Patterns of human – wildlife conflicts in Zambia, causes, consequences and management responses
September 2012
A study was carried out to determine causes, consequences and management responses of human – wildlife conflicts in Zambia during the period 2002 to 2010. Data was collected by field staff in the four management regions of Zambia Wildlife Authority and analyzed to establish patterns and species responsible for human fatalities, livestock predation, crop damage and other damages to human...
Comparative Aeropalynology of Ota, Nigeria
September 2012
The aeropalynological sampling of March 2011 was carried out at Ayetoro-Itele, Ota, southwest Nigeria. This was done to create a basis for comparison with March 2010 aerofloral data and verify conclusions made there with respect to its strange haze dust. An improvised aerofloral sampler made up of a food flask base, plastic cylinder, 5 µm mesh sieve and sieve-clamp was mounted on a 2 m stand beside the position of...
Benthic macroinvertebrate community of Yousmarg streams (Doodganga stream and Khanshah Manshah canal) in Kashmir Himalaya, India
August 2012
This study attempts to provide an overview of the benthic macroinvertebrate assemblages of Yousmarg streams. For studying the distribution of macroinvertebrate assemblages in the two streams, that is, Doodganga and Khanshah manshah canal, a total of 4 study sites were selected. During the period of investigation, 24 species of macrozoobenthos in Yousmarg streams were recorded. Arthropoda was found to be the most...
Long-term ecological impacts of harvesting non-timber forest products on tree species diversity at the periphery of Mbam and Djerem National Park, Cameroon
August 2012
Non-timber forest products (NTFPs) strongly contribute to livelihood security of forest-adjacent communities. This study examined the impacts of their harvesting on tree species diversity at the periphery of Mbam and Djerem National Park (Cameroon). Tree species diversity, with diameter at breast height (dbh) ≥ 10 cm, was analyzed in small plots (10 × 100 m) along seven 1-ha transects. Species diversity and...
Water resources management in the Brazilian agricultural irrigation
July 2012
The Brazilian agribusiness is growing fast, especially in the last fifteen years when the grains production almost two-folded. Besides the expansion in the agricultural frontier to the Amazonian Region, there are other drivers for the success. As one of the biggest country around the globe, Brazil has the largest water reserve in the world. Brazilian agriculture production and productivity are also related to the use of...
The quest for a relevant environmental pedagogy in the African context: Insights from unhu/ubuntu philosophy
July 2012
The quest for environmental sustainability and sustainable use of natural resources has become mandatory if humanity is to successfully manage the environmental fall-out consequent upon industrialisation and modernisation. Educational responses to the environmental crisis involve introducing environmental education or education for sustainable development and of late Climate Change Education for Sustainable Development...
An eco-epidemiological mathematical model with treatment and disease infection in both prey and predator population
July 2012
This paper examines an eco-epidemiological mathematical model with treatment and disease infection in both prey and predator population. A system of differential equations for the problem is proposed and analyzed qualitatively using the stability theory of the differential equations. A local and global study of the model is performed around the disease-free equilibrium and the endemic equilibrium to estimate...
Rethinking green revolution program: The impact of Mozambique’s fast-track green revolution program on the environment and animal rights
June 2012
The green revolution program (GRP) in Mozambique has taken centre stage in academic circles, and academics and researchers have tussled with various aspects of this subject. While the GRP is meant to reduce the country’s food insecurity and was successfully implemented in some countries like India (Arundhati, 2004), the results have been different in many African countries. In Mozambique, GRP has dramatically...
Aquatic ecosystem pollution and ecological impacts of agricultural sewage in the Caspian Sea watershed
June 2012
The existing system of management and development of irrigation and drainage without consideration of the ecological danger have led to disruption of the ecosystem balance and change it function. The existence of many rivers draining into the Caspian Sea, and uncontrolled utilization of pesticide toxicants, are one of major concern regarding the water resources in the north provinces of Iran. A study have been done for...
Population status of the common hippopotamus (Hippopotamus amphibius) in Luangwa River, Zambia
June 2012
The population size of common hippopotamus, Hippopotamus amphibious in the Luangwa valley, Zambia was assessed for the period of 1976 to 2008. A comparison of historical data on population size for the period of 1952 to1975 was also made. Ecological carrying capacity (K) and carrying capacity band were estimated from data on population size. The river bank foot count method was used, which involved the...
Impact of climate change and anthropogenic activities on renewable coastal resources and biodiversity in Nigeria
May 2012
Climates related disaster is greatly human induced warming, leading to substantial fluctuations in earth temperature which is currently a global issue of environmental concern. Human proximity and pressure in and around the coastal region has threatened flora, fauna and micro-organic resources of economic importance in most developing nations. Two-third of the word populations lives in or around the coast and 16 of the...
