Article in Press
Field pea (Pisum sativum) is widely cultivated in Ethiopia as a source of protein and integrated in crop rotation to improve soil fertility for it fixes nitrogen with rhizobia. However, effectiveness in nitrogen fixation depends upon the selection of symbiotically effective rhizobia to enhance production. Thus, a study was conducted to evaluate the performance of three inoculants (isolates); FBR 11, FBR 15, FBR 23 on...
Article in Press
Measurement of correlation coefficients helps to identify the relative contribution of component characters towards yield. The present study was conducted to estimate association among traits and direct and indirect effects of traits on tuber yield under the rain fed condition in 2017 in two locations of central Ethiopia. A total of 20 improved varieties and one local farmers` potato cultivar were field tested in a...
Suppressive Effect of Grasses against Growth of Parthenium (Parthenium hysterephus L.)
Article in Press
Experiment was carried out to study the suppressive effect of some grasses on the growth and development of parthenium (Parthenium hysterophorus L.). The experiment was consisted of three grasses (Cenchrus ciliaris L., Pennisetum perpureum, Panicum maximum Jacq) with their four mixture of sowing which was arranged in replacement series. From this experiment the effect of different grasses mixture significantly suppress the...
Article in Press
Wheat stem rust (black rust) is one of the most important airborne diseases of wheat (Triticum aestivum) caused by Puccinia graminis f. sp. tritici remains a constraint to the world’s wheat production. Because of the sudden changes in stem rust race patterns, commercial varieties tend to become vulnerable globally at large and particularly in Ethiopia. It was responsible to cause 6.2 million metric tonnes per year or...
Article in Press
Selection of superior genotype is one of the basic objectives of the plant breeding. To aid with this objective, plant breeders grow their crops across target environments. Understanding the pattern of response across these environments is an integral component of selection of superior and stable genotypes. A set of multi-environment trials (MET) data from the national variety trial series grown over four years was taken...
Article in Press
Sorghum (Sorghum bicolor) known as a Camel crop of cereals, is among the dominant staple food grains for the majority of Ethiopians. In spite of biotic and abiotic stress tolerance, the procedures in the selection of good performing and stable genotypes are complicated by the phenomenon of genotype by environment interaction; therefore, interaction is the major concern to plant breeders to develop improved...
Article in Press
Pre-extension popularization of Kuncho was conducted in Weri-Lekhe Wereda at Enda-Chewa and Ma’ekelawi kebelles. The study seeks to conduct demonstration of KQuncho (Dz-cr-387) varieties to the smallholder farmers and assess the performance of the varieties at farmers’ management practice. The 186 farmers (162 male and 24 female headed households) were selected purposively from the Productive Safety Net Program...
Article in Press
Low-moisture availability is one of the major causes for grain yield reduction in dry land areas. Twenty-four open pollinated maize genotypes were evaluated in a randomized complete block design at the main research station of Jigjiga Pastoral and Agricultural Research Centre to assess performance, variability and heritabilities of important traits. The recorded range and mean performances as well as significant genotypic...
Article in Press
A field experiment was conducted on a research field of Haramaya University during the 2012 main cropping season to determine the relative agronomic and tuber quality performances of potato varieties in response to nitrogen (N) application. The treatments consisted of four N rates (0, 55, 110 and 165 kg N ha-1), and two improved (Bubu and Zemen) and three local (Batte, Daddafa and Jarso) varieties. The experiment was laid...
Article in Press
Prunus africana (Hook. f) Kalkman, 1965 is a geographically widespread tree restricted to highland forest of Africa mainland and outlying islands. The species is commercially important for its bark, which is used in the treatment of prostate gland disorders. It also produces high quality timber used for building and furniture as well as fuel wood. Despite the fact that Mau forest is a protected area, it experiences illegal...
Article in Press
The choice of breeding method for genetic improvement of a crop depends on the nature of gene action involved in the expression of its quantitative traits. Hybrid vigour has become a potential tool for genetic improvement of many crops. This study examined heterosis and gene action controlling yield and yield-related traits for selection among eggplant breeding lines. Four breeding lines of Solanum aethiopicum namely:...
Article in Press
The objective of this paper was to provide an inclusive view and evaluation of conservation tillage based annual intercropping, summarizing their main advantages and challenges to use as compared to conventional crop production system. Conservation tillage based intercropping (CTBI) controls soil erosion caused by conventional tillage based sole/mono-cropping as compared to conventional crop production system. Its long...
Article in Press
Application of molecular markers in the establishment of germplasm characteristics is a common development in the recent years. Molecular markers have been applied in a wide range of crops like maize, rice among others, including cowpeas. With regards to cowpea studies that have been carried out in the recent years, systematic literature on molecular markers used in cowpea is limited. This literature review presents an...
Article in Press
Tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) is one of the most important edible and nutritious vegetable crops in the world. A field experiment was conducted at Meti and Kombolcha sub sites of Kellem Wollega, and Inango of West Wollega zones in Western Ethiopia, during the 2016/2017 and 2017/2018 cropping season under supplementary irrigation. A total of 11 tomato varieties collected from Melkasa Agricultural Research Center...
Article in Press
The present investigation was made on Ficus hispida linn to know anatomical study concerning leaf, stem and root structure. The aim was to highlight the anatomical features of Ficus hispida linn contribute with more information concerning the knowledge of anatomy. Ficus hispida linn Belongs to the family Moraceae, less reports was available on anatomical studies, hence present attempt was undertaken to investigate the ...
