Full Length Research Paper
The aim of this study was to determine the factors affecting the agricultural instrument, machinery and tractor assets of the enterprises in the central district villages of Erzurum province and the marginal effects of these factors. The Binomial Probit model was used for this purpose. Education level of the farmers, their population, the size of the land, number of land parcels, disaster situation, crop cultivation and monthly income were found as factors affecting instrument and machinery possession. According to the study results, a unit increase in the education level of the farmers, their family population and in land assets they possess led to an increase of 17.85, 16.58 and 0.26% in their instrument and machinery possession possibility, respectively. Similarly, a unit increase in the number of land parcels, crop cultivation and monthly income led to an increase of 2.81, 38.58 and 0.04% in their instrument and machinery possession possibility, respectively. In addition, a unit increase in the education level of the farmers, land possession, the number of land parcels, crop cultivation and monthly income led to an increase of 19.55, 0.22, 15.39, 29.54 and 0.04% in the possibility of the enterprises to possess tractors.
Key words: Agricultural instrument, machinery and tractor assets.
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