Full Length Research Paper
This study defends that solution to environmental and even social problems faced around the house which is the basic habitat has relations with space design. Therefore, spatial characteristics supporting social togetherness, cohesion and communication especially among different social groups living together in urban transformation areas have been analyzed. The research question of the article has been set as "How must the landscape characteristics be to support social interaction of the individuals around the house?". In this study, the importance of landscape design as a tool to lead individuals to outside spaces, socializing and being together has been tried to be stressed and space design tools that can be used to provide social interaction and the feeling of being a community especially in transformation places which are problematic have been examined. Çukurambar District which has gone through a very fast transformation period has been chosen as a research area. Existence of some places which have not transformed has given chance to examine the spatial behaviors of individuals from different physical and social conditions. In order to concretize the study and to get quantitative data, a questionnaire which examines the relationships among individuals, places and neighborhoods has been conducted in the transformation area and the results are evaluated. It is the aim of has been aimed this study to be a guide for the spaces which will be transformed and new residents in creating social interaction places.
Key words: Landscape design, social conflict, social interaction, social cohesion, urban transformation
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