Article in Press
An efficient protocol for mass propagation of V6-2-888 sugarcane variety was optimized under this study. The shoot-tips used as an explant were surface sterilized with 0.3% (w/v) Kocide for an hour, 70% ethanol for 30 seconds and 5% Sodium hypochlorite solution for 25 minutes. Then sterilized shoot-tips were cultured on MS medium supplemented with 2mg/l BAP and 0.5mg/l IBA, 3% sucrose and 7g/l agar-agar powder. 0.5mg/l BAP...
Article in Press
Fungi are associated with heavy losses of seeds, fruits, grains, vegetables and other plant products in transit and storage rendering them unfit for human consumption. The used of synthetic fungicide has a great effect on human consumption, hence the need for safer control. A research was conducted in Hong local government area of Adamawa State of Nigeria (the most prominent groundnut farming community in the state). The...
Article in Press
An experiment was conducted to investigate the effect of different levels of nitrogen (N) fertilizer on the bulb yield and yield components of onion grown on a clay soils of Wukro district, Tigray, Ethiopia under irrigation for two years. In this experiment six levels of N (i.e., 0, 23, 46, 69, 92, & 115 Kg/ha) were used. The experiment was arranged in a randomized complete block design with three replications. The...
Article in Press
In crop production, major production variables that a producer can manipulate to influence the production of a given crop are agronomic practices, fertilizer levels and plant spacing require special attention in the changing climatic condition. This study aimed to establish appropriate plant spacing and NPK levels. The following treatments were used: plant spacing (P1 70 cm x 20 cm; P2 60 cm x 25 cm; P3 60 cm x 20 cm)...
Article in Press
Groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.) also known as monkey-nut, peanut, earthnut and goobers, is a major cash crop and widely grown in all the tropical and subtropical regions of the world for direct use as food, oil and high protein meal, and is the second most important lowland oilseed crop after sesame in Ethiopia. However, its production and productivity is considerably low in Abergelle areas, Northern Ethiopia due to...
Article in Press
Organic manures are becoming important in the smallholder sector because of their ability to maintain ecosystem health and cheaply replenish nutrients that are lost due to soil erosion, leaching and crop removal. A field experiment was conducted in Mjinga communal area in Hurungwe District of Zimbabwe between July and October 2015, under irrigation to investigate the effects of organic manure application rates on the...
Article in Press
The incorporation of rust resistance genes into wheat cultivars is the most economic and effective approach of controlling rusts. The objective of this research was to incorporate adult plant resistance genes 'Lr34 and Lr68' into the rust susceptible commercial cultivar Kana+Sr2, Lr46'. Cultivar Parula+Sr2, Lr34' Lr46, Lr68' was used as the donor parent. Sequence tagged site markers, namely csLV34 and csGS were used to...
Article in Press
Covered kernel smut, caused by Sporisorium sorghi is a major threat to sorghum (S. bicolor L. (Moench) production globally resulting in yield losses as high as 75% on susceptible sorghum in Zimbabwe. Twelve sorghum genotypes were screened to determine the incidence and severity of covered kernel smut under field conditions during the 2014/15 growing season. In addition, the trial was done under artificial field inoculation...
Evaluation of early drought tolerant maize genotypes under low nitrogen conditions
Article in Press
One way to improve maize yields in drought prone small holder farming areas, where soils are mostly sandy with low organic matter and low cation exchange capacity is through breeding for drought tolerance and high nitrogen use efficiency. Low N tolerant cultivars have enhanced uptake capacity for nitrogen or have more efficient use of absorbed N in grain production hence are superior in the utilization of available N. An...
Article in Press
The present study was conducted to evaluate the variation in secondary metabolites production by diploid and mixoploid Trigonella foenum-graecum L. collected at vegetative, flowering and fruiting stages. Diploid and mixoploid plants were grown from, respectively, untreated and treated seeds with colchicine 0.05%. The essential oils composition was determined by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC/MS). The results...
Article in Press
A narrow genetic base may lead to genetic vulnerability against biotic and abiotic stresses. In order to assess the level of diversity among 28 bread wheat genotypes, characterization was done using 21 Simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers alongside 27 morpho-agronomic traits. Based on morpho-agronomic data, the genotypes were grouped into three clusters. The first three principal components explained 23.92, 14.92 and...
Principal component analysis: A tool for multivariate analysis of genetic variability
Article in Press
A variable is a factor, quantity, character or symbol with values, which vary in contrast to a constant value that is fixed. Genetic variability refers to the differences inherent in the genomes of organisms. Multivariate analysis is a set of techniques dedicated to the analysis of data sets with more than one response variable. It involves a mathematical procedure, which transforms a number of correlated variables into...
Article in Press
Chickpea has become an important legume, accounting for more than 15% of Ethiopian legumes with about one million households engaged in its production. The objective of this study was to develop and select high yielding, bold seeded chickpea that fulfilled the required standard for export and relatively early maturing genotype that can do well in the terminal moisture stress area of the region, from 2009/10 and 2011/12...
Article in Press
Black rot disease caused by bacteria Xanthomonas campestris pv. campestris is one of the destructive diseases that affect cabbage plant. However, host- pathogen interaction study is not yet documented in cabbage growing area of southwest Ethiopia. Therefore, the objectives of this study were to know host pathogen interaction of the pathogen strains collected from major cabbage growing areas of southwest Ethiopia. The study...
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