Full Length Research Paper
The seedlings quality is one of the most important factors in the implantation of new orchards. In this sense, this work aimed to evaluate the emergence and initial development of Cape gooseberry seedlings with different substrate compositions. The experiment was performed in the experimental area of Federal Technological University of Parana, Campus of Dois Vizinhos, Brazil. The experimental design used was a randomize block design, with four replications, being evaluated the following substrates: Soil + chicken manure (2:1 v/v); soil + chicken manure + sand (2:1:1); soil + humus + vermiculite (2:1:1); soil + humus (2:1) and Macplant® (commercial substrate). The emergence percentage, number of leaves, height of plants, dry mass of root system and dry mass of the shoot system was evaluated. The substrate compound by soil + humus + vermiculite and the substrate compound by soil + humus allowed higher emergence of plants, however not contributing for the development of the Cape gooseberry seedlings. Nevertheless, the substrate with soil + chicken manure and the substrate with soil + chicken manure + sand only provided the initial development of the seedlings. On the other hand, the use of the substrate Macplant® must be avoided in the propagation of this culture.
Key words: Exotic fruits, propagation, germination, Macplant®, vermiculite.
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