Development of composite protective coatings from chitosan, Aloe vera gel, and Jatropha oil as a plasticizer on the post-harvest qualities of orange fruit during Ambient Storage
Chitosan and some natural plant extracts were tested to maintain post harvest quality of orange fruits. Edible coatings based on chitosan (CH), Aloe veragel (AL), Jatropha Oil (JO), its combination with Aloe veragel (CHAL) and Aloe veragel with Jatropha Oil (JO) (CHALJO), were developed and applied on orange fruits, in order to improve its quality and shelf life during ambient storage. Weight loss, changes in soluble solids, ascorbic acid content, firmness, pH and the percentage of bacterial and fungal infections of uncoated and coated samples were determined after ambient storage for period of eight weeks. The Orange fruits were stored at ambient temperature of 25oC, 95-98% RH for eight weeks. The above important parameters in determining postharvest quality of a fruit were however significantly (p< 0.05) controlled in the coated Orange fruits following order CHALJO>CHAL>CH>AL>JO>Control. The shelf life of orange fruits was extended by eight weeks. It was concluded that used chitosan mixed with Aloe vera gel and Jatropha oil as plasticizer could be used as a coating for orange fruits thereby serving as an alternative to post-harvest chemical treatments, thus can extend its postharvest shelf life during shipping and marketing. It is advantageous in ensuring the availability of vegetables and fruits and averting the environmental effects arising from the use of chemical preservatives.