Explaining the role of cultural, social and economic factors on quality of residence in urban neighborhoods: A case study of Kerman
May 2016
The residential environments provide the main tools for developing different types of life indicators such as health, family, job, and leisure. These environments can create or provide the appropriate conditions for increasing the satisfaction of their dwellers by accessing the required criteria. In various cities of Iran, the lack of consideration to the qualitative criteria of dwelling in the trend of progressions...
Land-use suitability analysis for urban development in Regional Victoria: A case study of Bendigo
April 2016
Selection of suitable areas for urban development is a complex process and needs many diverse indications on the basis of which decision may be assumed. The aim of this study is to examine the GIS-based land-use suitability analysis and its application in urban planning decision making, using Bendigo, a regional city in Victoria as a case study. The objective of this study is to provide evidence-based solutions to...
Impact of urbanization on the morphology of Motoine/Ngong River Channel, Nairobi River basin, Kenya
April 2016
The geomorphic response of a stream to urbanization is a common interruption to the channel geometry equilibrium with dire consequences of sedimentation of reservoirs, mass wasting processes and water quality deterioration. The channel morphology was investigated with respect to deforestation, an increase in built-up surfaces and bank instability within the Motoine/Ngong River sub-catchment of the Nairobi River Basin in...
Spatial conflict and priority for small-scale fisheries in near-shore seascapes of the Central Coast Vietnam
March 2016
In near-shores of Vietnam, there are increasing spatial conflicts among different fishing gear operators as a result of declining and overfishing of small-scale fisheries recently. A challenge facing both small fishers and local governments is identifying more appropriate marine resource governance and public policies to deal with conflicts in the interests of short-term economic feasibility as well as long-term...
Drainage basin morphometry of the Encadenadas del Oeste lakes, Argentina
February 2016
The Las Encadenadas basin can be defined as an endorheic fluviolacustrine system. The aim of this study is to identify hydrographic sectors and subbasins within the Encadenada’s drainage basin and analyze the former’s morphometric properties including hypsometry. The morphometric analysis allowed for quantification of variables and indices for example area, perimeter, total length of streams, etc....
Population growth, urban expansion and housing scenario in Srinagar City, J&K, India
January 2016
Burgeoning population growth and wild urban sprawl has constituted serious problems especially in developing countries with a huge demand in housing stock. This phenomenon is more aggressive in historical cities like Srinagar. In such cities, there exists large scale variations in housing scenario due to differential growth and expansion patterns from core to periphery of these cities. This paper attempts to analyze the...
Real estate development outside the city county of Nairobi and the escalation of urban sprawl: Could developers be avoiding zoning-related costs in the city?
October 2015
In the recent times, there has been a wave of mostly speculative developers from the city of Nairobi targeting the areas outside the city fringe and, therefore, helping to create massive urban sprawl. Although various factors would lead to urban sprawl, it should be noted too that a significant variation in the cost of development between the city and areas outside the city may create a speculative zone in suburbia...
Institutional framework and constraints in the urban and regional planning system in Jos Metropolis, Nigeria
October 2015
Institutional frameworks, coordinated or non-coordinated, for effective urban and regional planning in most developing countries are highly constrained, making it almost impossible to control urban development and management of urban areas, hence the haphazard growth and development bringing about disproportionate distribution of resources in terms of basic infrastructure. It is against this backdrop that this paper...
The need for multimodal transport development in Nigeria
September 2015
The role of multimodal transport in cost-effective trade facilitation across the globe is highlighted in this paper. The paper also emphasizes the developmental strategies been currently deployed in upgrading and integrating modes of transport in developed countries, which is primarily aimed at realizing seamless freight and passenger transport services. The policy gaps and financial constraints that hindered the...
Harnessing renewable natural resources towards food security and sustainable rural development in a rich agricultural resource-base community in Cameroon
September 2015
Many renewable resources the world over are increasingly becoming non-renewable owing to massive and/or abusive exploitation, and little conservation. There is growing quest to conserve resources and switch to dependence on renewable resources. World summits on environment recommend sustainable use of resources to guarantee sustainable development. How sustainably these resources are being used and the extent to which...
