International Journal of
Physical Sciences

  • Abbreviation: Int. J. Phys. Sci.
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 1992-1950
  • DOI: 10.5897/IJPS
  • Start Year: 2006
  • Published Articles: 2575

IJPS Articles

Characteristics of supercritical flow in rectangular channel

October 2013

The present study deals with the supercritical flow characteristics and the effort has been made to verify analytical and empirical relations based on extensive experimentation for different characteristics namely: sequent depth ratio (h2/h1), efficiency of jump (E2/E1), relative height of jump (hj/E1) and relative length of jump (Lj/h2). Also, the existing models for different channel conditions are discussed;...

Author(s): Sumit Gandhi and Vishal Yadav

Studies on the mechanical properties of glycine lithium chloride NLO single crystal

October 2013

The microhardness study reveals the mechanical strength of the grown crystal. The Vicker’s and Knoop hardness studies were performed to understand the mechanical behavior of the glycine lithium chloride crystals. The Vicker’s and Knoop microhardness numbers (HV and HK) for the crystal were found for different loads. It is found that these numbers increase with an increase in the load. The Mayer’s index...

Author(s): Suresh Sagadevan and R. Varatharajan

Comparative performance of Raman-SOA and Raman-EDFA hybrid optical amplifiers in DWDM transmission systems

October 2013

To combine the benefits and compensate for the drawbacks of different optical amplifier types, a hybrid amplifier can be composed. The authors consider two most frequently used hybrid amplifiers that can provide better performance: a semiconductor optical amplifier (SOA), and an erbium doped fiber amplifier (EDFA), both in combination with a distributed Raman amplifier (DRA). To compare performance of the hybrid...

Author(s): V. Bobrovs, S. Olonkins, A. Alsevska, L. Gegere and G. Ivanovs

Effects of heat absorption and chemical reaction on a three dimensional MHD convective flow past a porous plate

October 2013

An attempt has been made to investigate the effects of heat sink and chemical reaction on a three dimensional Magneto hydrodynamics (MHD) convective flow with mass transfer of an incompressible viscous electrically conducting fluid past a porous vertical plate with transverse sinusoidal suction velocity. A magnetic field of uniform strength is assumed to be applied transversely to the direction of the main flow. The...

Author(s): N. Ahmed and K. Kr. Das

The novel terms on the basis of some photon interaction parameters for some barium compounds

October 2013

  The molecular (), atomic (), electronic () cross-sections and the total mass attenuation coefficient () values of barium compounds are determined both experimentally and theoretically. The most interesting result of this study is that the effective , ,  cross-section values are not as expected near the absorption edge. The results have been compared with some other theoretical values...

Author(s): E. Pesen, R. Polat, O. Içelli, Z. Yalçin and S. Orak

Some classification results on totally umbilical proper slant and hemi-slant submanifolds of a nearly Kenmotsu manifold

October 2013

  This paper is concerned with the study of slant and hemi-slant submanifolds of a nearly Kenmotsu manifold. We prove that every totally umbilical proper slant submanifold of a nearly Kenmotsu manifold is totally geodesic and derive the integrability conditions of involved distributions in the definition of a hemi-slant submanifold. Finally, we obtain a classification theorem on a totally umbilical hemi-slant...

Author(s): Siraj Uddin, Cenap Ozel, M. A. Khan and Khushwant Singh

Partitioning large ontologies based on their structures

October 2013

  With awareness of ontology capabilities in processing semantic web information, the number of ontologies have been increasing over the past decade. However, there are still some difficulties in working with ontologies having large sizes (that is having considerable amount of concepts and relationships) resulting from high time and space complexity of the processing involved. To overcome these...

Author(s): Asieh Ghanbarpour, and Hassan Abolhassani

Usage opportunities of the natural dye extracted from acorn (Quercus ithaburensis Decaisne) in the furniture industry upper surface treatment

October 2013

  This study is aimed to develop a natural dye to be used in the furniture industry upper surface treatment and to be sensitive to the environment and human health. For this reason, the natural dye extracted from acorn (Quercus ithaburensis Decaisne) is applied to different types of wood. After that, the determination of color change under the accelerated weathering...

