December 2017
Assessment of the inheritance pattern of the novel "female only flower" trait in Jatropha curcas L. as potential for hybrid seed production
Jatropha curcas L. (JLC) is a perennial shrub, originating in Central and South America and widely distributed in the tropical regions of the world. It is important in the bioenergy industries due to the characteristics of its oil which can be transformed into high quality biofuel for the substitution of diesel and jet fuel. The native gene, female only flower (FOF), is a desirable trait in the production of hybrid seed...
December 2017
Estimates of combining ability for resistance to pod shattering in soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merrill) genotypes
Combining ability estimates were studied for pod shattering and other agronomic traits in eight parental soybean genotypes of different pod shattering group namely: susceptible to pod shattering, moderately resistant to pod shattering were crossed in a 4 x 4 North Carolina mating design II to generate 16 crosses, due to missing stands encountered in some crosses, 9 successful F1S hybrids were obtained in the...