • Start Year: 2008
  • Published Articles: 399

Table of Content: April 2011; 4(4)

April 2011

Global environmental change and food systems in Southern Africa: The dynamic challenges facing regional policy

  There is a growing concern that Global environmental change (GEC) will exacerbate the stress on Southern African food systems leading to increasing food insecurity, which is signified by rising levels of chronic and severe malnutrition and rates of stunting in children. The situation is further exacerbated by insufficient understanding on how the region’s food systems currently operate, in which ways...

Author(s):   S. Drimie, J. Arntzen, P. Dube, J. S. I. Ingram, R. T. Mano, C. Mataya, M. T. Muchero, E. Vhurumuku and G. Ziervogel  

April 2011

Vegetation dynamic in semi arid Butana plain, Sudan

  Natural vegetation of the western Butana plain of Sudan, at 14 to 16°N and 33 to 35’E, which is composed mostly of Acacia of the Mimosaceane family, has undergone dynamic changes during the last decades as demonstrated by a survey carried out in 2005. The majority of the vegetation is of Acacia trees, shrubs and grasses which are differing spatially, by soil type and in cover; frequency; abundance...

Author(s):   Samir Mohamed Ali Hassan Alredaisy and Mohamed Ahmed Haj Ali Zubair    

April 2011

The qualities of Tabriz historical bazaar in urban planning and the integration of its potentials into megamalls

  The bazaar world of Tabriz, as the largest traditional, attached, roofed bazaar in the world with the finest art and Islamic architecture, and with it being located on Silk Road, has played various economic, social, religious, communicational, political and cultural roles during history, in which the bazaar spirit is affected by the roles and their suitable integration. In this research, which is a...

Author(s): I. Ahour    

April 2011

Natural and eco-environmental vulnerability assessment through multi-temporal satellite data sets in Apodi valley region, Northeast Brazil

  The objective of this study was to improve our understanding of vulnerability and environmental change; its causes basically show the intensity, its distribution and human-environment effect on the ecosystem in the Apodi Valley Region, This paper identify, assess and classify vulnerability and environmental change in the Apodi valley region using a combined approach of landscape pattern and ecosystem...

Author(s):   Mukesh Singh Boori and Venerando Eustáquio Amaro  

April 2011

Infrastructure support and new plant formation: A factor analysis approach

  This study is aimed to explore the result of a questionnaire survey on the plant locations of Japanese manufacturing industries from 1997 to 2003 and the objective is to investigate the impact of infrastructure support on the incubation of new manufacturing plants and to identify the regional variety of the impact. The major finding is that there is a location factor consisting of various infrastructure...

Author(s):   Kazuo Kadokawa  

April 2011

Perceptions of tourists on trail use and management implications for Kakamega Forest, Western Kenya

  The study aimed at providing Kakamega Forest Management with empirical information that can be used to make judicious trail and visitor management decisions. This is important because trails form the main means for accessing visitor facilities and attractions in protected areas. However, most of the methods that have been used to asses trail use impacts have involved elaborate field measurements and...

Author(s):   Kambona Oscar Ouma, Christoph Stadel and Saeid Eslamian,