Author(s): Huseyin PEKER, Abdi ATILGAN, Hatice ULUSOY and Osman GOKTAS

Sensitivity of thin film nanocrystalline silicon properties to radio frequency plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition (rf PECVD) parameters

October 2013

  Hydrogenated nanocrystalline silicon (nc-Si:H) films for efficient nc-Si:H solar cells are made at the transition to the nanocrystalline regime during radio frequency plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition (rf PECVD). This transition occurs within a sensitive process window and is affected by various deposition parameters. This paper reports an investigation into the material properties of nc-Si:H films as...

Author(s): S. N. Agbo and P. E. Ugwuoke

Evaluation of thermal mud characteristics of Erzurum (Köprüköy) clayey raw materials (NE Turkey)

October 2013

  In Turkey, there are several natural occurrences of clays/muds which are used for therapeutic, aesthetic, and pharmaceutical purposes. The aim of this study was to assess the mineralogical and physicochemical properties of Erzurum clayey raw materials from Koprukoy (Erzurum, NE Turkey) for their therapeutic purposes. Raw material samples were collected from Pliocene geological formation...

Author(s): Ekrem Kalkan, Mustafa Yıldırım Canbolat, Necmi YarbaÅŸi and Müdahir Özgul

Convolutive cyclic voltammetry studies of PVA/CuI polymer composites at gold electrode

October 2013

Cyclic voltammetry of PVA/CuI polymer composites was studied in acetonitrile as a solvent containing Tetrabutylammonium tetrafluoroborate (TBAFB). Cyclic voltammogram of PVA/CuI polymer composites exhibited unidirectional oxidative peak in the forward scan and irreversible reductive peak in the negative scan. The voltammetric behaviour explored that the electrode reaction of the investigated composite proceeds as EC...

Author(s): El-Hallag I. S., El-Mossalamy E.H., El-Mansy M. K. and Al-Harbi L. M.

Differential transform method for solving non-linear systems of partial differential equations

October 2013

The differential transform method (DTM) has been applied to solve many functional equations so far. In this paper, we propose this method (DTM), for solving nonlinear Jaulent-Miodek and the Hirota-Satsuma equation. Numerical solutions obtained by differential transform method are compared with the exact solutions and that obtained by Adomian decomposition methods. The results for some values of the variables are shown...

Author(s): Raslan K. R. and Zain F. Abu Sheer

Equivalence principle of light’s momentum harmonizing observation from quantum theory to cosmology

October 2013

Unlike in Newtonian mechanics, in the theory of relativity, the coordinate axis is not fixed, and the time axis serves as the background for the observation. In other words, the theory of relativity is background independent (BI). The quantum theory created in the micro-world, in contrast, is background dependent (BD). Efforts to unify both by BI have not yielded much success. In addition, it is recognized that we...

Author(s): Shinsuke Hamaji

Possible internuclear interaction of atoms

October 2013

This work had been devoted to the problem of the nature of forces between molecules of second liquid. A hypothesis of the internuclear interaction of atoms was proposed. But this hypothesis turned out to be suitable also for the interpretation of the chemical covalent bond. It was offered a new model of hydrogen molecule, based on the corpuscular properties of electrons (together with the wave ones). This model did not...

Author(s): Boris A. Mosienko

Determination of trace elements in nutrition materials in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

October 2013

Four types of edible tubercular roots cultivated in Saudi Arabia are analysed through sequential determination of certain essential and toxic trace elements by inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry (ICP-AES). Comparable runs carried out using both flame and graphite atomic absorption spectroscopy (AAS). Radish proved to contain the highest concentration level of iron (>21 μg/g), onion contains...

Author(s): Badriah Saad Al-Farhan

Solitary wave solutions of fifth-order (1+1)-dimensional Caudrey-Dodd-Gibbon equation

October 2013

The manuscript deals with the abundant travelling wave solutions of the Caudrey-Dodd-Gibbon (CDG) equation which have been obtained in a uniform way by using alternative (G`/G)–expansion method wherein the generalized Riccati equation is used. Moreover, a relatively new technique which is called (U`/U)-expansion is also used to find solitary wave solutions of CDG equation. The solutions obtained in this...

Author(s): M. Ali Akbar, Norhashidah Hj. Mohd. Ali, M. Usman, M. Shakeel, Yang Xiao-Jun and Syed Tauseef Mohyud-Din

A tuneable metamaterial design using microelectromechanical system (MEMS) based split ring resonator (SRR)

October 2013

In this paper, we present a study of tuneable equilateral triangular shaped spilt ring resonator (ETSRR). In this ETSRR we rotate the inner and outer rings by varying the position of the splits in rings. For this we used radio frequency microelectromechanical system (RF MEMS) switches. By making MEMS switches ON/OFF, the positions of splits in the rings were varied which can be considered as rotation of rings. As we...