Concentrated or Dispersed Urbanization: A critical analysis of newly emerged Census Towns of West Bengal, India in 2011
September 2015
The emergence of 528 new Census Towns (CTs) in 2011 and their contribution to the growth of urban population brought significant changes in the nature of urbanization in West Bengal, a state in India. This present treatise made an effort to see the locational distribution of these new CTs with respect to Class I towns/cities in each district of West Bengal in quest of the contesting views of concentrated and dispersed...
Heavy metals concentration in soil and Amaranthus retroflexus grown on irrigated farmlands in the Makera Area, Kaduna, Nigeria
August 2015
This study was conducted to determine the heavy metals concentration in soil and Amaranthus retroflexus grown on irrigated farmlands along the Makera Drain, Kaduna, Nigeria. The objectives were mainly to detect the presence of heavy metals in soil and vegetable grown in the study area, compare seasonal variation in concentration of metals, identify the transfer factors for heavy metals, compare the concentration...
Flood risk inevitability and flood risk management in urban areas: A review
August 2015
The increasing probability of flood risk in terms of its magnitude and frequency in urban areas prompted man to act for flood mitigation measures. Various flood risk control measures were carried out in different parts of the world but flood events persisted. This paper assessed the main causes of flood risk in urban areas and the various flood risk management measures for flood control so as to come out with a...
An assessment of sachet water quality in Zaria Area of Kaduna State, Nigeria
July 2015
In this study, Physico-chemical analysis of 21 brands of sachet water packaged within Zaria metropolis was evaluated to compare their compliance with World Health Organisation (WHO) and Nigerian Industrial Standard (NIS) threshold limits using standard analytical methods. The parameters evaluated include: colour, taste, odour, pH, chloride, potassium, calcium, electric conductivity, oxygen demand (OD), biological oxygen...
Urban housing improvement and conflict prevention framework for Cameroonian cities: Lessons from Kumba
July 2015
The rapidly growing population of Kumba, like other Cameroonian cities, suffers from the problem of poor and inadequate housing conditions which manifest through anarchical construction – a potential source of future conflicts. This study employs the interviews of 60 directly affected inhabitants and three focus group discussion which was complemented by secondary sources. The information obtained was subjected to...
Incivility and the Turkish youths: The case of Sakarya, Ankara
July 2015
There is an increasing concern about dangerous and disordered image of city that is identified with the term incivility. This study focuses on incivilities caused by daily encounters with strangers and experiences of incivility in daily life in Ankara, the capital of Turkey. Young people around and their attitudes in urban public spaces are discussed to be the main uncivil events in the social realm. In this respect,...
Impact of silica mining on environment
June 2015
From the beginning of human civilization, paradigm of man-nature relationship is changing continuously. After industrial revolution human interference in the natural ecosystem increased and technological development made us capable to explore and extract natural resources, while human greed enhanced the pace of their exploitation. With growing development, the man nature relationship became more imbalanced. Mineral...
Geospatial mapping of Srinagar City
June 2015
Mapping has remarkably become an essential tool to represent the land surface processes, utility sites and the interactions of the human activities with the environment. The rapid evolution of geographic information data management and the automation of satellite image interpretation through remote sensing techniques are providing increasingly abundant ways of mapping. Geospatial approach is very useful tool to...
Retrospect of post-colonial metropolitan planning in India: Critical appraisal
June 2015
Metropolitan planning after the six decades has evolved so much. Planning issues are not deviated from that much. Early urban planning was guided by their master plans. Four major metropolises of India namely Kolkata, Mumbai, Delhi and Chennai have formulated their master plans between mid sixties to late seventies. The paper tried to find out the evolution of the urban planning ideas from 1960s onward with respect to...
Dynamics of a third world city: Case of Niamey, Niger
May 2015
Urbanization is a landscape transformation process that is manifested by spatial expansion relative to human development. The present study aimed at the characterization of the spatio-temporal dynamics of Niamey city over the past 38 years (1975-2013) through a diachronic analysis of Lands at satellite images and application of landscape ecology principles. It sought to: (i) analyze the spatiotemporal pattern of land...
