Full Length Research Paper
Iran tourism industry, despite the variety and quality of its products, its potential in meeting the different expectations and wills of tourists and finally its high capacity for concurrence with the best tourism destinations in the world; is not on its real position from tourist numbers and receipts point of view. The present paper aimed at studying the process of information provision and dissemination in Iran tourism industry in both national and international levels, as one of the main reasons behind the failure of Iran tourism in achieving a steady pattern of well-known and developed tourism destination. This was the first attempt to study the double dimensions of information provision and dissemination in Iran tourism industry within a systematic and professional structure. The method that the research enjoyed was based on library as well as, survey (descriptive and analytical statistics). The main finding of the study showed that there was a meaningful difference between the current situation of information provision and dissemination in Iran tourism industry and the optimal standard at the moment. Based on the findings and the research literature, the structure of an efficient information provision and dissemination system along with its implementation strategies were devised and put forward to bridge the existing gap.
Key words: Information provision and dissemination, tourists information centers, Iran tourism houses, tourism data banks.
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