Soil organic carbon stock potential of shrubs, occupying natural Anogeissus latifolia forest in sub-tropical belt of Garhwal Himalaya
May 2012
The soil organic carbon (SOC) stock in three pure shrub species was compared with the adjacent growing Anogeissus latifolia tree stand to understand the changes occurring in SOC stock as a consequence of degradation of A. latifolia forests. Among the shrubs, Rhus parviflora (168.00 ± 1.60 t ha-1) and Lantana camara (164.16 ± 2.08 t ha-1) showed higher values of...
Impact of Climate Change in Bangladesh: The Role of Public Administration and Government’s Integrity.
May 2012
Climate change is one of the most important issues to tackle this generation and possibly any generation in history. Bangladesh is a very low energy consuming country, it is pursuing a low carbon growth path, while building its resilience to climate change and reducing the risk of climate change, which represents national development. However, Bangladesh is one of the top 10 nations that are mostly vulnerable...
Population status and habitat-use pattern of Indian white-backed vulture (Gyps bengalensis) in Himachal Pradesh, India
April 2012
Studies on population status and habitat-use pattern of Indian White-backed Vulture (Gyps bengalensis) in Himachal Pradesh revealed the presence of 22 nesting colonies of this species, supporting 77 nests, of which, only 56 pairs bred successfully during breeding season (October to March/April) in 2010 to 2011. Breeding success increased from around 56% (2009 to 2010) to around 73% (2010 to 2011), indicating a slight...
Biochemical changes induced by dimethoate (Rogor 30% EC) in the gills of fresh water fish Puntius ticto (Hamilton)
April 2012
The freshwater fish Puntius ticto was exposed to lethal (5.012 ppm) and sublethal (2.506 and 1.253 ppm) concentrations of dimethoate for 96 h and 60 days, respectively. Biochemical changes in the gills were analyzed after exposure period. Exposure of fish to lethal and two sublethal concentration of dimethoate showed decreased in the protein content in the gills after 60 days exposure. As compared to lethal...
Population status of the African elephant in Zambia
April 2012
Prior to the 1960s Zambia had an estimated elephant population of over 250, 000, but by 1989 it had fallen to about 18 000 individuals. After about 10 years of improved law enforcement operations and the involvement of local communities, populations stabilized and even started to increase by 1996. In order to update and compare population estimates, aerial surveys using similar methods used in the past were conducted...
Determination of ground water quality of former Lake Haramaya, Oromia Regional State, Ethiopia
April 2012
The assessment of the quality of available groundwater in a certain area is indispensable for the development of human beings in every sector. This study conducted in 2010 assessed the groundwater quality of former Lake Haramaya area to check its suitability for domestic purpose. Primary data were collected from triplicate samples of six sources for physical, chemical and biological analysis. Based on the physical...
Wildlife use of Bharandabhar forest corridor: Between Chitwan National Park and Mahabharat foothills, Central Tarai, Nepal
March 2012
Barandabhar forest is a wildlife corridor connecting Chitwan National Park and Mahabharat foothills in Nepal’s Inner Tarai. Chitwan harbors the largest population of the great one-horned rhinoceros (Rhinoceros unicornis L.) in Nepal. Barandabhar forest serves as a highly potential alternative habitat to enable wildlife to move up to Mahabharat foothills mainly during the rainy season. The whole forest...
Assessing ecosystem effects of small–scale cutting of Cameroon mangrove forests
March 2012
One of the most universal forms of resource-use in the tropics is small-scale wood exploitation; but ecologists are only starting to study its effects. This paper examines the effects of small-scale wood harvesting on forest structure and composition of mangrove forests. A stratified sampling method was used to select the sample zone. The forest characteristics were assessed by employing the quadrat/census plot method...
Gill net selectivity in the White Nile fisheries, Khartoum State, Sudan
March 2012
Gill-net selectivity is a size and type of fish that caught depending upon specific mesh size of a used gill-net. In this study, four different mesh sizes (4, 6, 8 and 15 cm) were used in al-Kalakla Fishery (KF) and Jabel Awlia Dam Fishery (JADF) in the White Nile for studying their selectivity. The results of a catch per unit effort (CPUE) study showed that meshes 4 and 6 cm had higher productivity in fishing in KF...
Indigenous knowledge on fuel wood (charcoal and/or firewood) plant species used by the local people in and around the semi-arid Awash National Park, Ethiopia
March 2012
Fuel wood (charcoal and/or firewood) species used by the Afar and Oromo (Kereyu and Ittu) Nations in and around the semi-arid Awash National Park (ANP), Ethiopia was conducted ethnobotanically. The study aimed to investigate and document various aspects of indigenous knowledge (IK) on fuel wood species and their associated threats. A total of 96 informants between the ages of 20 and 80 were selected using prior...
