Agricultural commodities of Oyo state were evaluated and statistically mapped using data obtained via a well structured questionnaire which were administered to respondents in six randomly selected local Government area(sampling frame = 0.182) using multistage sampling technique. The socio – economic analysis results showed that majority of the respondents (78%) have basic primary education and were mainly farmers. The summary statistics of the farming characteristics of the respondents showed that crop production (55%), livestock’s rearing (15%) and fisheries as well as crop processing (7%) were the main farming enterprises of the respondents. Similarity in the effects of the weather indices (rainfall wind and sunshine) on animal husbandry and crop production were obtained for rain and wind. The spatial map of the agricultural commodities showed that agricultural products were not evenly distributed across the study areas and that prominent agricultural commodities of the study areas include cassava, yam, maize, sheep, poultry as well as cow and some of these agricultural commodities are peculiar to some of the areas and hence reflect in their local axioms.
Keywords: Global positioning System, spatial map, commodity, recurrent.