International Journal of
Physical Sciences

  • Abbreviation: Int. J. Phys. Sci.
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 1992-1950
  • DOI: 10.5897/IJPS
  • Start Year: 2006
  • Published Articles: 2575

IJPS Articles

Study of vibrations by Raman spectroscopy low frequencies of the phase transition in pyridinium picrate (C6H2N3O7)-.(C5H6N)+

May 2014

The spectra of the crystals of pyridine picrate crude formula, C11H8N4O7, in the mid infrared (IR) and Raman are studied as a function of temperature. They show some changes, which allowed us to first track and describe the structural changes (in both directions under the effect of heat treatment) accompanying the phase transition between 358 and 383K observed by DSC, Rx. After gradual cooling, the reversibility of the...

Author(s): AZIZI Abdelkader and MEDDOUR Athmane

Analysis and supervision of the water extraction of a thermal power plant

May 2014

The aim of this paper is to analysis the water treatment process in a thermal power plant (TPP). In fact, we present an application of a supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) system. Thus, an example of a SCADA system of the center of RADES in Tunisia was presented. Our contribution in this work consists in the analysis of the water loss in the TPP on the one hand and the supervision of the water extraction...

Author(s): M. N. Lakhoua

Simulation analysis of the effect graded Zn(O,S) on the performance of the ultra thin copper indium gallium diselenide (CIGS) solar cells

May 2014

This paper indicated a numerical modeling of ultra thin copper indium gallium diselenide (CIGS) solar cells. An optimum value of the thickness of the structure has been calculated and it is shown that by optimizing the thickness of the cell, efficiency has been increased and cost of production can been reduced. Numerical optimizations have been done by adjusting parameters such as thickness of the layers and the gap. It...

Author(s): Chihi Adel, Boujmil Mohamed Fethi and Bessais Brahim

Properties of Bertrand curves in dual space

May 2014

Starting from ideas and results given by Özkaldi, Ä°larslan and Yaylı in (2009), in this paper we investigate Bertrand curves in three dimensional dual space D3. We obtain the necessary characterizations of these curves in dual space D3. As a result, we find that the distance between two Bertrand curves and the dual angle between their tangent vectors are constant. Also, well known characteristic property of...

Author(s): Ä°lkay ARSLAN GÜVEN and Ä°pek AÄžAOÄžLU

Angular symmetry of space-time and the spinor representation of Poincaré group

May 2014

In the paper, a relativistic theory is suggested; we add three independent angles to the four coordinates of the Minkowski space that define the (x, t) - position of a moving local observer. These angular coordinates define the orientation of an observer under free rotations and they allow us to introduce the generators of the Poincaré group in the angular representation. Instead of a multi-component wave...

Author(s): R. A. Sventkovsky

Modeling and simulation of watershed erosion: Case study of Latian dam watershed

May 2014

The Latian Dam is one of the important drinking water resources of Tehran, and it also has a role in preventing the flood. It is very important to keep the quality of water and preventing the dam from filling. Considering the special aspects of RUSLE model, it was used for estimating the amount of erosion in the watershed of dam including the sub-basins: Jajrood River, Kond River and Afjeh River, and then compared with...

Author(s): Mirzai M., Sajadi A. and Nazari A.

An electrostatic lens system for the deceleration of high intensity heavy ion beams

April 2014

This work focuses on the design and implementation of an electrostatic lens system to produce high-intensity, low-energy ion beams, by means of numerical simulation of the beam trajectories (SIMION 7). The lens design was optimized using the simulation data obtained with a performance characteristics  of the electrostatic lens system. This lens system maintains good beam focal quality for the deceleration of heavy...

Author(s): F. W. Abdelsalam, M. M. Abdelrahman and B. A. Soliman

The first integral method and its application for finding the exact solutions of nonlinear fractional partial differential equations (PDES) in the mathematical physics

April 2014

In this article we apply the first integral method to construct the exact solutions of some nonlinear fractional partial differential equations (PDES) in the sense of modified Riemann–Liouville derivatives, namely the nonlinear fractional Zoomeron equation and the nonlinear fractional Klein- Gordon- Zakharov system of equations. Based on a nonlinear fractional complex transformation, these two nonlinear fractional...

