Full Length Research Paper
The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of sexual dysfunction, associated factors, quality of life and health seeking habit of males in the Buea Health District (BHD). A community-based cross-sectional study was carried out on sexually active males. Sexual dysfunction and quality of life were assessed using the International Index for Erectile Function (IIEF) and the Sexual Quality of Life Scale-Male (SQOL-M) questionnaire for psychological effect, respectively. The health seeking habits of participants was also assessed. The data were analysed using IBM SPSS Statistics (Version 26). The prevalence of sexual dysfunction was 18%. Erectile dysfunction (48%) was the most reported, whereas premature ejaculation (3.1%) was the least prevalent. Poor intercourse satisfaction and orgasmic dysfunction were linked to masturbation, whereas smoking, anxiety, and age above 50 were associated to poor erectile dysfunction. There was a significant association between all types of sexual dysfunction and the quality of life. For the health seeking habits, 45.7% of the participants sought traditional medication, 40% medical care, and 11.4% roadside medication. Male sexual dysfunction is prevalent in all its forms in the BHD, and it is affected by both life style and demographic factors. The perceived SQOL of affected males is poor and they exhibit different health seeking habits.
Key words: Males, International Index for Erectile Function (IIEF), sexual dysfunction, SQOL, prevalence, health seeking habits.
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