Author(s): Tanuj Kumar Garg, S. C. Gupta, S. S. Patnaik and Vipul Sharma

A Google map-based traffic accident reconstruction system

October 2013

Both traffic accident reconstruction and responsibility confirmation of traffic accident depend on crash scene diagramming and crash simulation. However, mistakenly recorded road geometry of the crash scene usually causes misunderstandings in the crash scene diagramming and thus the result of accident reconstruction is untrustworthy. Research has thus been continuously done to solve the...

Author(s): Chun-Chia Hsu, Chih-Yung Lin and Chin-Ping Fung

Efficient coupling of light wave into slow modes planar photonic crystal slab waveguides

October 2013

The generation of the slow modes in a planar photonic crystal waveguide has been highlighted theoretically and experimentally in the two last decade. However, the exploitation of this phenomenon to control the light propagation in the optical integrated circuits faces several obstacles and technological locks. On the one hand, it is almost impossible to excite this type of modes in the slowing light devices because of...

Author(s): H. Belkebir, A. Qarchi, A. Mir and A. Bouzid    

Heavy metals concentration levels in selected arable agricultural soils in South Western Nigeria

October 2013

The application of micronutrient supplements such as fertilizer, animal manure and sewage sludge in bid to enhance soil productivity and crop yield, poses the risk of heavy metals elevation and nutrients depletion in arable lands. Arable soils were collected from farmlands in use for the cultivation of food produce in selected farming communities in South Western Nigeria. The soils were...

Author(s): Olatunde S. Olatunji, Beatrice O. Opeolu, Olalekan S. Fatoki and Bhekumusa J. Ximba

Prediction of excess pore pressure due to dissociation of gas hydrate within sandy soils

October 2013

The small hydrate concept (SHC) was proposed to predict the generated excess pore water pressure due to dissociation of gas hydrate within sandy soils. This concept was then used to calculate excess pore water pressure in the Storegga slide of which gas hydrate dissociation may have contributed. Since the excess pore water pressure calculated by the SHC resulted in the considerable loss of stiffness and strength in the...

Author(s): Sung-Sik Park

Flexural response of reinforced concrete members strengthened with near-surfaced-mounted CFRP strips

October 2013

Tests and analyses were performed in this study to assess the flexural strengthening capacity of reinforced concrete (RC) members strengthened by the near surface mounted (NSM) technique, which is drawing attention as an alternative to the carbon fiber reinforced polymer (CFRP) bonding strengthening technique. Four-point bending tests were performed on 14 RC specimens. The test variables such as section geometry...

Author(s): Ki Nam Hong, Jae Won Han, Dong Woo Seo and Sang Hoon Han

Evaluation of performance of z-component of Nigerian seismographic stations from spectral analysis

October 2013

Preliminary noise analysis has been carried out on the Z-components of the Nigerian National Network of Seismographic Stations (NNNSS) using data collected from the five operational stations (Toro, Kaduna, Nsukka, Awka and Ife) in 2012. The results of the analysis from noise spectra using SEISAN software clearly showed that the noise levels at the respective stations are high and the average noise levels are above the...

Author(s): Kadiri Umar Afegbua and F. O. Ezomo

Co-digestion of cattle manure with organic kitchen waste to increase biogas production using rumen fluid as inoculums

October 2013

Anaerobic co-digestion strategies are needed to enhance biogas production when treating certain residues such as cattle/pig manure. Co-digestion of food waste with animal manure or other feedstocks with low carbon content can improve process stability and methane production. In this study, anaerobic digestion and co-digestion of cattle manure with organic kitchen waste using rumen fluid as inoculums have been...

Author(s): Tamrat Aragaw, Mebeaselassie Andargie and Amare Gessesse

Dry season predictive technique for estimating the hydrocarbon degradation in a continuous discharge of wastewater in pond system

October 2013

A new correlation has been developed in this paper for predicting hydrocarbon degradation in a continuous discharge of wastewater in a pond system for dry season. The correlation was developed using force balance model on a fluid element in a pond (hydrodynamic model). Mathematical technique known as separation of variables was applied to the general solution obtained from the hydrodynamic model. The degradation rate of...

