This study was conducted to evaluate the effects of different tillage practices on the performance of NABE14 common beans. Three different tillage practices, namely, zero tillage (ZT), minimum tillage (MT) and conventional tillage (CT) were studied in a Complete Randomized Block Design (CRBD) with five replicates. Common beans were planted under different plots prepared by different tillage practices. Weeds infestation was scored in the different plots under different tillage practices, pods and nodule were also recorded and finally yields in Kg/ha were determined. The results showed that bean plots prepared by zero tillage had the least percentage of weed infestation at weed outbreak, in minimum tillage and in conventional tillage. In addition, number of bean pods was recorded per plot whereby plots under zero tillage had the highest pods followed by Minimum tilled plots and least in conventional tillage. This study also showed that bean root nodulation was highest in zero tillage, followed by minimum tillage and least in conventional tillage. Results showed that highest weed infestation was high in conventional tillage followed by minimum and few weeds under zero tillage. Highest yields of beans in kg/ha, Root nodulation and bean pod formation were recorded in zero tillage followed by minimum tillage and lowest in conventional tillage. Therefore, the study concluded that zero tillage with low weed infestation, 26 average bean pods 71.15 average root nodules as well as 2025.5 kg/ha yields was found to be a suitable tillage practice for achieving optimum growth and yields in NABE 14 Variety common beans.
Keywords: NABE 14 Bean variety, Zero tillage, Minimum tillage, Conventional tillage, Central Uganda, Nodulation, Weed infestation.