Dimensions of spatial inequalities in Ghanaian cities
May 2015
In many African countries, spatial inequalities in the provision and distribution of social services can be explained by a myriad of factors including the development approaches adopted in their colonial history. This paper explores the spatial inequality among cities in Northern and Southern Ghana as evident in the availability of infrastructural facilities such as health, education, telecommunication, and potable...
The incidence of violent deaths in geographic perspective, Colombia, 2004-2013: An analysis based on the concept of spatial regimes
April 2015
Homicide, deaths in traffic accidents, other lethal accidents and suicide are, by incidence, the causes of violent deaths. Forensic medicine and auxiliary disciplines have made significant scientific contributions to formalize an epidemiology of these phenomena, ethnology being the commonly used methodological choice. This paper proposes two different approaches in order to contribute to this epidemiology, on the...
Climate change and erosion activities in Benin-Owena River Basin, S. W. Nigeria
April 2015
The impact of climate change on the incidence of soil erosion was examined in the Benin-Owena River Basin, Southwestern Nigeria. Climate change was indexed by rainfall and temperature. Information was obtained on these parameters from 1960-2010 for some selected stations in the basin. Similarly, data on erosion control measures were obtained in the basin from 1990-2010. The results obtained showed gradual increase in...
Urban development and land use changes around the Ekiti State University (EKSU), Ado-Ekiti Nigeria
April 2015
Urban ecological systems are characterized by complex interactions among institutional, socio-economic and environmental variables. These interactions often generate complex human-dominated landscapes, which significantly influence effective functioning of local and global earth ecosystems and the services they provide to humans and other life on earth. Changes in ecological conditions that result from human actions in...
Physical planning administration in Nigeria: Abia State experience
March 2015
Man from creation was endowed by nature with the ability of physical planning qualities. From the onset, man was able to organize and order his settlements to provide food and shelter and equally to trade among other benefits. These rudimentary influences that shaped settlements in the early times were later overwhelmed by the backlash effects of growth in population, sprawling and ribbon developments and poor...
Morphometric characteristics of selected fluviatile lakes in the Upper Benue Valley Area of Adamawa State, Northeastern Nigeria
March 2015
Bathymetric survey and mapping are important procedures for monitoring temporal changes in hydrogeomorphic characteristics of lakes. This study is the first ever carried out on the lakes, and as such provides relevant baseline information for current use and future studies. The studied lakes (Gwakra, Geriyo, Pariya-Ribadu and Pariya) were purposively selected for the study on the basis of size and relevance. The...
Institutional factors and governance arrangements affecting crop residue utilization in Mt. Elgon Region, Uganda
March 2015
Crop production in Mt. Elgon region (Uganda) generates a significant amount of crop residues (CR) that have for a long time been considered as ‘trash’ or agricultural waste. This neglect is due, in part, to the absence of a clear institutional framework governing utilization of CR. This paper presents a case for understanding of institutions that govern practices of CR utilization. It adopts the...
Changes in marriage practices among the Bafumbira of Western Uganda
February 2015
This paper examines changes in marriage practices of the Bafumbira, an ethnic group in Western Uganda. The paper uses data obtained from primary data that included focus group discussions (FGDs) in Kisoro District and Kampala City and compliments it with secondary data. It shows that some marriage practices threatened by modernization through formal education, migration and urbanization are still very relevant to...
Health impact assessment of community-based solid waste management facilities in Ilorin West Local Government Area, Kwara State, Nigeria
February 2015
Adverse inter-relationships between man and his environment has been the main cause of disequilibrium, which usually result in negative effects to man himself, his environment and his survival as epitomized by the current global climate change phenomenon. This study applied the concept of Health Impact Assessment (HIA), an evolution of Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) to predict the health impact of the proposed...
Menace of illegal motor parks in Nigerian urban environment: Example from Ilorin city
February 2015
Parking lots are areas designated and fixed by the authority of city’s management or its agents to ease inter and intra-transport systems for long or short journey passengers. Parking lot is an essential part of the transport system; it plays a crucial role in the management of traffic and congestion. But where these lots are not authorized they become illegal parking. Illegal parking lot forms one of the major...
