How to cite this article
Diemer, S. C. H., Longo, J. de D., Woromogo, S. H., Doyama-Woza, R. H., Fandema, E., & GĂ©rard, G.
(2023). Factors associated with viral suppression and rebound in adult HIV patients on antiretroviral therapy. Journal of Public Health and Epidemiology, 15(4), 297-303.
Chicago /
Diemer Saint Calvaire Henri, Longo Jean de Dieu, Woromogo Sylvain Honore, Doyama-Woza Rodrigue Herman, Fandema Emmanuel and G&erard Gr&esenguet
. "Factors associated with viral suppression and rebound in adult HIV patients on antiretroviral therapy." Journal of Public Health and Epidemiology 15, no. 4 (2023): 297-303.
Diemer Saint Calvaire Henri, et al. "Factors associated with viral suppression and rebound in adult HIV patients on antiretroviral therapy." Journal of Public Health and Epidemiology 15.4 (2023): 297-303.