Case Report
Brucellosis is a zoonotic disease caused by bacteria of Brucella bacteria. It is still a frequently recorded disease in developing countries. Each year, 500,000 new cases of brucellosis develop globally and its incidence in our country, though varied with regard to geographical regions, was found between 1 to 26.7% in the studies conducted. Onset of the Brucella infections is insidious in almost half of the cases and takes time. Indications are not specific. Different symptoms and clinical findings which may be observed during the course of the disease could cause this disease to be sometimes taken for dermatological, hematological, cardiac, neurological, and rheumatologic diseases and that the case becomes difficult to diagnose. Skin involvement is also not widespread in brucellosis. This case is presented to highlight the fact that brucellosis should also be considered in the etiology, in the countries where brucellosis is endemic like in our country, for the patients applied to the hospital due to fever, loss of appetite, weight loss, abdominal pain and maculopapular rash. It was interesting that two brothers applied with the complaint of atypical rash and were diagnosed with Brucellosis.
Key words: Brucellosis, makulopapular rash, zoonosis.
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