Land use/land cover change detection in some selected stations in Anambra State
January 2015
In this paper, land use and land cover change detection of some selected stations in Anambra state for three (3) periods of twenty-nine (29) years was conducted. This was done by using three satellite images of different dates (1986, 2000 and 2013) which were interpreted and analyzed to extract the detailed information for identification of the changes. To obtain the changes in the land use/land cover, the traditional...
Factor analysis of soil spatial variability in Akoko Region of Ondo State, Nigeria
January 2015
Variability in soil properties is a critical element across wide areas of researches especially in several aspects of agriculture and environment. The objective of this study was to examine the spatial variability of soil properties and factors contributing to the general pattern of variability in Akoko Region. Observations were carried out largely from sampling points and twenty soil samples were collected for...
The influence of highway Mexicali - San Felipe in the quality of life of their environs
December 2014
This study argues that the modernization of the Federal Highway No. 5 Mexicali - San Felipe has impacted over social benefits of 10 localities. Despite that the works have not been concluded in all the extension of the highway, the Urban Marginal Indexes are estimated at their ex – before (2000) and ex – post (2010). It is observed that the 2 localities connected directly with the road have decreased their...
Inclusive planning in Nigeria: A veritable tool for poverty reduction
December 2014
In perceived or real terms stagnation in the supply of poverty alleviation, materials and resources seems to be the order of the day in Nigeria. Even though there are core poverty eradication ministries and agencies, their benefits are not evenly distributed as expected. What we have is a development where some are favoured and others are not. The paper argues in favour of embracing inclusive planning as a veritable...
An appraisal of climate change and agriculture in Nigeria
November 2014
Climate change is a phenomenon that has the potential of affecting all natural and human systems and may be a threat to human development. This is particularly the case in developing countries. This paper is a theoretical article that uses secondary sources of data including weather events that occurred recently to appraise climate change and agriculture in Nigeria. The results have shown that human activities are...
Perceived housing satisfaction in public estates of Osogbo, Nigeria
November 2014
The study assesses residents’ housing satisfaction in public housing estates of Osogbo, Nigeria. Condition of housing, adequacy of housing facilities and residents’ perception of housing satisfaction in public estates in Osogbo were assessed. The study necessarily relied on both the primary and secondary data. Both qualitative and quantitative data were also used. Data were obtained from six (6) public...
Land use, land cover change in urban pastoral interface. A case of Kajiado County, Kenya
November 2014
Suitable location and influx of immigrants have made pastoral peri-urban Kajiado County a centre of two conflicting interests; urban sprawl and agricultural intensification. To understand the resulting trends over the period 1984-2010 satellite image based analysis of land use cover changes and interviews with landowners were conducted. Interviews focused on the changes and trends in land use, their causes and...
Environmental and rural livelihoods implications of small-scale gold mining in Talensi-Nabdam Districts in Northern Ghana
October 2014
Small-scale mining (SSM) continues to pose complex environmental, health and livelihood problems among rural folks in mining communities. One of the most subtle impacts of SSM activity on the environment is its implications on rural livelihoods. However, most studies regarding SSM activity and the environment sideline their implications on rural livelihoods of residents mining communities and how the affected...
An assessment of the impact of the fast track land reform programme on the environment: The Case of Eastdale Farm in Gutu District, Masvingo
October 2014
Through the indigenisation programme, the government of Zimbabwe embarked on fast track land reform which to some extent had both positive and negative impacts. The aim of the programme was to empower the local Zimbabweans economically and to improve on food security. On the other hand, this initiative had negative implications to the environment. The research explored how the new farming communities endeavoured to...
The paradox in environmental determinism and possibilism: A literature review
September 2014
This article provides in-depth review of the prevailing controversy among environmental determinists and possibilists, and searches the linkage among them. The issue of environmental determinism and possibilism is still being debated for more than a century among both geographers and non-geographers, which is a paradox. This work was analyzed based on content and document. The article tries to analyze the...