Comparative survey on the essential oil composition from the leaves and flowers of Laurus nobilis L. from Kerman province
March 2012
The chemical composition of the essential oils of the leaves and the flowers of Laurus nobilis L. (Lauraceae) from Kerman province, Iran were obtained by hydrodistillation method and analyzed by gas chromatography and gas chromatography mass spectrometry. Thirty-three compounds, accounting for 95.75% of the total oil with 1.8% oil yield were identified in the essential oil of the leaves. The...
Simulation of the impacts of three management regimes on carbon sinks in rubber and oil palm plantation ecosystems of South- Western Cameroon
March 2012
The impacts of managed, extended and complete rotation on carbon sequestration in rubber and oil palm plantations were simulated using the CO2FIX V.2 model, using degraded farmland carbon stocks as a baseline. Results showed that the extended rotation resulted in higher C-sequestration in rubber (264 Mg C/ha), and the complete rotation (88 Mg C/ha) for the oil palm plantation. There was better soil carbon recovery in...
Field foot patrol effectiveness in Kafue National Park, Zambia
March 2012
Field foot patrols effectiveness for wildlife protection in a large vegetal mosaic Kafue National Park (22,400 km2) was assessed for two successive periods of different duration. The relationship between patrol days spent in the field by patrol teams and resultant outcomes was determined. Using trained patrol scout teams, field data was recorded on prescribed patrol forms. Prosecution data was populated into database...
Evaluating the influence of open cast mining of solid minerals on soil, landuse and livelihood systems in selected areas of Nasarawa State, North-Central Nigeria
February 2012
The study was conducted on soils of selected mining areas in Nasarawa State, North Central Nigeria to assess the environmental impact of open cast mining of coal and Baryte minerals. These entailed a survey of twenty four farm households, while soils, minespoils and water were collected and subjected to standard laboratory analyses. The results showed that soils around the mine sites were coarse...
Compositional features of precambrian pegmatites of Ago-Iwoye area South Western, Nigeria
February 2012
The increase in global demand for rare metal Ta-Nb deposits has caused a resurgence of interest in the search for economically viable deposits. Precambrian pegmatites occurring as near vertical dykes have been studied, with the aim of determining their compositional features and possible economic values. Four thin sections were prepared from the pegmatites of the study area for petrographic study. A total of twenty five...
Evaluation of Sesbania sesban L. (Merr) and Mimosa invisa L. (Fabaceae) as sources of nitrogen in irrigated rice on the Vertisols of the Accra Plains of Ghana
February 2012
Sesbania sesban L. (Merr) and Mimosa invisa L. (Fabaceae) were grown in rotation with lowland rice (var. KRC Baika). The experiments were conducted on three farmers’ fields at the Kpong Irrigation Project (KIP) sites at Akuse (lat 6° 06' N, long 0° 07' E) and Asutsuare (lat 6° 04' N, long 0° 12' E). In Farm 1, S. sesban and M....
The invasive status of wild barley (Hordeum spontaneum Koch) in Iranian flora
February 2012
The success of a weed’s biological pathway is dependent on several factors including the mechanism(s) of dispersal, longevity of seeds in the soil seed bank, adaptation to varying environmental conditions and, competitive and reproductive abilities. In Near East barley, some races can be identified as wild but in other races wild and weed forms are confounded. Wild barley has wider distribution than the wild wheat...
Agricultural land allocation in small farms around Maasai Mau forest, Kenya and the implications on carbon stocks
February 2012
Recent assessment of the Maasai Mau forest-part of the largest remaining natural forest in Kenya revealed that direct expansion of small farms into the forest in response to population and climate induced land use pressures, largely contributed to a 42% loss in forest cover between 1995 and 2008. In response, the Kenyan government plans to integrate farmers into forest management initiatives through incentive schemes...
Effect of pH decline by acidified spring water on the growth of a submerged macrophyte, Egeria densa (Hydrocharitaceae) in the Kurohashi River, Japan
February 2012
A decline in pH shifts the equilibrium balance of HCO3- -free CO2 towards a regime dominated by free CO2 in the water. Based on the phenomenon, the effect of different pH values on the growth of a submerged macrophyte Egeria densa was investigated in an acidified spring-fed stream in Japan. The growth rate of E. densa during its developing period was found to negatively correlate to...
