Assessment of bore wells water quality in Gwagwalada town of FCT
May 2009
Bore wells water quality was carried out in Gwagwalada town of the Federal Capital Territory of Nigeria in December 2008. Acceptable standard method of sampling and analysis was used. Samples were collected from one bore well from the 11 part of the town. Wells were selected for the sample collections randomly. Sampling point locations and elevation were obtained using G.P.S. Analysis was carried out for Total...
Plants canopy coverage at the edge of main communications network in Hyrcanian forests
May 2009
To investigate the plants canopy coverage on cut and fill slopes of Lat Talar forest roads in Hyrcanian zone, the systematic randomize sampling method with 60 parallelogram shape plots was used. Within each plot the herbaceous plants and regeneration of woody species were recognized and their canopy coverage was recorded in %. Results showed that the canopy coverage of herbaceous plants and regeneration on cut and fill...
Developing urban ecotourism in Kenyan cities: A sustainable approach
April 2009
Tourism is not only a powerful social and economic force but also a factor in the physical environment as well. It has the power to improve the environment, provide funds for conservation, preserve culture and history, to set sustainable use limits and to protect natural attractions. Ecotourism potentially provides a sustainable approach to development. A frequently cited definition of ecotourism originated with The...
A preliminary study on the response of mangrove mud crab (Scylla serrata) to different feed types under drive-in cage culture system
April 2009
The populations in coastal areas in east Africa have increased dramatically in the last decades, resulting in increased pressure on coastal resources. The examples are declining fish catches, deteriorating conditions of coral reefs and reduction of mangroves forests. The objective of the study was to asses the potential of grow-out Aquac of mud crabs Scylla serrata, as an alternative livelihood for resource-poor...
The crested porcupine, Hystrix cristata (Linnaeus, 1758) in Misurata, Libya
July 2007
The crested porcupine Hystrix cristata is the biggest rodent in Libya. It has a high value from the faunistic point. It is known in Libya from only one specimen killed in a suburb of Tripoli in 1962. With aids of an animal dealer in Misurata, this work will provide information on the morphology,feeding habits,habitat, cranial and dental characters of this animal. Key words: Crested...
Non-harmonic covariation among life-history traits in amphipods (Hyalella azteca) and crayfish (Orconectes virilis) in Canadian boreal lakes
June 2007
Principal components analysis was used to determine the degree of covariance among life-history traits in eight populations of the amphipod Hyalella azteca and four populations of the crayfish Orconectes virilis inhabiting Canadian boreal lakes. Assumptions of tightly coupled traits which vary unidimensionally as a single fixed unit or "tactic" are untenable for these organisms. Instead,...
Penicillium abundance and diversity patterns associated with cashew plantations in coastal sand dunes, Odisha, India
June 2007
The abundance and diversity of Penicillium species were studied from soils in coastal sand dunes of Odisha, India for a period of two years covering three distinct seasons. A total of 41 species were enumerated, of which the surface soil of the site without vegetation had 23 species while its sub-surface soil contained 24 species. In the site with Anacardium occidentale (cashew) plantation, the...
Physico-chemical characterization of seed oil from Jatropha curcas L. genetic resources
May 2007
Studies were carried out to assess seed physico-chemical properties of Jatropha curcas genetic resources. Twenty five seed sources of J. curcas investigated in the current study exhibited wide variation for seed physio-chemical properties. The chemical properties of seed sources indicated superiority of more number of seed sources for iodine value, cetane number and saponification value. Hence...
Biosorption of heavy metals by immobilized and dead fungal cells: A comparative assessment
May 2007
Heavy metal resistant fungi were isolated from an electroplating industrial effluent samples that uses copper, cadmium and lead for plating. These isolates were tested to evaluate their applicability for heavy metal removal from industrial wastewaters. Initially the physico-chemical parameters of the samples were analyzed. The optimum conditions of pH, biomass concentration and heavy metal concentration were determined...
Determination of trace metal levels in water and sediments of River Benue in Adamawa state, Nigeria
April 2007
This work was carried out in order to determine the trace metal levels in River Benue to acertain the extent of pollution of the water body. Trace metal levels in water and sediments of River Benue were determined using the atomic absorption spectroscopy (AAS) model. The results suggest that trace metal concentrations in River Benue were generally greater in the sediment samples than water samples. Among the metals...
Adjustment of Brunt's equation parameters for the Northern Brazilian Pantanal
April 2007
Researches involving the long-wave balance have intensified in order to understand the environmental performance of micrometeorological variables. This study tried to determine the parameters of Brunt’s equation for the northern Pantanal of Mato Grosso, using “genetic algorithm”. The results show that the values estimated by the model significantly approached the values obtained with data collected...
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