Evaluation of Carpolobia species (Hausa sticks) trade in the forest zones of South West Cameroon and Cross River State of Nigeria
October 2011
Carpolobia trade evaluation was carried out between 2003 and June 2010 in the Ejagham Forest Reserve of South West Cameroon and the Cross River State of Nigeria, with the objective of examining the harvesting, marketing and the economic contributions of Carpolobia trade to the National and International economies of Nigeria and Cameroon.Carpolobia as a Non Timber Forest Product (NTFP) is the stem of an ever...
Assessment of spatial distribution of pod borer, Cydia ptychora (Meyrick) on pigeonpea
October 2011
Spatial distribution of Cydia ptychora infested flower and pods of pigeonpea was studied in the experimental field of Department of Life Sciences, Manipur University. Various indices of dispersion, such as variance, variance to mean ratio, Lloyd’s index of patchiness, mean crowding, Iwao’s regression and Taylor’s power law were evaluated to study the distribution pattern. Distribution pattern...
The driving forces of Boye wetland degradation and its bird species composition, Jimma, Southwestern Ethiopia
October 2011
The aim of this study was to assess the causes of Boye wetland degradation and to identify the bird species composition of the wetland. To achieve the stated objective, group discussion with the local communities was carried out on the causes of wetland degradation and prioritizations were done. In addition, soil samples were collected from wetland and converted lands (agriculture, grazing...
The influence of host tree morphology and stem size on epiphyte biomass distribution in Lusenga Plains National Park, Zambia
October 2011
The influence of host tree morphology and stem size on epiphyte biomass distribution in host trees was assessed in Lusenga Plains National Park, Zambia for the period 2004 to 2007. A total of 8 ha were sampled in bush land, woodland and riparian forest vegetation communities. Epiphytes were collected, dried and weighed to obtain biomass, which was apportioned between different host tree species, vertical and horizontal...
Change actors’ analysis and vegetation loss from remote sensing data in parts of the Niger Delta region
October 2011
Studies on land use changes have shown that human activities inevitably result in medium to large scale changes in the ecosystem. These changes can be examined and monitored both in the short or long term using remote sensing data and the right analytical computer packages. Researchers have in the past focused on the land use changes over the years. However, few studies are available on the identification of causative...
Organochlorine and organophosphorus pesticide residues in water and sediment from Yala/Nzoia River within Lake Victoria Basin, Kenya
October 2011
This study set out to survey pesticide usage and concentrations of their residues in lowerYala/Nzoia catchment areas of Lake Victoria, Kenya during the dry and rainy seasons of 2009. Water and sediment samples were analyzed for selected organochlorine and organophosphorus pesticide residues using gas chromatography equipped with electron capture detector. The findings of the survey showed that the banned...
Bacterial and fungal endophytes associated with grains and roots of maize
September 2011
The study was carried out to determine the microbes of maize grains sourced from five markets in Akungba and Ikare-Akoko, Ondo State, Nigeria. Bacterial and fungal microbes from roots of two maize cultivars DMR-LSR-Y and TZMSR-W were also investigated using the pour plate method. Results showed that grains from Oja Oba had the highest bacterial population of 4.8 × 105 cfu/g, while, the highest fungal load of...
Credit characteristics of forest based entrepreneurs in Iseyin Local Government Area, South West Nigeria
September 2011
This study was carried out to assess the credit characteristics of forest based entrepreneurs in South West Nigeria. Structured questionnaire were employed in obtaining primary data for this study. Average interest charges were 11% which exceeded the single digit interest rate recorded. The collateral and non-collateral credit sources were almost equal, 51 and 49% respectively. Descriptive statistics and Logit model...
Vascular flora on coal mine spoils of Singrauli coalfields, India
September 2011
A field study was conducted to analyze the floristic composition of coal mine spoils of Singrauli coalfields, India, spreading over an area of about 2200 km2. A total of 197 plant species were reported representing 45 families. Herbaceous flora dominates the floristic composition of coal mine spoils. The Poaceae, Fabaceae and Asteraceae are the dominant families of the flora on coal mine spoils of Singrauli coal...
Growth and physiological responses of Solanum lycopersicum to atonik and benzyl adenine under vernalized conditions
September 2011
A foliar application of Atonik (250, 500 and 1000 ppm) and benzyl adenine (25, 50 and 100 ppm) under vernalization was investigated on Solanum lycopersicum (var. Beto 86) plant. All determined growth parameters (root length, root fresh and weights, shoot length, number of leaves, number of nodes, total leaf area, shoot fresh and dry weights and relative water content) were inhibited in response to...