Author(s): Elsayed M. E. Zayed and Yasser A. Amer

Physicochemical characterization and inhibitive performance evaluation of Commiphora kestingii gum exudate in acidic medium

April 2014

Gas chromatographic-mass spectrometry (GCMS), fourier transformed infra-red spectroscopy (FTIR) and physicochemical analysis of Commiphora kestingii gum have been carried out. The corrosion inhibition characteristics of C. kestingii (CK) gum on aluminium in sulphuric acid media were also investigated at 303 and 333K using gravimetric and scanning electron microscopic studies (SEM) method. The study revealed that the gum...

Author(s): Paul Ocheje Ameh

Theoretical spin assignment and study of the A~100 – 140 superdeformed mass region by using ab formula

April 2014

Using an empirical formula of rotational spectra which consists of two parameters a and b (known as ab formula) and derived from the Bohr-Hamiltonian, we extract the spins of fifteen superdeformed bands observed in the A~ 100-140 mass region. The two parameters "a" and "b" were determined by using a search program to fit the proposed transition energies with their observed values. The calculated...

Author(s): A. S. Shalaby,

Influence of pressure from compression textile bands: Their uses in the treatment of venous human leg ulcers

April 2014

The aim of study was to evaluate pressure distribution characteristics of the elastic textile bandages using two instrumental techniques: a prototype instrument and a load transference. The prototype instrument which simulates shape of real leg has pressure sensors which measure bandage pressure. Using this instrument, the results show that elastic textile bandages presents different pressure distribution...

Author(s): Bachir Chemani and Rachid Halfaoui

On the Bishop curvatures of involute-evolute curve couple in E3

April 2014

In this study, the relations between of the Bishop curvatures of involute-evolute curve couple were examined in . Also, the relation between of the Bishop frames of these curves was given. Moreover,  the relations between of curvature radii of these curves were investigated. Lastly, in the case of these curves were planar curves, some corollaries were obtained. Key words. Bishop frame, Bishop curvatures,...

Author(s): Engin As and Ayhan Sarıoğlugil

Analysis of land development conformity obtained using photogrammetric and remote sensing methods with Geographic Information System (GIS) technology

April 2014

Information regarding spatial management can be obtained using various methods, including satellite and photogrammetric technology. However, different methods give different results in terms of spatial resolution. Nowadays, photogrammetric data used for determining the spatial management usually employs pixels representing 0.25 m; still, the majority of the data are orthophotomaps with pixels representing 0.5 m; whereas...

Author(s): Bogusława Kwoczyńska, Urszula Litwin, Bartosz Mitka, Izabela Piech and Tomasz Salata

Geophysical investigation of the effects of sewage in the soil at university of Nigeria, Nsukka, Enugu State, Nigeria

March 2014

Geophysical investigation was carried out to detect the spread of sewage effluent and to locate the sources and delineate migration paths and the extent of leachate plume. The study was to find out the geological formations that are the most conductive layers in the sewage site for the free flow of the contaminants. Soil tests showed that hydraulic conductivity, bulk density and water retention were variable in sewage...

Author(s): Awalla, C. O. C.

Health risk assessment in relation to heavy metals in water sources in rural regions of South East Nigeria

March 2014

Geophysical investigation was carried out to detect the spread of sewage effluent and to locate the sources and delineate migration paths and the extent of leachate plume. The study was to find out the geological formations that are the most conductive layers in the sewage site for the free flow of the contaminants. Soil tests showed that hydraulic conductivity, bulk density and water retention were variable in sewage...

Author(s): Ekere Nwachukwu R., Ihedioha Janefrances N., Eze Ifeanyi S. and Agbazue Vitus E.

Investigation of Kenyan bentonite in adsorption of some heavy metals in aqueous systems using cyclic voltammetric techniques

March 2014

Potential application of Kenyan bentonite for adsorption of iron, cobalt, copper, nickel and zinc and for analysis of electroactive species in water from a polluted water course using a 3-electrode potentiostat and cyclic voltammetry was studied. Polished carbon graphite electrodes were used either bare or modified with Kenyan bentonite using an electrochemically inert adhesive to a thickness of about 0.8 mm. These were...

Author(s): Damaris Mbui, Duke Omondi Orata, Graham Jackson and David Kariuki

Application of the erbium-doped fiber amplifier (EDFA) in wavelength division multiplexing (WDM) transmission systems

March 2014

In the work, characteristics of the erbium-doped fiber amplifier (EDFA) are investigated. The amplification and noise figure dependences on different EDFA parameters in a 2.5 Gbit/s one-channel WDM transmission system are simulated and measured. Additionally, simulation of a four-channel 2.5 Gbit/s WDM system containing in-line amplifiers of the type was done in order to investigate the EDFA performance in multichannel...

