Journal of
Medicinal Plants Research

  • Abbreviation: J. Med. Plants Res.
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 1996-0875
  • DOI: 10.5897/JMPR
  • Start Year: 2007
  • Published Articles: 3842

Table of Content: May, 2024; 18(4)

May 2024

Pollen extracts from the Soconusco region: Chemical profile and effect against methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus

Pollen has been widely known to have beneficial properties for humans, including fighting harmful microorganisms. On the other hand, bacterial resistance is an obvious global problem that has increased over the years. For this reason, the study of the antimicrobial properties of substances such as pollen could play an important role in this area. The present work focused on evaluating the antimocrobial effect of pollen...

Author(s): Eduardo Lozano Guzmán, Luis Ángel Morán Núñez, Maribel Cervantes Flores, Adolfo Padilla Mendiola, María Guadalupe Nieto Pescador, Gerardo Alfonso Anguiano Vega, Víctor Jesús Albores Flores, Alfonso López García and Julieta Grajales Conesa  

May 2024

Phytochemical profile and quality control of complex herbal mixtures used to prepare slimming drinks, commercialized in Salvador-Bahia, Brazil

Traditional herbal products with multiple associated plant species and weight loss claims are widely consumed. The inadequacy of these resources to health standards, the lack of supervision, and the analytical obstacles involved in their investigation are challenges and reasons for this research. In this sense, this study aimed to characterize the profiles: Phytochemical, physical, physicochemical, and microbiological,...

Author(s): Ferdinando Lucas Góis, Danilo Moreira Vilas Boas, Gislane Oliveira Ribeiro, Gildeon Silva Marques, Luciano Morais Lião, Mariângela Vieira Lopes Silva, Ademir Evangelista do Vale and Erika Maria de Oliveira Ribeiro  

May 2024

Antioxidant, urobactericidal, and antibiotic modulating activity of a parasitic medicinal plant: Cuscuta reflexa Roxb.

The therapeutic potential of age-old Indian herbal remedies needs immediate scientific validation against urogenital problems. This study investigates the antibacterial efficacy of the methanolic extract of Cuscuta reflexa Roxb. stem through multiple diffusion techniques and the zones of inhibition (ZOIs) are expressed in millimeters. The minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) is found to be 1.25 mg/mL against...

Author(s): S. Rani Tripathy, N. Susmita Pradhan and Sarita Das