March 2012
A prevalence study of internal parasites infecting Boer goats at Adami Tulu Agricultural Research Center, Ethiopia
This study determined the prevalence and intensity of internal parasites infecting pure- and cross-bred Boer goats, and to determine the risk factors associated with the parasites at Adami Tulu Agricultural Research Center, Ethiopia. The study covered five months from November 2009 to March 2010. During this period, faecal samples from 192 goats (104 pure Boer goats and 88 cross-bred goats) were examined using several...
March 2012
Studies on farmer awareness on caprine abortion and the presence of Brucella abortus and Brucella melitensis in selected flocks in an arid zone of Nigeria
A survey was conducted to evaluate farmer’s awareness on caprine abortion and the occurrence of Brucella abortus and Brucella melitensis in flocks in the arid zone of Nigeria. The survey revealed that 80% of the flocks studied had a mean kidding rate of 3 per 2 years, while 19% had a rate of 1 per year. The result also showed that 47% of the farmers use deep burial, 11% discards aborted...
March 2012
Population dynamics of cattle ectoparasites in Western Amhara National Regional State, Ethiopia
Skin diseases are one of the major causes of considerable economic loss from defective skin and hide export. Skin diseases caused by lice, ticks and mange mites, are among the major diseases of cattle causing serious economic loss to the farmer, the tanning industry and the country as a whole. The study was carried out from November 2009 to June 2010 to determine ectoparasites infestations and diversity in Awi zone,...