The study determined the adoption level of sustainable agricultural practices among farmers in Ohaukwu Local Government Area of Ebonyi State. Multi-stage, random and systematic sampling procedures were employed to select 160 respondents for the study. The collected data were analyzed using relevant descriptive and inferential statistics. Result showed that majority of the respondents were females who were married, having mean age of 43 years and mean number of years of experience of 17. 58.20% of them acquired secondary school education, having mean farm size of 0.8 hectare in scattered plots and mean annual income of N71,400 which was regarded as low income. 80.62% of them were not members of cooperative societies. The predominant sustainable agricultural practices adopted were; crop rotation, compost manure and use of tolerant varieties. The constraints to adoption of sustainable agricultural practices were; lack of capital, poor land tenure system and inadequate knowledge. The null hypothesis tested using F- test was rejected at 5% level of significance. Based on the finding, there is need for credit institutions to provide credits for farmers; reform in land tenure system should be facilitated. These if implemented, will encourage adoption of sustainable agricultural practices among rural farmers.
Keywords: Adoption, sustainable, agricultural, practices, Ohaukwu L.G.A