Forest duiker (Cephalophus spp.) abundance and hunting activities in the Kakum conservation area, Ghana
February 2012
The abundance of forest duikers (Cephalophus spp.) was compared to the incidence of hunting activities in the Kakum conservation area, Ghana. Transect surveys indicated that four duiker species were present: Maxwell’s duiker (Cephalophus maxwellii), Bay duiker(Cephalophus dorsalis), Black duiker (Cephalophus niger), and Yellow-backed duiker(Cephalophus silvicultor). The indicators of hunting...
The slenderness of the softwood Riparian forest species Salix alba L. and Salix fragilis L. in the protected area of Nestos Delta, Greece
January 2012
The slenderness (height/diameter or h/d ratio) is an important factor, which describes the type of stem that each forest species develops. It depends on the species, the tree age and the site conditions. It is a basic factor that characterizes the structure and stability of the stand and a means for the assessment of the dynamics of height course. The objective of the present study was to...
Ligneous flora diversity of a submountain forest of West Cameroon: The Kouoghap sacral forest of the village Batoufam
January 2012
Batoufam is a village of the high lands of the West of Cameroon, situated about 20 km to the South of Bafoussam (5°14' to 5°18' N latitude and 10°20' to 10°31' E longitude), inside the Batoufam-Bayangam caldeira of the volcanic massif of Bangou. The sacred forest Kouoghap (SF) is located on the south-eastern side of this caldeira at 1,450 to 1,550 m elevation. It is estimated today at 47...
Dry season herbivore utilization of open grasslands in Lower Zambezi National Park, Zambia
January 2012
Utilisation of open grassland plains by large herbivores (≥100 kg) and harvester ants (Messor capensis) in Lower Zambezi National Park, Zambia was assessed every September from 1997 to 2007. A point intercept method was used to estimate percent cover for grass, shrub, bare, litter, herbivore droppings and presence of harvester ants in the Jeki open grassland vegetation community as indicators of...
Microbial corrosion of steel coupons in a freshwater habitat in the Niger Delta
January 2012
Microbial corrosion of stainless, mild and carbon steel coupons in a semi static freshwater habitat was carried out monthly for a period of one year. Corrosion rate was determined by weight loss. Carbon steel had corrosion rate of 44 g/year, mild steel 27 g/year, stainless steel 0.64 g/year. Ecological quality parameters of the river water for rainy season decreased from April to October, respectively in the following...
Influence of Zn stresses on growth and physiology in Khus-khus (Vetiveria zizanoides Nash.) and its essential sesquiterpene oil(s), in relation to roots diameter circumferential positions
January 2012
Culturing Khus in controlled glasshouse condition in sand culture techniques for maximum essential monoterpene oil(s) was found (0.21%) in young developed middle position circumferences of roots. At middle position of leaf, net photosynthetic rate and contents of chlorophyll (Chl) were affected. The maximum peroxidase activity was obtained at the middle position of leaf and roots circumferences area, with the maximum...
Pollution status and effect of crude oil spillage in Ughoton stream ecosystem in Niger Delta
December 2011
The present study evaluates the pollution status and the physico-chemical characteristics of Ughoton stream water as it affects the quality of water and its impact on Ughoton stream ecosystem. Surface water samples were collected at various distances, 50,100, 250, and 500 m downstream from an oil well. The potentially toxic elements, Fe, Mn, Zn, Ca, Cr, Cd, Ni, and Pb were analyzed. Other parameters including...
Determinants of individual willingness to pay for quality water supply: The case of Wonji Shoa Sugar Estate, Ethiopia
December 2011
This paper analyses the determinants of households’ willingness to pay (WTP) for quality water supply, using the contingent valuation method (CVM). The study was conducted with randomly selected households in the factory villages of Wonji Shoa Sugar Estate, Ethiopia. The value elicitation method used is a close ended format questionnaire with additional close ended format and open ended follow up questions, which...
Wildlife crop depredation in the Luangwa Valley, eastern Zambia
December 2011
Wildlife crop raiding was assessed in six chiefdoms of the Luangwa Valley, eastern Zambia between 2004 and 2008 to establish nature and extent of wildlife crop degredation and examine the impact of existing mitigation measures being implemented to deter wildlife crop raiding. Crop damage assessments, involving crop quality, stage of growth and proportion of crop damage, were conducted using six trained field...
The celestial factor
December 2011
In reality there are various kinds of explanations for each type of extinction. This paper introduces a new theory to explain and to estimate the size and frequency of all extinctions over the entire period of 600 my of the fossil record. The central point was the search for a common pattern and even one common formula. The explanation seemed to be excellent. We will demonstrate in what way death is a fact of life: by...
