Full Length Research Paper
Garlic (Allium sativum L.) is an important edible bulbous crop with unique culinary and medicinal purposes. It is a major cash crop widely cultivated in Libokemkem and other districts of South Gondar zone of Amhara Region in Ethiopia. However, productivity of garlic in Ethiopia in general and in South Gondar Zone in particular is very low largely due to the use of unimproved local cultivars and traditional cultural practices. Five different improved cultivars of garlic were then evaluated for yield and yield components under rain-fed production practice. This acclimatization and performance evaluation at three different locations (Angot, Ginaza and Woreta) was laid in randomized complete block design with three replications. Cultivar Adiszemene local (55.44, 39.82 and 22.28 quintal per hectare (q/ha)) produced consistently high dry bulb yield at the three locations. Cultivar Chefe was found to be the lowest yielding at Angot (16.07 q/ha) and Ginaza (22.56 q/ha), whereas cultivars Kuriftu (11.92 q/ha) and Tsedey (10.06 q/ha) were the lowest yielding at Woreta indicating profound effect of environment on yield. Overall result revealed that statistically significant (P<0.05) high dry bulb yield (39.18 q/ha) was recorded in cultivar Adizemene local, followed by cultivar Holleta (31.32 q/ha). These cultivars with consistent high performance and wide adaptability would then be demonstrated and popularized for wide spread cultivation.
Key words: Acclimatization, allicin, bulb, environment, medicine, spice.
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