Rice (Oryza sativa L.) is an important global food commodity crop. Its yield was affected by genotype, environment, and the interaction between genotype and environment that demands the development of diverse tolerant rice to increase yields and adaptation. Genotype and Environment interaction for yields of rice Tongil types with doubled haploid (DH) were evaluated in three locations. A randomized complete block design replicated three times was used. The additive main effects and multiplicative interaction (AMMI) analysis on grain yield revealed that genotypes Tong rt5 and Tong rt 10 were stable genotypes compared to check SATO 1. The genotype Tong rt7 performed poorly. Magozi had the highest mean yield while Chanzuru had the lowest mean yield. Genotypes were evaluated on Saline-Sodic that resulted in different performances. Significant differences were observed between genotypes and locations. Differences contributed to the difference in the sum of squares of grain yield. Scatter plot indicated positive correlation between Chanzuru and Magozi. Genotypes with shorter lines indicated stable genotypes. The experiment indicated two Mega-Environment, Chanzuru and Magozi share a single mega-environment. Small circle indicated greater stability performance of genotype. Performance differences in genotypes allowed the selection of superior genotypes for recommendation.
Key words: AMMI analysis, interaction, tongil rice, stable genotype, mega-environment.
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