March 2016
Sero-prevalence of camel brucellosis in three abbatoirs of Nothern Nigeria
A sero prevalence study of camel brucellosis was carried out in three abattoirs of Northern Nigeria during the period of October to December, 2013. A total of three hundred and eleven (311) serum samples were collected from Kano, Sokoto and Maiduguri municipal abattoirs. The serum samples were screened using the Rose Bengal plate test with positive samples further tested with the lateral flow immmnoaassay. Out of 180...
March 2016
Tick burden and acquisition of immunity to Theileria parva by Tarime cattle in comparison to Sukuma cattle under different tick control regimes in the Lake Zone of Tanzania
This study was conducted to determine tick burden and immunological parameters of resistance to East Coast fever (ECF) in Tarime and Sukuma cattle. Tick load, packed cell volume (PCV), Theileria parva (T. parva) specific antibody percent positivity (PP), and prevalence of T. parva parasites were studied in relation to dipping regime, strains, and season. A total of 50 experimental cattle were included in this...