Full Length Research Paper
The participation of women in dairy farming varies according to region, culture, and socioeconomic status. These dynamics restrict women’s abilities to exercise equal access and control over resources. Utilizing descriptive statistics and data from 316 clustered Advancing Local Dairy Development in Nigeria (ALDDN) Project beneficiary communities, this study assesses gender roles and empowerment among pastoralists in Kaduna State. Results showed that 62% of the respondents were female, while 38% were male, with a mean age of 35.5. About 22% of the women pastoralists can read and write in Hausa. Approximately 50% are agro-pastoralists, with 84% owning agricultural land. The living standard results showed that 44% live in mud but iron-roofed houses, grazing under uncertainties (98%). In terms of access to resources, about 52% of the female respondents belong to a cooperative, and 32% have savings. Major household decisions are taken by men, as indicated by 85% of the female respondents. About 68% of the cattle are owned by husbands only, while backyard gardening is predominant among women. Thus, education, training, and promotion of digital credit options have the potential to increase women's empowerment. Therefore, interventions should be targeted towards improving their access.
Key words: Women, pastoralist, household, access.
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