Author(s): G. Ivanovs, V. Bobrovs, S. Olonkins, A. Alsevska, L. Gegere, R. Parts, P. Gavars and G. Lauks

Numerical modeling of transients in gas pipeline

March 2014

A set of equations governing an isothermal compressible fluid flow is analytically and numerically analyzed. The obtained equations are written in characteristic form and resolved by a predictor-corrector lambda scheme for the interior mesh points. The method of characteristics (MOC) is used for the boundaries. Advantages of explicit form of these schemes and the flexibility of the MOC are used for an isothermal fast...

Author(s): Mohand  KESSAL, Rachid BOUCETTA, Mohammed ZAMOUM and  Mourad TIKOBAINI

A phenomenological model for photon mass generation in vacuo

February 2014

A phenomenological model is presented here arguing that photon mass is an induced effect rendered in the form of vacuum potential arising from vacuum natural modes. An elementary vacuum potential is defined as a function of vacuum zero-point fields, which yields an expression for effective photon mass generation. A Lagrangian is constructed for this model which incorporates photons with effective mass in vacuo. It...

Author(s): Masroor H. S. Bukhari

On the nature of electric charge

February 2014

A few hundred years have passed since the discovery of electricity and electromagnetic fields, formulating them as Maxwell's equations, but the nature of an electric charge remains unknown. Why do particles with the same charge repel and opposing charges attract? Is the electric charge a primary intrinsic property of a particle? These questions cannot be answered until the nature of the electric charge is...

Author(s): Jafari Najafi, Mahdi

A model for removing sediments from open channels

February 2014

The problems caused by suspended sediment overloading in open channels are of great importance to the hydraulic engineers. One of the important problems caused by the sediment overloading during flood seasons is the change in bed level and corresponding water level of rivers due to its deposition on the river bed. At the upstream reaches, the bed slope is high, velocity is high and hence the rivers carry large amount of...

Author(s): Hassan A. Omran, Mohammed Y. Fattah and Sadiq Q. Sulaiman

Lehmann Type II weighted Weibull distribution

February 2014

We upgrade on the method used on weighted Weibull model proposed by Azzalini (1985) using the logit of Beta function by Jones (2004) to have Lehmann Type II weighted Weibull model with a view to obtaining a distribution that is more better than both weighted Weibull and Weibull distribution in terms of estimate of their characteristics and their parameter. The weighted Weibull distribution is proposed by slightly...

Author(s): N. I. Badmus, T. A. Bamiduro and S. G. Ogunobi

Metamaterials in microwave applications: A selective survey

February 2014

Recently, metamaterial has grabbed prime focus of research fraternity working in the field of antennas, microwave filters and components design. Many different structures of split ring resonators (SRR) for their respective applications have been reported till date. In all of these findings in some way or other, using metamaterial, drastic reduction in size of the component has been achieved. Thus, the metamaterial can...

Author(s): Vipul Sharma, S. S. Pattnaik and Tanuj Garg

A planar microstrip metamaterial resonator using split ring dual at Ku-Band

February 2014

This paper introduces a new planar microstrip metamaterial resonator, the novelty of this paper lays in its unit cell design. The unit cell is formed by connecting metallic traces of two edge coupled split ring resonators to form the infinity symbol on one side of the substrate, and an array of conducting wires on the other. An RLC equivalent model of the structure is also proposed, it can be advantageous to use this...

Author(s): Nitin Kumar and S. C. Gupta

Silver nanoparticles biogenic synthesized using an orange peel extract and their use as an anti-bacterial agent

February 2014

Synthesis of nanoparticles by green methods with antibacterial properties is of great researchers’ concern in the explored of new pharmaceutical and biomedical products. In this study, we synthesized a new product of nanosized particles of silver, non-toxic economy, clean, and conservator for energy. An environmentally friendly route is used for synthesizing silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) using an orange peel...