Wood craft enterprises participation and return analysis in Oyo State
September 2011
The focus of this study is to examine the factors that enhance participation in wood craft enterprises, as well as estimating the return (profit) to such enterprises in Oyo State. A total of one hundred and fifty (150) copies of well structured questionnaires were administered in three Local Government Areas of Oyo States (Iseyin, Ibarapa Central and Akinyele Local Government Areas) with 50 copies of such questionnaires...
Exotic flora of the Banaras Hindu University Main Campus, India
September 2011
The exotic flora of the main campus of Banaras Hindu University, India, spreading over 1,300 acres of land area, was analyzed. A total of 183 exotic plant species are reported from the university campus, represented by 149 genera and 58 families. The flora of American origin dominates the exotic floristic composition of the university. The Fabaceae, Asteraceae and Poaceae are the dominant families of the exotic flora of...
Abundance of mouth brooding tilapiines in the Kafue floodplains, Zambia
September 2011
Chikopela Sikazwe Theresa1*, Katongo Cyprian2 and Hangoma Gordon Mudenda2
The effects of climate and edaphic factors on plant colonisation of lava flows on Mount Cameroon
August 2011
Tropical ecosystems exhibit several ecological characteristics that make their sustainable management a very difficult task. Surveys were conducted from December 2000 to December 2002 to study the influence of climate and edaphic factors on vegetation cover, species diversity and distribution on three lava flows of Mount Cameroon. On each of the lava flows, thirteen plots in the centre...
Anthropological influence in coastal water and its impact on olive ridley turtle: A case study at Rushikulya mass nesting site
August 2011
The olive ridley turtle (Lepidochelys olivacea) is known for its spectacular mass nesting behavior. The Rushikulya river mouth has emerged as one of the major mass nesting site in the world. To study the status of hydrological characteristics viz. depth, air and water temperature, salinity, conductivity, pH, total suspended solid, turbidity, dissolve oxygen, biochemical oxygen demand, nutrients (NO2-N, NO3-N,...
Human - induced impact to the environment and changes in the geomorphology: Some examples of inland and coastal environments in Greece
August 2011
It has been observed that human activity in the form of engineering works, such as channelization (drainage pits and drainage dams, deepening and creation of canals), dam construction (hydroelectric power dams, irrigation dams and water supply dams), diversion and culverting (arrangement and redirection of river channels), as well as other human interventions and activities (intensification and development of...
Effects of humic compounds and phosphate-solubilizing bacteria on phosphorus availability in an acid soil
July 2011
This study aims at elucidating the combined effects of humic compounds and phosphate-solubilizing bacteria (Pseudomonas putida) to improve characteristics of ultisol and to increase the yields of soybean conducted in a glasshouse. The humic compounds are extracted from rice-straw compost, the phosphate-solubilizing bacteria obtained from Bogor Agricultural University, and the soil (Typic paleudult) collected from...
Contribution to the knowledge of non wood forest products of the far north region of Cameroon: Medicinal plants sold in the Kousséri market
July 2011
An ethnobotanical survey was conducted in June 2005 among sellers of non wood forest products settled at the Kousséri market, Kousséri sub-division, Logone et Chari division, far north region of Cameroon. A total of 29 medicinal plants were recorded comprising 26 genera and 21 families. Malaria, diarrhoea, jaundice, fever, and hernia were the major ailments in terms of the number of references made by...
Comparative assessment of edaphic features and herbaceous diversity in lower Dachigam national park, Kashmir, Himalaya
June 2011
Assessment of edaphic features and herbaceous diversity was evaluated in two different sites (Site I, forest) and (Site II, pastureland) in the lower Dachigam National Park of Kashmir, Himalaya. The study was done on seasonal basis and the results revealed higher trend for edaphic factors at Site I (moisture content, 31.22%; organic carbon, 4.33% and total nitrogen, 0.33%). However, soil temperature varied from (6 to...
Evaluation of the antifungal effects of rosemary oil and comparison with synthetic borneol and fungicide on the growth of Aspergillus flavus
June 2011
Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis L.) with more than 240 active pharmacological and nutritional compounds is important from the botanical point of view. Pharmacological studies show the antifungal properties of Rosemary plant. The essential oil analyses of the aerial parts of rosemary collected from Kerman province were obtained using gas chromatography and gas chromatography mass spectrometry. The study of...
