Ethics interrogating the physical sciences in an insecure society
July-December 2023 - Vol 11 Num. 1
There is no doubt that the world we live in is a world of contradictions. To a layperson, both sides appear parallel without a meeting point. However, for the critical thinker and philosopher, opposites are like two sides of a coin. Each side is necessary for the coin to have value and be used as a valuable material....
Ethics interrogating the physical sciences in an insecure society
July-December 2023
Religion, environment, and climate change in Kolo Creek Clan
July-December 2023
The Quest for Self-reflective Knowledge and Practice: Is an Epistemological Blindness Relative to Time and Situation?
July-December 2023
Thinking initiation for leadership roles in Africa
July-December 2022
The school and contemporary education in Nigeria: Lessons from John Dewey
July-December 2022
December 2004
Roman Expansionism in the third and second centuries BC: A case for imperialism and militarism
September 2018
Moderate communitarianism is different: A Response to J. O. Famakinwa and B. Matolino
March 2014
Rape and adultery in ancient Greek and Yoruba societies
July-December 2023
Religion, environment, and climate change in Kolo Creek Clan
December 2005
The I Ching or “Book of Changesâ€: A Chinese space-time model and a philosophy of divination