Author(s): Manal A. Awad, Awatif A. Hendi, Khalid M. O. Ortashi, Dalia F. A. Elradi, Nada E. Eisa, Lamia. A. Al-lahieb, Shorog. M. Al-Otiby, Nada M. Merghani and Abdelelah A. G. Awad

Development of a multilayer perceptron (MLP) based neural network controller for grid connected photovoltaic system

February 2014

This paper focuses on the development of a controller for grid connected photovoltaic energy conversion system. Control design of a single phase inverter interfacing a photovoltaic generator and an electrical grid is performed, based on Artificial Neural Networks. The developed controller is compared with a Proportional Integral (PI) controller through computer simulation. The obtained results show that the neural...

Author(s): A. Ndiaye, L. Thiaw, G. Sow and S. S. Fall

Simulation of 4Ï€ HPGe Compton-Suppression spectrometer

January 2014

Compton-suppression spectrometer is well suited to the analysis of low levels of radioactive nuclides. Monte Carlo simulations can be a powerful tool in calibrating these types of detector systems, provided enough physical information on the system is known. A simplified Compton-suppression spectrometer model using the Geant–4 simulation toolkit was discussed. The spectrometer model was tested to evaluate photo...

Author(s): M. E. Medhat and Yifang Wang

Vectorial reduced differential transform (VRDT) method for the solution of inhomogeneous Cauchy-Riemann system

January 2014

It is well known that initial-value problem for the Cauchy-Riemann system is ill-posed and the problem with such Hadamard instability cannot be solved unless the initial data are analytic. In this paper, we present the vectorial reduced differential transform (VRDT) method to solve initial-value problem for the inhomogeneous Cauchy-Riemann system with analytic data. The VRDTM solution vector achieved is in the form of...

Author(s): Tahir Naseem and Muhammad Tahir

A four-point fully implicit method for the numerical integration of third-order ordinary differential equations

January 2014

In this paper, we derived a continuous linear multistep method (LMM) with step number k = 4 through collocation and interpolation techniques using power series as basis function for approximate solution. An order-seven scheme is developed which was used to solve the third-order initial value problems (IVPS) in ordinary differential equation without first reducing to a system first-order. Taylor’s series algorithm...

Author(s): Awoyemi D. O., Kayode S. J. and Adoghe L. O.

Study of optical constants in Se- In –Pb thin films of chalcogenide glasses

January 2014

Bulk glasses of Se75 In25-x Pbx (when n = 0, 4, 6, 10) systems and thin films have been prepared by the conventional melt quenching technique and by thermal evaporation technique, respectively. The optical constants (absorption coefficient (α), refractive index (n), extinction coefficient (k)) have been studied for Se-In-Pb thin films as a function of photon energy in the wavelength range (300-900 nm). Spectral...

Author(s): Preeti Dwivedi and Rita Awasthi

Application of vertical electrical soundings to characterize aquifer potential in Ota, Southwestern Nigeria

December 2013

A knowledge of hydrogeophysical parameters of aquifers is essential for groundwater  resource assessment, development and management. Traditionally, these parameters are estimated using pumping test carried out in boreholes or wells; but this is often costly and time consuming. Surface geophysical measurements can provide a cost effective and efficient estimates of these parameters. In the present work,...

Author(s): A. P. Aizebeokhai and O. A. Oyebanjo

The application of some biodiversity indices in the Tortum Stream, Erzurum, Turkey

December 2013

The aim of the present study was to investigate biodiversity index, dominancy index and equivalence index of diatom community in the Tortum Stream and its tributaries. Diatom samples were collected from nine stations on the main river and tributaries between July 2012 and May 2013. A total of 36 taxa of Bacillariophyceae were identified. Dominant species was Cocconeis placentula in all stations. Biodiversity...

Author(s): Ozden FAKIOGLU, Mine KOKTURK and Muhammed ATAMANALP

Determination of some physical and mechanical properties of Calabrian pine (Pinus brutia Ten.) trees grown in the Denizli area of Turkey

December 2013

The most extensive distribution of Calabrian pine (Pinus brutia Ten.) trees in the world is found in Turkey. This species varies depending on the regions in Turkey for growth features, such as climate, soil structure and slope. In this study, the technological properties of Calabrian pine (Pinus brutia Ten.) grown in the Denizli area were studied. Within the scope of the study, their physical properties, such as...

Author(s): Kadir Ozkaya

Discrete singular convolution for Lennard-Jones potential using Shannon kernel

December 2013

In this paper, the idea of discrete singular convolution (DSC) as a viable computation method for analyzing physical systems has been underlined. Discrete singular convolution has been used for solving the Schrödinger equation for water molecules, subject to the Lennard Jones potential, and the DSC differentiator has been used for obtaining the energy eigen-states of water, for a given grid size for discretization,...

