Health plays a crucial role for economic development because it is an indispensable basic need of life which enables people to carry out their day to day activities effectively. Health system in Nigeria has been structured such that the poor cannot have access to the utilization of health infrastructure in rural areas. The study investigated the inequality of child access to health facilities in rural household of Nigeria using secondary data obtained by multiple indicators clusters from 2016 -2017. Analysis of data were done using descriptive statistics, Gini coefficient and logit regression model .In the study most of children below five years old in are males and most household in rural Nigeria have between 1-5 members. The study also revealed that most of the children aged between 24-35 months and 48-59months had the highest percentage in age distribution. Furthermore the study also revealed that there are more male household heads as compared to female. Also children in rural Nigeria receive less of immunization based on the data used for the study. This is attributed to ignorance among the rural households and inadequate medical staffs in rural Nigeria. Furthermore, the level of inequality in rural areas of Nigeria was determined by Gini coefficient using Lorenz curve and it was discovered that the level of inequality among children under five years old was 39 percent. Sensitization programme should be organized for household’s heads educating them on the importance of using healthcare facilities.
Keywords: Inequality, Child health, Health facilities, Nigeria, Rural