Distribution and succession of aquatic macrophytes in Chilka Lake - India
December 2011
Chilka is the largest brackish water lake in Asia and also the second largest lake in the world. It is situated between 19°28' and 19°54' North latitude and 85°05' and 85° 38' East longitude. A mix of estuarine, marine and freshwater ecosystem is observed here and the lagoon has a long history of sustainable fishing. In September 2000 as a part of its management endeavour, the local...
Assessment of heavy metals (lead and cadmium) concentration in Paspalum orbiculare near municipal refuse dumpsites in Lagos State, Nigeria
December 2011
Lead and cadmium concentrations in Paspalum orbiculare from four different dumpsites and a control site were determined in this study. The Plant samples were analyzed for lead and cadmium concentrations using a flame atomic absorption spectrophotometer (FAAS) Perkins Elmer Model 500. The presence of lead in the plant tissues obtained form the study site where burning was attributed to the high degree of...
Understanding potable water supply costs, pricing, tariffs and cost recovery in low income and developing countries: A comprehensive synthesis
November 2011
Potable water supply involves costs and the recovery of these costs is important for the provision of adequate services and the sustainability of water supply systems. User fees through tariffs constitute an important source of cost recovery, thus the pricing of water services is a key issue in the provision of potable water. This paper, based on a literature review, provides a comprehensive synthesis of water pricing,...
Community structure and population status of Drosera burmanii Vahl. with new distributional record in Tripura, India
November 2011
Quantitative data of community structure and the current status of ecologically and economically important Drosera burmanii Vahl. Populations were gathered at Tripura, India, from two different stands, Suryamaninagar (Site i) and Ishanchandranagar (Site ii). The area of occupancy of Drosera in both sites was measured. A total of 31 species (26 genera of 18 families) were recorded to be associated...
Food preference of the sea urchin Tripneustes gratilla (Linnaeus, 1758) in tropical seagrass habitats at Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
November 2011
The sea urchin Tripneustes gratilla is the most well-known seagrass grazer in the Western Indian Ocean and a few cases of overgrazing have been reported. However, few studies on their feeding preference have been performed in this region. In this study, the food items in the gut contents of T. gratilla collected from seagrass beds and in a bare sediment in intertidal areas of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania,...
Impact of climatic change on agro-ecological zones of the Suru-Zanskar valley, Ladakh (Jammu and Kashmir), India
November 2011
An attempt was made to divide the Suru-Zanskar Valley of Ladakh division into agro-ecological zones in order to have an understanding of the cropping system that may be suitably adopted in such a high altitude region. For delineation of the Suru-Zanskar valley into agro-ecological zones bio-physical attributes of land such as elevation, climate, moisture adequacy index, soil texture, soil temperature, soil water holding...
Taxonomic identification and distribution of biofouling organisms in Deilam port in Iran
November 2011
In this research, sampling was done from the biofouling organisms of piles of Deilam port from Autumn 2009 to Spring 2010. Two stations were chosen and samples were taken from three zones: super tidal zone, inertial zone and sub-tidal zone in 1 × 1 m2. At the same time, the environmental factors (pH, salinity, conductivity, temperature) were measured. Ecological indices such as Shanon, species richness,...
Heavy metal contamination in leaves of Mangifera indica around a coal fired thermal power plant in India
November 2011
The aim of this study is to evaluate the differences in the bioaccumulation of some elements in Mangifera indica tree leaves grown around a coal fired Thermal Power Plant (affected areas) and in other areas (control) 25 km away from Thermal Power Plant (TPP). Toxic group of metals (Pb, Cd and Cr) in an average displayed higher levels (28.0, 2.4 and 3.2 ppm for Pb, Cd and Cr respectively)...
Palynological investigation of haze dust in Ayetoro-Itele Ota, Southwest Nigeria
November 2011
The biological contents of the March 2010 hazy dust in Nigeria deserve verification due to the attendant panic it brought to the public. 3 g of dust deposited on the car bonnet of one of the authors was treated chemo-palynologically and microscopic study of the residue was carried out. The study reveals that the dust was rich in pollen grains, fungal spores and hyphae. No pteridophyte spore was recovered....
The influence of stump diameter and height on coppicing ability of selected key Miombo woodland tree species of Zambia: A guide for harvesting for charcoal production
November 2011
A study was undertaken to investigate the influence of stump diameter and stump height on the coppice effectiveness in relation to interspecific variation. The overall objective was to provide an understanding of the coppicing ability of the selected key miombo species in order to provide a basis for sustainable management of the species. A total of 102 stumps were observed. Coppice effectiveness results...
Page 6 of 9, showing 50 records out of 411 total, starting on record 251, ending on 300