Author(s): Mrittunjoy Guha Majumdar

Heavy metal concentration in soil of some mechanic workshops of Zaria-Nigeria

December 2013

This research paper investigated the elemental composition of soil samples from four selected mechanic workshops in Zaria. A total of eight samples were analyzed at Centre for Energy Research and Training (CERT) Ahmadu Bello University Zaria using standardless X-Ray Fluorescence spectroscopy (XRF). From the result, it was found that Silicon (Si) has the highest mean concentration ranging from 0.0013-0.0024 ppm and Ba,...

Author(s): N. N. Garba, Y. A. Yamusa, A. Isma’ila, S. A. Habiba, Z. N. Garba, Y. Musa and S. A. Kasim

An appraisal of the water related contaminants as they affect the environment around the Enugu coal mines of Enugu state, southeastern Nigeria

December 2013

Enugu metropolis is within the Anambra basin, which comprises mainly sedimentary rocks of sandstone, siltstone, mudstone and shales in the Lower Benue trough and as the capital of Enugu state in Nigeria and also as one of the major municipal and industrial centers in southeastern Nigeria experiences much groundwater contamination due to coal mining activity. The Area is richly endowed with sub-bituminous three-coal...

Author(s): Awalla, C. O. C.

Evaluation of noise reduction in a cigarette factory, China

December 2013

Millions of workers are exposed to occupational noise that increases their risk of hearing impairment and evidence on the effectiveness of precaution is lacking. This study was undertaken to assess the effect of noise control strategy in a cigarette factory in China. We chose the representative points in the unit, monitored the noise level and analyzed frequency spectrum at the same workplace before and after sound...

Author(s): Jinsong Qiu and Xingpeng He

Numerical solution for a class of singular integral equations

December 2013

This paper is concerned with finding approximate solution for the singular integral equations. Relating the singular integrals to Cauchy principal-value integrals, we expand the kernel and the density function of singular integral equation by the sum of the chebyshev polynomials of the first, second, third and fourth kinds. Some numerical examples are presented to illustrate the accuracy and effectiveness of the present...

Author(s): Samah M. Dardery and Mohamed M. Allan

Adsorption study of Nymphaea alba for the removal of manganese from industrial waste water

December 2013

The application of adsorbents obtained from Nymphaea alba as a replacement for costly conventional methods of removing heavy metal ions from waste water has been reviewed. Detailed adsorption study of manganese on N. alba was investigated. Batch adsorption study was carried out as a function of amount of adsorbent, contact time, thermal treatment, pH and agitation speed. The adsorbent to solution ratio and the metal ion...

Author(s): Shazia Khurshid, Shaheen Kausar, Sadia Afzal, Ahmed Adnan, Arshad Mehmood, Muhammad Arshad and Zafer Ahmad Bukhari

Similarities between photosynthesis and the principle of operation of dye-sensitized solar cell

December 2013

Photosynthesis is the process of converting light energy into chemical energy and storing it in the bonds of sugar; while the operational principle of the dye-sensitized solar cell involve the absorption of light by a dye adsorbed by a photoanode. Electrons are released when the dye is illuminated. The comparison done here showed that there exist a lot of similarities between photosynthesis and the principle of...

Author(s): Efurumibe E. L. and Asiegbu A. D

Optimization of the louver angle and louver pitch for a louver finned and tube heat exchanger

November 2013

The optimization of the louver angle (θ) and the louver pitch (Lp) for a louver finned and tube heat exchanger was investigated numerically along with a simplified conjugate-gradient method (SCGM). The area reduction ratio relative to a plain surface is the objective function to be maximized. A search for the optimum louver angle (θ) and louver pitch (Lp), ranging from 15°< θ < 40° and 2...

Author(s): Jiin-Yuh Jang and Chun-Chung Chen

Feasibility and technical studies of two water recirculating systems using two different power sources, solar photovoltaic and fuel generator

November 2013

Recirculating water systems are designed to minimize or reduce dependence on water exchange and flushing in fish culture units. Water is typically recirculated when there is a specific need to minimize water replacement, to maintain water quality conditions which differ from the supply water, or to compensate for an insufficient water supply. In this work, recirculating system of fish was used in rearing fish which...