A preliminary study of arthropod associated with carrion in Yaounde, Cameroon: A first step in forensic entomology in Central Africa
June 2011
The first investigation of arthropods associated with carrion in Cameroon was carried out within the campus of the University of Yaounde I (Cameroon) from 17thJanuary, to 3rd April, 2006. Carcasses of rats (Rattus norvegicus Berkenhout, 1769 var WISTAR)were exposed for colonization by the local fauna of arthropods. The visiting and colonizing arthropods were collected daily during the study periods. 1980...
Microbiological quality of an edible caterpillar of an emperor moth, Bunaea alcinoe
May 2011
An investigation into the microbiological status of processed caterpillar of a lepidopteran,Bunaea alcinoe revealed the presence of six genera of bacteria and three genera of moulds including one species of yeast. The microbial population of 4.49 × 107 (bacteria) and 9.5 × 106 (fungi) indicates contamination of the product. Pseudomonas aeruginosaand Proteus mirabilis are food...
Ecological estimation of forest soils in Azerbaijan
May 2011
While afforestation is relevant in the study of the ecological state of forest soil, analyses of the soil samples and valuation of the soil types to obtain final yield class is important. Within the National State Afforestation Program, as the research object, the south-east slope of the big Caucasus has been chosen for checking up soils under woodland and woodless areas. After having taken soil samples in this zone,...
The influence of grass biomass production on hippopotamus population density distribution along the Luangwa River in Zambia
May 2011
Hippopotamus is a selective nocturnal grazer consuming 50 kg of grass. Due to its large body size, it requires large areas of grass often exceeding 5 hectares within 2-5 km of the water body to maintain good body condition. In this study, hippo population size and density, grass biomass and grazing capacity were assessed in March 2008 along a 165 km stretch of the Luangwa River. The study area was subdivided into study...
Relationship between the status of arbuscular mycorrhizal colonization in the roots and heavy metal and flavonoid contents in the leaves of Juniperus procera
May 2011
In the southern region of Saudi Arabia, junipers forest faces the risk of deterioration because of their low regeneration capacity. Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) are known to confer some protection against the various environmental stresses that may affect the regeneration process. This field study was carried out in the junipers forest to evaluate the relationship between the presence of AMF in the roots and the...
Threats and conservation strategies for the African cherry (Prunus africana) in its natural range- A review
April 2011
The world’s Prunus africana bark demand used to be satisfied by exports, approximately 4000 tonnes per year from a few African countries, led by Cameroon exporting 62%, Madagascar, 20% and Uganda and Equatorial Guinea, 7% each. This coupled with unsustainable bark harvesting methods created pressure on the natural resource which suffered population decline and resulted in the species listing in Appendix...
Sustainable land management in Zaria using Remote Sensing and GIS techniques
April 2011
The need for effective planning and disaster prevention is the main reason for real time data generation provided by Remote Sensing and GIS. Zaria is fast becoming more unplanned due to increase in population and the consequent human influence leading to high rate of land use-land cover change. This study therefore looks into changes in land use-land cover between 1985 and 2005 with a view to providing...
Nutrients movement characteristic in terrace sawah occupied by cascade irrigation system in West Sumatra, Indonesia
April 2011
West Sumatra is one of Indonesian rice bowl. The landscape of this province dominated by mountainous area with beautiful terrace sawah lied from the middle slope to the lowland. The most common rice cultivation management in this area is application of cascade irrigation system with blanked amount of chemical fertilizer application. This study intends to figure out, whether this kind of sawah management sustains are...
Preliminary study of the changes in water temperature at pond Cibuntu
March 2011
Water temperature is one of the important parameters in the aquatic systems, and it remains an interesting subject of world-wide environmental research. The objective of this study is to identify the parameters of hydrological, meteorological and topological that influence water temperature and its change at pond Cibuntu based on data from April 2008 to April 2009. In addition, the analysis of changes in water...
Composting certain agricultural residues to potting soils
March 2011
Four agricultural residues namely, sheath of peanut pods, flax shivers, red sawdust and white sawdust, were composted with different amendments for four months under greenhouse and field conditions. Results emphasized that composting proceeded at different rates and was principally influenced by the type of residues and/or added amendments. Initial bio-fortification of residues with cellulose decomposing microorganisms,...
