April 2014
Biochemical responses of Sankankuppi (Clerodendron inerme L.) to salinity stress
The present investigation was made to study the effect of different concentrations of sodium chloride on biochemical activity in different parts of Clerodendron inerme. The plant could survive a wide range of 100 to 500 mM of NaCl concentrations. The upper limit for the survival of this species was 500 mM NaCl. However, favorable growth response by seedling was confined to 200 mM NaCl. Biochemical compounds such as...
April 2014
Hybrid lilies under bulb removal stress
The effect of bulb removal stress on vegetative and flower development of four hybrid lilies at different growth stages and their tolerance to this stress were investigated in this experiment. The tested hybrids were "Royal show" (LA hybrid), "White heaven" (L. longiflorum hybrid), "Sorbonne" and "Premium blond" (Oriental hybrids), four treatments included the bulbs were not...
April 2014
The status of livestock technologies and services in the Southern Maasai rangelands of Kenya
This study was carried out in Mashuru district, Kajiado County in the Southern Maasai rangelands of Kenya to assess the status of livestock technologies and services. Data was collected using a survey of 380 households, participatory stakeholder workshops, five focus groups with pastoralists, and key informant interviews. Analysis was done using frequency counts, percentages and chi square test. The findings of this...
April 2014
Nitrogen use efficiency by selected NERICA varieties in Burkina Faso
A field experiment was carried out in the 2005 and 2006 wet seasons in Bagré, Burkina Faso, to assess the differences in paddy yield and nitrogen (N) utilization of the New Rice for Africa (NERICA) lowland varieties. The test consists of a split-plot design with four replications. The main plots were represented by four NERICAs (NERICA L 41, NERICA L 60, NERICA L 20, and NERICA L 19) and one control (4418)....
April 2014
Assessing the role of climate-smart agriculture in combating climate change, desertification and improving rural livelihood in Northern Nigeria
Worldwide emphasis has been placed on designing approaches with regard to the needs of sustainable development. Climate-Smart Agriculture (CSA) is one key agricultural development approach aimed at sustainably increasing productivity and resilience, while also reducing/removing emissions of greenhouse gases. Although many countries will be expected to adopt this approach, its applicability in an African context is not...
April 2014
Plant disease management in India: Advances and challenges
The responsibility of protecting food crops from diseases and pests in the challenging environment is rising with increase in human population and its needs. The crop losses due to pests are assessed to be ranging approximately between 10 to 30% of crop productions. Status and importance of various diseases have changed over the years in India. Awareness is needed to know the status of these problems and to...
April 2014
Characterization of seed potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) storage, pre-planting treatment and marketing systems in Ethiopia: The case of West-Arsi Zone
Potato is a high potential food security crop in Ethiopia due to its high yield potential and nutritional quality tuber, short growing period, and wider adaptability. Arsi administrative province is one of the potential potato growing areas in southern parts of Ethiopia. The potato is grown there as a field crop, and it substantially supplies potatoes to the whole country. Despite the suitability of this area for high...
April 2014
Effect of salinity on growth and leaf area of sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) cv. suntech - 85
A pot experiment was conducted during 2009 to 2010 to access adverse effect of salinity on growth of sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) cv. Suntech - 85. The result revealed that with increasing salinity concentration, the growth parameters declined except at lower salinity level 5 E.C. which does not show any adverse effect rather, there was slight increase in all growth parameters as compared to control. Whereas, higher...
April 2014
Milk handling practices and its challenges in Borana Pastoral Community, Ethiopia
A total of 132 randomly selected milk producing households (HH’s) were interviewed to assess milk handling and its challenges. The average household HH size of respondents was 7.76 (0.3) persons per family. The average land holding per households was 2.91 (0.08) hectare (ha). Natural pasture is a common feed source in the studied area. The average number of dairy cows per household HH was 2.06 (0.01) and...
April 2014
Estimates of genetic parameters in F4 – F5 soybean populations resistant to Asian soybean rust
The objective of the present study is the evaluation of genetic parameters in F4 and F5 soybean populations from two crosses, which are potentially resistant to Asian soybean rust. The genotypes were developed from the cross between parents, which were resistant and susceptible to the disease, and totaled 137 genotypes in generation F4 and 283 genotypes in F5. The experimental design was augmented blocks with two checks...