Author(s): Oparaku N. F. and Nnaji C. E.

Homotopy analysis method with modified Reimann-Liouville derivative for space fractional diffusion equation

November 2013

In this paper, we applied the homotopy analysis method (HAM) to construct the analytical solutions of the space fractional diffusion equations. The derivatives are defined in the Jumarie’s fractional derivative sense. The explicit solutions of the equations have been presented in the closed form by using initial conditions. Two typical examples have been discussed. The results reveal that the method is very...

Author(s): Jamshad Ahmad and Syed Tauseef Mohyud-Din

Radon assessment in ground water sources from Zaria and environs, Nigeria

November 2013

Groundwater (well and borehole) samples from various locations of Zaria and environs including Sabongari, Tudunwada, Danmagaji, Samaru and Bomo have been investigated for their 222Rn concentrations by liquid scintillation counter. The concentration of 222Rn in open well water was found to vary in the range (0.77-28.37) Bq/L and (2.32-48.80) Bq/L for borehole, with a geometric mean of 12.43 and 11.16Bq/L for borehole and...

Author(s): N. N. Garba, N. Rabi’u, B. B. M. Dewu, U. Sadiq and Y. A. Yamusa

Synthesis, growth and characterization of picolinic acid hydrochloride: A novel semiorganic nonlinear optical single crystal

November 2013

Nonlinear optical single crystals of picolinic acid hydrochloride (PHCL) were grown by the slow evaporation method. The grown crystal was subjected to a single crystal X-ray diffraction analysis, to confirm that it belongs to the orthorhombic structure. The Nonlinear Optical (NLO) property of the crystal is confirmed with the emission of green radiation from the crystal under the illumination of laser radiation (106.4...

Author(s): P. Koteeswari, Suresh Sagadevan and P. Mani

Crustal and upper mantle electrical conductivity structure in north central Nigeria

November 2013

Separated spherical harmonic analysis coefficients of the external and internal parts of the observed quiet-day geomagnetic field variations (Sq) for the North Central Nigeria were used to determine the conductivity profile to depths of about 873 km by Schmucker equivalent substitute conductor method. Within the crust, the conductivity increased from 0.027 S/m at a depth of 7.4 km to 0.074 S/m at 15.5 km and 0.098 S/m...

Author(s): Obiora, Daniel N. and Okeke, Francisca N.

Theoretical and experimental studies for wool wax recovery by flotation

November 2013

Theoretical and experimental studies have been performed to analyze the flotation processes for recovery of wool wax from an industrial effluent by air flotation. Batch flotation process was carried out at different experimental conditions and different air flow rates. The results obtained show that wool wax can be successfully recovered from the tested effluent using batch air flotation. The percentage of wax recovery...

Author(s): Mohsen A. Hashem and Mohammednoor N. Almaghrabi

Optimal lead-lag controller designing for reduction of load current total harmonic disturtion and hanmonic with voltage control using honey bee mating optimization (HBMO)

November 2013

Increase in world demand load has resulted in new distributed generation (DG) that has entered into the power system. One of the most renewable energies is fuel cell, which is connected to power system using a power electronics interface in microgrid or standalone condition. The highest problem of this switching interface based DGs is the power quality (PQ) and harmonics of currents. Also, the voltage of the DGs should...

Author(s): Hamdi Abdi and Ramtin Rasoulinezhad

Predicting geotechnical parameters of fine-grained dredged materials of the gulf of Izmit (NW Turkey) using the slump test method and index property correlations

November 2013

In this study, an attempt has been done to figure out the geotechnical properties of physically remolded dredged materials of the Gulf of Izmit located in NW Turkey, by using slump test method. For this aim, slum tests were conducted on dredged material specimens using open-ended polyvinyl chloride (PVC) cylinders of 10 cm diameter and height. Water content of the dredged material specimens was obtained in the...

Author(s): Kurtulus C., Bozkurt A. and Endes H.

Characteristics of supercritical flow in rectangular channel

October 2013

The present study deals with the supercritical flow characteristics and the effort has been made to verify analytical and empirical relations based on extensive experimentation for different characteristics namely: sequent depth ratio (h2/h1), efficiency of jump (E2/E1), relative height of jump (hj/E1) and relative length of jump (Lj/h2). Also, the existing models for different channel conditions are discussed;...

Author(s): Sumit Gandhi and Vishal Yadav

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