Author(s): Ukpaka, C. P., Ogoni, H. A., Amadi, S. A. and Akor, J. A.

Variation of source distribution of total oxidants: Contributions of oxides of nitrogen, sulphur (IV) oxide emissions and background ozone from Lagos-Nigeria

October 2013

Air dispersion modeling system (ADMS)-urban was used as air dispersion tool to model the atmospheric pollutants composition over Lagos air shed. The model runs with single point source showing the variation of concentrations of air pollutants (NO2, NOx, O3, and SO2) with ambient air dispersion over the city of Lagos, Nigeria. This city is located in the coastal area, and is highly congested with a high intensity of...

Author(s): A. M. O. Abdul Raheem and F. A. Adekola

Adsorption of Cr(III) and speciation of chromium in aqueous solution using Ambrosia beetle-generated acacia polycantha frass

October 2013

Acacia polycantha frass (APF) generated by boring activity of Ambrosia beetles was investigated using a batch technique for its potential to adsorb Cr(III) ions from aqueous solution. Studies were carried out to determine the effect of pH, adsorbent dose, and KBr concentration on the sorption behavior Cr(III) on the adsorbent. The adsorption process was found to be highly dependent on solution pH with maximum removal...

Author(s): C. Mahamadi

Multi-core large-scale image-based modeling

October 2013

Large-scale image-based modeling is a challenging and important research topic, which has wide applications in various areas. Existed serial methods consume a significant amount of time for large problems. With the emergence of multi-core computers, it is possible to speed up the method using central processing unit (CPU) parallelism. In this paper, we present the design and implementation of multi-core large-scale...

Author(s): Kun Li, Chao Song, Jingyu Yang and Jianmin Jiang

Physicochemical investigation of the drinking water sources from Mardan, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan

October 2013

A total of 39 drinking water sources were analyzed for important physicochemical parameters to evaluate their suitability for human consumption. Samples were collected from the ground water supplies (tube wells, open wells and hand pumps) of highly populated 13 union councils from the urban area of district Mardan. Physical parameters studied include temperature, color, taste, odor, total dissolved solids (TDS),...

Author(s): Naeem Khan, , Syed Tasleem Hussain, Abdus Saboor, , Nargis Jamila,  and Kyong Su Kim

Studies on the potentials of Balanites aegyptiaca seed oil as raw material for the production of liquid cleansing agents

October 2013

The seed oil of Balanites aegyptiaca was extracted and its chemical and physical properties were evaluated. The chemical parameters investigated include: saponification value (SV), iodine value (IV), peroxide value (PV) and free fatty acid (%FFA). These were found to be 168.6 mgKOH/g, 78.7 gI2/100 g, 6.0 mEq/kg and 0.18 mgKOH/g, respectively. The physical parameters evaluated include: percentage yield (49.9%),...

Author(s): Manji A. J., Sarah E. E. and Modibbo U. U.   .    

On consistency and security issues in collaborative virtual environment systems

October 2013

This paper survey security issues in collaborative virtual environments (CVEs) systems. In CVE, multiple users work on different computers which are interconnected through different networks to interact in a shared virtual world. Due to the nature of the geographically disperse users and their connection via different networks, there are numerous security threats that denied fulfillments of most important CVE...

Author(s): Abdulsalam Ya’u Gital, Abdul Samad bn Ismail and Shamala Subramaniam

Seismic refraction and resistivity imaging for assessment of groundwater seepage under a Dam site, Southwest of Saudi Arabia

October 2013

Seismic refraction and resistivity imaging methods were used to investigate a Dam site in Southwest Saudi Arabia to delineate the source and pathway of groundwater seepage in the site. The selected methods have the possibility to give an image of the subsurface and map lateral and vertical variations in the subsurface geology of the site. For this purpose, 48-channels seismograph with geophone spacing of 5 m,...

Author(s): Sayed S. R. Moustafa, Elkhedr H. Ibrahim, Eslam Elawadi, Mohamed Metwaly,and Naser Al Agami

Electrical, structural and thermal properties of graphite/silicone blends

October 2013

We report the results of electrical, structural and thermal investigations on graphite/Silicone blends (G/Silicone), obtained by dispersion of graphite powder in an insulating matrix of rubber silicone. The X-ray diffraction analysis showed crystalline structure for our all studied (G/Silicone) blends. Conductivity measurements were reported in the temperature range of 298 to 423 K. The blends showed percolation...