Distribution and abundance of the cyanobacterium Richelia intracellularis in the coastal waters of Tanzania
March 2011
The filamentous heterocystous cyanobacterium, Richelia intracellularis Schmidt have been suggested to be among the most important nitrogen fixing cyanobacteria in tropical and subtropical waters, but they are less studied in the tropical Western Indian Ocean waters. The spatial and temporal distribution of this cyanobacterium was studied in the coastal waters of Zanzibar and Dar es Salaam, Tanzania....
Structural characterization of the woody plants in restinga of Brazil
March 2011
The structure of the woody component of in restinga (tropical coastal vegetation) of Brazil was surveyed in order to describe and examine the relationship between community structure, water table, and soil nutrients. The survey was undertaken between January and March 2005 in an area with a forest physiognomy, employing the point-center quarter method with 100 sampling points. Soil samples were collected for...
Medicinal plants used in traditional treatment of malaria in Cameroon
March 2011
In order to fight against malaria in Cameroon, an ethnobotanical survey of medicinal plants was conducted in the town of Maroua, Far North Region of Cameroon from 5th to 30th December 2009 with 800 persons. The survey results revealed that 49 medicinal plants species belonging to 27 families were identified in the fight against malaria. The Cesalpiniaceae family is the most exploited for treatment of malaria. The locals...
Ecologically important and life supporting plants of little Rann of Kachchh, Gujarat
February 2011
Since historic times, human beings were basically in need of plants for satisfying their daily requirements like food, shelter, clothes and medicine. Due to close relationship with environment they established a distinctive system of knowledge concerning the utilization of plants. The human and animal life depends on the life supporting plant species surrounding the area. It has now become a concern of the modern world...
Macroinvertebrates’ community structure in Rivers Kipkaren and Sosiani, River Nzoia basin, Kenya
February 2011
Benthic macroinvertebrates from Rivers Kipkaren and Sosiani in the upper reaches of River Nzoia basin, Kenya, were sampled semi-quantitatively monthly from December 2006 to May 2007 using a 0.5 mm mesh size scoop net in the riffles, pools and runs. Seven sampling sites were selected on the areas of the rivers along a longitudinal gradient in relation to anthropogenic impact. Physico-chemical parameters were...
Physicochemical gradients and in situ yields in pelagial primary production of the middle reaches of Imo River in Etche, South-eastern Nigeria
February 2011
We investigated seasonal variations and influences of some physicochemical attributes of the Southeastern-Nigeria Imo River on the primary productivity at its middle course between March 2007 and February 2008. In situ determinations of water temperature, pH, turbidity, and dissolved oxygen (DO) were made with HORIBA U-10 water quality checker at 7 sampling locations and water samples collected in 500 mL...
Concentrations of heavy metals in soil and water receiving used engine oil in Port Harcourt, Nigeria
February 2011
The concentrations of heavy metals (Cu, Ni, Pb, Zn) in soils and water receiving used engine oil were investigated. Soil and water samples were collected at discharge and control points at each study site. The heavy metals were analyzed using atomic absorption spectrophotometer. The results show that about 80% of used engine oil was disposed of directly into the environment and 20% was recycled via use in civil works....
Urban expansion and vegetal cover loss in and around Nigeria’s Federal Capital City
January 2011
Since Abuja became Nigeria’s Federal Capital Territory in 1976; it has been experiencing rapid expansion, urbanization and significant changes in its physical landscape. This study used Remote sensing and GIS techniques to identify, mark and measure the extent of change in the various land uses from the Landsat imageries of 1987 and 2001, and Nigeriasat-1 imagery of 2006. The study...
Impact of Lantana camara L. invasion on riparian vegetation of Nayar region in Garhwal Himalayas (Uttarakhand, India)
January 2011
Lantana camara L. (Verbenaceae), an exotic from tropical America, has invaded vast areas of forests surrounding Nayar River in Garhwal Himalayas (Uttarakhand, India). Several factors like high reproductive potential, absence of preferred predators, evergreen nature and sufficient moisture provided by river water favour extraordinary growth of L. camara in this area. In this study, the impact of L....
Insecticidal action of hexane extracts of three plants against bean weevil, Callosobruchus maculatus (F.) and maize weevil, Sitophilus zeamais motsch
January 2011
A study was conducted to evaluate the insecticidal action of hexane extracts of three locally available plants namely: Lantana camara (Verbenaceae), African nutmeg [Monodora myristica (Gaerth) Dunal] and Enuopiri [Euphorbia lateriflora, Schum and Thonner] against bean weevil Callosobruchus maculatus (F.) and maize weevil,Sitophilus zeamais) Motsch with response to the...
