Journal of
Horticulture and Forestry

  • Abbreviation: J. Hortic. For.
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 2006-9782
  • DOI: 10.5897/JHF
  • Start Year: 2009
  • Published Articles: 317

Article in Press

Adaptation Trial of Improved Market Type White Haricot Bean Varieties under Hararghe Condition

Shanene Haile* and Fantahun Adugna

  •  Received: 15 November 2018
  •  Accepted: 13 March 2020
Field experiment was conducted at Mechara Agricultural Research centers on-station, Habro district on Busoyitu Farmers Training Center and Fedis Agricultural Research Center’s on station with objective to selecting and recommending the best adapted market type white haricot bean varieties. The experiment was laid out using a randomized complete block design with three replications. In the experiment, six improved haricot bean varieties namely Chercher, Awash-2, chore, Nezarath-2, SAB-736, LEHODE and one standard check were used under rain fed condition in 2017/18 main cropping season. The combined analysis of variance over environments showed highly significant differences among varieties, environments and varieties by environment interactions. Mean comparison for the tested varieties indicated that maximum grain yield was obtained from Awash-2 (2.2t ha-1) followed by Chercher (2t ha-1) and Chore (2.14t ha-1). While the lowest seed yield was recorded with variety Nezarath-2 (1.6t ha-1). The combined mean seed yield of Awash-2, Chercher and Chore varieties were 16%, 7% & 6% yield advantage over standard check respectively. At single location (Busoyitu site) there was high significant variations observed among the common bean varieties for the grain yield. Contrast to this, no significant variation showed in seed yield both Mechara and Fedis on station. For that reason, three improved varieties i.e. Awash-2, Chercher and Chore were showed better performance for most of the studied characters including grain yield. But variety Chore and Chercher were yield advantage variation less than 10% of standard check. Accordingly, even though it could be possible to recommend varieties Awash-2 and Chore for respective areas of Busoyitu and Mechara while Chercher for Fedis in order to boost production and productivity of stock holders.

Keywords: Adaptation trial, Common Bean, Phaseolus vulgares, Phenological Parameters, improved Varieties. Environments, varieties by environment interactions.