Author(s): Aymen MannaÏŠ, Fethi Gmati, Sami SaÏŠdi and Abdellatif Belhadj Mohamed

Thermo-electrical characterization of Lead-Cadmium (Pb-Cd) alloys

October 2013

Thermal conductivities of solid phases for pure Lead (Pb) and Pb-x wt.% Cadmium (Cd) (x = 3.3, 5, 12, 17.4, 50, 95, 99.75) binary alloys were measured with a radial heat flow apparatus. The variations of electrical conductivity (σ) on temperature and composition for the Pb-Cd alloys were measured with DC four-point probe technique. It has been observed that the electrical conductivity of Cd-based Pb-Cd alloys...

Author(s): Fatma Meydaneri, Buket Saatçi and Mehmet Ari

Vibration reduction and stability study of a dynamical system under multi-excitation forces via active absorber

October 2013

An active vibration absorber for suppressing the vibration of the nonlinear system when subjected to external and parametric excitations forces will be studied. The aim of this paper is to study the effect of the nonlinear controller on the vibrating system. The approximate solutions up to the second order are derived using the method of multiple scale perturbation technique near the primary, principal parametric...

Author(s): E. E. El Behady and E. R. El-Zahar

Solution and dynamics of a fourth rational difference equation

October 2013

In this paper, we get the form of the solutions of the following nonlinear recursive sequences of order four  where the initial conditionsare arbitrary real numbers. Also, we study some qualitative behaviors of the solutions as periodicity character of the solutions of these different equations and we obtain the equlibrium points of considered difference equations in order to investigate the local...

Author(s): E. M. Elsayed

A supplement to the Michelson-Morley experiment

October 2013

Based on the great Michelson-Morley experiment and predecessors’ analyses, this famous experiment was reviewed under the principle that velocity of light is independent of the motion of the light source emitting or reflecting it, mainly on time difference or optical path difference (OPD). We will discover in this work that predecessors’ analysis on the famous experiment may be improper, and that there is no...

Author(s): Lewin Lee

Factors influencing the performance and efficiency of solar water pumping systems: A review

October 2013

The world is having an energy crisis and currently there is a strong drive towards renewable energy. A renewable energy option is solar energy, where by means of photovoltaic (PV) modules electrical energy can be produced. A residential as well as industrial application for these PV modules is solar water pumping systems. Disadvantages of solar water pumping systems are low performance and low energy efficiency. This...

Author(s): Rupert Gouws and Thendo Lukhwareni

Numerical and experimental evaluation of bearing capacity factor Nγ of strip footing on sand slopes

September 2013

Results of laboratory model tests and numerical studies on the behavior of a strip footing adjacent to a sand slope are investigated and presented in this paper. The investigated parameters include the effects of depth of the first reinforcement layer, vertical spacing, number of reinforcement layers, and distance between the edges of footings on bearing capacity. Results were analyzed to determine the effects of each...

Author(s):   Mohd Raihan Taha and Enas B. Altalhe

Role of Rose Bengal-Mannitol system for generation of electrical energy in photogalvanic cell

September 2013

Photogalvanic effect was studied in photogalvanic cells containing Rose Bengal as dyes and Mannitol as reductants. The photogalvanic cells were determined by the photo potential, photocurrent, conversion efficiency, power of cell and performance of cell. The effects of various parameters like pH, light intensity, diffusion length, reductant concentration and dye concentration on the electrical output of the cell is...

Author(s): Mahesh Chandra, Anoop Singh and R. C. Meena

A nonlocal integral boundary value problem of nonlinear integro-differential equations of fractional order

September 2013

This study discussed the existence of solutions for a nonlinear fractional integro-differential equation of order  with four-point nonlocal integral boundary conditions. The given problem is transformed to an equivalent fixed point problem in terms of an operator equation. Then, by means of Banach contraction principle and a fixed point theorem due to Krasnoselskii, the existence results are obtained. The last...

Author(s): Bashir Ahmad, Ahmed Alsaedi and Safa Alsulami

A note on dynamical systems satisfying the Wünschmann-type condition

September 2013

Dynamical systems of second order ordinary differential equations (SODEs) satisfying the Wünschmann-type condition are presented, with a special emphasis on SODEs provided by Euler-Lagrange equations, particularly, geodesics on surfaces. Some remarkable facts are to be pointed: three of our examples are of quasi Euler-Lagrange nature; also, except one example that leads to classical Euclidean 2D metric, all yields...