Soil micro-arthropods in a secondary rainforest, Rivers State, Nigeria: Ecosystem health indicators of oil pollution
January 2011
Comparisons were made of the species richness and densities of soil micro-arthropods- (mites, collembolans) from a relatively undisturbed secondary forest and a nearby area, where there had been an oil spill, approximately 1 year before the commencement of the 2 year study, May, 2007 to April, 2009. Soil samples were taken monthly with an 8.5 cm diameter bucket-type auger. Extraction was by the Berlese-Tullgren funnel....
Estimation of conidial concentration of freshwater Hyphomycetes in two streams flowing at different altitudes of Kumaun Himalaya
January 2011
Freshwater Hyphomycetes commonly occurs in all types of natural freshwater streams and form one of the most important components of freshwater ecosystem as decomposers. They produce tremendous conidia in submerged condition. In the present study, concentration of these fungi in per unit volume of water in two freshwater streams situated at different altitudes viz., Ratighat (1200 m asl) and Vinayak (1500 m asl) was...
Spatial assessment of farmers’ cooperative organizations in agricultural development in Gurara area of Niger State, Nigeria
January 2011
The cooperative organizations among farmers are viewed as contributory forces towards growth and development of Agricultural production in recent times. The cardinal objective was to assess such elements that enhance their performance. Both primary and secondary data were used for the study. The primary data were collected with the aid of structured questionnaire administered among 60 different registered farmers’...
The role of the Miombo Woodlands of the Southern Highlands of Tanzania as carbon sink
December 2010
Inventory and monitoring of existing carbon pools in ecosystems is important for establishment of baselines for Reduced Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD) as well as understanding the global carbon budget. We used tree dimensions to quantify the carbon pools of two sites in Miombo woodlands of the Southern Highlands of Tanzania. Mean above ground carbon density of the Miombo ecosystem was 19.2t...
When ecological functions are more important than richness: A conservation approach
December 2010
In this work, we utilize the assessment of functional groups (FG) and functional diversity (FD) to evaluate and compare the ecological functions of two types of dry forest of South Eastern Brazil. Hence, we hypothesized that forests with different species richness could have similar FD and FG, but distinct ecological functions. The floristic composition from two physiognomies (deciduous and semideciduous forests) of six...
New report from presence and distribution of Allactaga firouzi in Iran
December 2010
The Iranian jerboa Allactaga firouzi (Womochel, 1978) is one of the rarest rodent species in the world and it has been reported exclusively from a single site in central Iran. Due to the lack of enough information on the ecology of this species, its conservation status was changed to “Data Deficient” category in late 2008. No additional data on A. firouzi was published since its first...
Resuspension of sediment as a method for managing shallow eutrophic lagoons
November 2010
The article sets out to demonstrate that resuspension of sediment could be used to counteract the consequences of eutrophication and to manage degraded coastal lagoons subject to frequent periodic dystrophic processes. This is done by a general review of the literature on resuspension of sediment, focusing on its effects in shallow eutrophic lagoons and the results of specific research recently conducted by the...
Impact of wood cuts on the structure and floristic diversity of vegetation in the peri-urban zone of Ngaoundere, Cameroon
November 2010
The main objective of this paper was to study the impact of various wood cuts on the structure and the floristic diversity of the savannas, and to seek for durable solutions against deforestation during a four year investigation. An inventory of the woody layer on 120 sites areas of 50 × 50 m showed that savannas have structures in "L". This structure translate the state of the degradation of...
Adaptive success index: A criterion for identifying most important species
November 2010
This article introduces the Adaptive Success Index (ASI) as a criterion for deciding which species are actually important in a given list of species either based on the Importance Value Index (IVI) or on the Cover Value Index (CVI). Key words: Adaptive Success Index (ASI), Importance Value Index (IVI), Cover Value Index (CVI).
History of river channel modifications - A review
October 2010
Many river basins have witnessed episodes of modifications and shifts in its courses in the geological past. The study of these aspects can be regarded as part of a trend towards the understanding and explanation rather than depiction of how rivers adjust, under varied terrains of landform behaviour. The methodological appraisals that arise from such intensive research are illustrated in this paper using a detailed...
Page 7 of 9, showing 50 records out of 411 total, starting on record 301, ending on 350