Reactivation of tuberculosis in Covid-19 infected patient: Case report
July-December 2023 - Vol 12 Num. 1
Tuberculous meningitis is a severe manifestation of extrapulmonary tuberculosis, often associated with substantial morbidity and mortality. This case report discusses a unique presentation of tuberculous meningitis in a 39-year-old male who was concurrently positive for COVID-19. The patient initially presented with...
Reactivation of tuberculosis in Covid-19 infected patient: Case report
July-December 2023
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July-December 2020
Interventions in women with one blocked oviduct, lessons learnt and recommendations: A case report
May 2019
The great mimicker: A rare case of Iliopsoas abscess associated with vertebral and sacroiliac osteomyelitis
February 2019
May 2013
Roseomonas mucosa isolated from bloodstream of the myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS) patient
February 2013
Laparoscopic resection of the rudimentary horn of a unicornuate uterus diagnosed by three-dimensional computed tomography
August 2014
Methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus prostatic abscess in an American soldier
February 2013
Sleeping sickness: The consequence of inappropriate diagnosis flow chart in case report
October 2010
Chronic viral hepatitis and their relation to ABO blood groups and rhesus (Rh) factor