December 2016
Evaluation of pacing as an indicator of musculoskeletal pathology in dogs
Little is currently known about the pacing gait in dogs and it has been speculated that pacing may be utilized by dogs with musculoskeletal pathology. The goals of the present study were to determine if pacing in dogs is associated with musculoskeletal disease and to establish if controlled speed impacts pacing. Dogs underwent orthopedic and lameness assessments. Musculoskeletal pathology, when identified, was further...
December 2016
Evaluation of mucin and cytokines expression with intraepithelial lymphocytes determination in the caecum of broilers administered with Enterococcus faecium EF55 and challenged with Salmonella Enteritidis SE147
The protective effect of probiotic strain Enterococcus faecium EF55 in chicks challenged with Salmonella enterica serovar Enteritidis 147 (SE147) was assessed in caecum and blood. Quantitative reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) detection of mRNAs of chicken intestinal mucin gene (MUC2), Interleukin (IL-15) and Interleukin (IL-17) cytokines, together with flow cytometry determination of...
December 2016
Poultry coccidiosis: Prevalence and associated risk factors in extensive and intensive farming systems in Jimma Town, Jimma, Ethiopia
Despite the presence of large number of chicken in Ethiopia, contribution to national economy or benefit from this sector of activity is very limited due to diseases and management, out of which poultry coccidiosis is a leading problem. A cross sectional study was undertaken in Jimma town and College of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine’s (JUCAVM) poultry farm from November 2014 to April 2015 with the objective...
December 2016
Coliform organisms associated with milk of cows with mastitis and their sensitivity to commonly available antibiotics in Kaduna State, Nigeria
An examination of raw milk for the isolation of coliforms as members of mastitis-causing organisms was conducted on 300 cows from four Local Government Areas in Kaduna State, northern Nigeria. A 10.3% prevalence was recorded for coliform organisms using the Microgen GN-ID A+B Kit (Medica-TecTM), these were; Enterobacter spp., Citrobacter spp., Klebsiella spp., Serratia marcescens, Proteus spp. and Pantoea agglomerans...
December 2016
Genetic evolution of infectious bursal disease virus in Senegal
In recent years very virulent (VV) IBDV strains and classical (CV) IBDV strains re-emerged and caused devastating outbreaks in different parts of the world. In this study, genetic evolution of fifteen IBDVs collected in Senegal in 1979, 1999, 2007, 2012, 2013 and 2014 was characterized to gain information for a better control of IBD. Following RT-PCR, nucleotide sequence of the VP2 hypervariable region was determined...
December 2016
Prevalence of poultry coccidiosis in and around Yabello, southern Ethiopia
This study was conducted in and around Yabello, Southern Ethiopia, with the objective of determining the prevalence of poultry coccidiosis and its associated risk factors. Faecal samples were collected from total of 384 chickens. Floatation technique was used to detect coccidian oocyst. The result revealed that out of 384 chickens, 74 were positive to coccidiosis and overall prevalence was 19.3%. The frequency of...
December 2016
The epidemiology of major ectoparasites of sheep and the effectiveness of the control campaign employed in Tiyo and Diksis Districts, Oromia Region, Ethiopia
A cross-sectional study was conducted from November 2013 to July 2014 with the objectives to determine the prevalence of ectoparasite of sheep in the Tiyo and Diksis districts, determine the effectiveness of control program against sheep ectoparasites in the study area and major risk factors associated with effectiveness of control program. A total of 646 sheep (323 from each districts) were examined for the presence of...