Assessment status of amenities and service delivery in class-I town in India (Case study of Berhampore Town, Murshidabad)
September 2014
In recent era, rapid rate of urbanization and population explosion in developing countries like India have its direct and negative impact on existing urban infrastructure as well as public service delivery, which deteriorate the living standard of city dwellers. It is evinced that there is a wide gap between minimum entitlements of the service provisions delivered and the ever increasing demand of stakeholders. This...
Leveling and its effect on the service provision of long distance bus transport in Africa: The case of Addis Ababa
August 2014
The study presents the intent for making levels among buses and its effect on the service provision of Long Distance Buses (LDB) Transport that emanates from Addis Ababa. The methodology focused more on both primary and secondary sources. The primary informants were principally distinguished from the passengers, operators, and key government officials from the transport office include the head of bus terminal...
An analysis of some soil properties along gully erosion sites under different land use areas of Gombe Metropolis, Gombe State, Nigeria
July 2014
The paper tries to analyse soil properties around three sampled gully erosion sites that cut across different land use in the study area. The aim of the study is to determine the soil physical and chemical properties of the major gully sites cutting across different land use in Gombe metropolis. Data used in this study were derived from soil samples collected from the gully sites and other secondary sources. Three...
Socio-economic effect of gully erosion on land use in Gombe Metropolis, Gombe State, Nigeria
July 2014
Gully erosion is one of the severe environmental problems facing Gombe metropolis. It threatens urban infrastructure, properties, lives and the physical growth of the town. This article assesses the socio-economic effect of gully erosion in Gombe metropolis. The aim of the study was to assess the socio-economic effect of gully erosion on land use in Gombe metropolis. Data used in this study were derived from field...
Village development groups: Model based on participation in achieving rural development
June 2014
Undoubtedly, cooperative society is a lever for economic development in rural areas. If this could be in line with government policies, it will be very effective to improve living conditions, employment production and income improvement and social status of rural people. The objective of this study is to observe the carbon sequestration project activities in cooperation with international organizations including...
Gated-communities and the privatization of public spaces in urban South Africa: Democratic social integration or exclusion?
June 2014
Emulation of the West’s privatization of urban spaces, and securitization and policing, through city settlement planning has uniformly reinvented spatial social segregation in most democratizing developing countries. Reverence of the gated-community model in democratic urban settlement planning has paradoxical sustained social segregation. Understandably, democratization of South Africa entailed the application of...
A grid-based approach for refining population data in rural areas
May 2014
Accurate and up-to-date population data is a prerequisite for many different applications, including risk and vulnerability management. There is, however, a shortage of data with a high spatial resolution, particularly in developing countries. Population densities are determined either by population census, typically conducted every ten years, or from global grid-based (raster) population datasets with relatively low...
Governance of agriculture in the cities of developing countries: Local leaders’ perspectives
May 2014
This paper used the perceptions of local leaders at a ward level to assess the governance of urban agriculture (UA) in Kinondoni Municipality-Dar Es Salaam City in Tanzania. Unstructured interviews were conducted with 24 local leaders involved in the day to day governance of UA in the Municipality. During the interviews, the local leaders were requested to narrate their perceptions on the governance of UA in the...
Farmer’s adaptation to climate change in Ondo State, Nigeria: A gender analysis
April 2014
In combating the problem created by adverse climatic change, farmers in the areas had been introduced to climate change adaptation practices for the purposes of increasing yields for better livelihood and food security. The study used multi-stage sampling technique to collect information from 120 respondentsts. Data collected were subjected to descriptive, gross margin and multinomial logit analyses. Results of the...
Conflicts between the conservation of Elephant and Human activities: In the case of Babile Elephant Sanctuary (BES), Ethiopia
April 2014
Conflicts between the conservation of wildlife and human activities occur in all habitats and can impact severely upon socio-economic and biological parameters. Babile Elephant Sanctuary which is located in the semi-arid part of eastern Ethiopia is part of the Somali-Masai Centre of Endemism. It is established to protect the only surviving African Elephant population in the Horn of Africa. The sanctuary is shrinking in...
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