Full Length Research Paper
This paper presents the estimation and analysis of the agribusiness GDP in the Brazilian state of Paraná between 2006 and 2011, and its comparison with the economic development of the state’s agricultural cooperatives in the same period. The GDP aggregates were detailed in the analysis that allowed assessment of the distribution of the respective inputs from agriculture, industry, and the distribution and services sectors. The results indicated the importance of each sector in the growth of Paraná’s agribusiness and its share in the state’s GDP. The impressive performance of Paraná’s agriculture is evident as it grew 13.1% in 2007 and 32.4% in 2010. Historically, the distribution and services sector is the largest contributor to the agribusiness GDP, with about 13% representation. The industry sector was more sensitive to the events that followed the global economic crisis of 2008. Its share in the agribusiness GDP ranged from 10.3% in 2006 to 8.6% in 2011. In parallel, the revenue performance of cooperatives and the importance of the economic activity of the state through the use of financial resources and investments in industrialization are highlighted.
Key words: Agribusiness economics, Brazilian agribusiness, gross domestic product, Cooperatives of Brazilian State of Paraná.
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