Author(s): Mircea Crăşmăreanu and Vlad Enache

Motion groups and circular helices in Lorentz 3-space

September 2013

In this paper, we find the curves which are orbits of points under the homothetic and helicoidal motion groups in Lorentz 3-space. Also, we show that if these curves are Frenet curves then their curvature and torsion are constant. So we can say that these curves are circular helix in Lorentz 3-space.   Key words: Helix, homothetic motion groups, helicoidal motion groups, Frenet curves.

Author(s): Esma Demir and Yusuf Yayli

Earthquake precursory studies at Amritsar Punjab, India using radon measurement techniques

September 2013

The continuous soil gas radon and daily monitoring of radon concentration in water is carried out at Amritsar (Punjab, India), a well known seismic zone to study the correlation of radon anomalies in relation to seismic activities in the study area. In this study, radon monitoring in soil was carried out by using barasol probe (BMC2) manufactured by Algade France whereas the radon content in water was recorded using...

Author(s): Arvind Kumar, Vivek Walia, Surinder Singh, Bikramjit Singh Bajwa, Sandeep Mahajan, Sunil Dhar and Tsanyao Frank Yang

A new approach on production of slope map using autonomous Unmanned aerial vehicle

September 2013

Many studies have been done previously to generate a slope map at the area of interest. However, most of these methods can be time consuming and they require huge cost. Currently, aerial mapping using Unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) is very popular in the mapping field. UAV can promise a high accuracy data with low cost and less time needed to produce a slope map at certain area. Therefore, a scientific approach needs to...

Author(s): Khairul Nizam Tahar, Anuar Ahmad, Wan Abdul Aziz Wan Mohd Akib and Wan Mohd Naim Wan Mohd

A multilevel fast multiple method for computing the propagation of multiply scattered 2.5-D teleseismic surface waves underneath a linear or quasi-linear seismic station array

September 2013

We introduce an algorithm for the forward modeling of multiple scattering of teleseismic surface waves where the underground structure beneath the linear (or quasi-linear) seismic station array is assumed two-dimensional and the teleseismic surface waves may be approached from an arbitrary direction. The current algorithm is two-and-half-dimensional since even though the structure is two-dimensional, the displacements...

Author(s): Özcan Çakir

Synthesis and use of hydrotalcites as heat stabilisers in thermally processed powdered polyvinylchloride (PVC)

September 2013

Lead-based stabilisers, such as lead sulphate and lead stearate, currently used in the processing of polyvinylchloride (PVC) products are being substituted with more environmentally safe, economically viable and higher quality materials. This study aimed to use hydrotalcites (HTs), which are environmentally non-hazardous and simple to synthesise, to effectively quench the HCl gas evolved during the degradation of PVC....

Author(s): A. Bissessur and M. Naicker

Excessive correlated shifts in pH within distal solutions sharing phase-uncoupled angular accelerating magnetic fields: Macro-entanglement and information transfer

September 2013

Entanglement or “excess correlation” between physical chemical reactions separated by significant distances has both theoretical and practical implications. In 24 experiments, the inverse shifts in pH were noted in two quantities of spring water separated by 10 m that shared rotating magnetic fields (0.5 µT) with changing angular velocities when one solution was injected with proton donors (weak acetic...

Author(s): Blake T. Dotta, Nirosha J. Murugan, Lukasz M. Karbowski and Michael A. Persinger

Comparison of selected physical properties of deep peat within different ages of oil palm plantation

September 2013

The environment of young and mature oil palm plantation were found to be different due to the size of the oil palms and the depth of water tables applied. The environments in both sites have probably influenced the changes of peat soil physical properties towards the peat land degradation. A study was carried out to compare selected physical properties of deep peat between two different ages of oil palm plantation...


Coupled-operations model and a conditional differential evolution algorithm for improving reservoir management

September 2013

This paper proposes a flexible methodology for finding the optimal control of reservoir operations, which is adopted for simulating a storage system including a large reservoir simulation model and a numerical search method for searching decision variables. The optimization model used was a conditional differential evolution algorithm (CDE). The model was connected to reservoir simulation model for searching the...

Author(s): Rattana Hormwichian, Anongrit Kangrang, Alongkorn Lamom, Chavalit Chaleeraktrakoon and Sanguan Patamatamkul

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