African Journal of
Agricultural Research

  • Abbreviation: Afr. J. Agric. Res.
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 1991-637X
  • DOI: 10.5897/AJAR
  • Start Year: 2006
  • Published Articles: 6918

Table of Content: 11 June 2015; 10(24)

June 2015

Influence of selected tree species on soil characteristics, growth and yield of maize in Western Kenya

Low purchasing power of inorganic fertilizers by farmers among other factors has led to a decrease in maize production in Kenya. Growing trees on-farm can improve the situation. A study was carried out at three sites in Western Kenya to investigate the effects of selected tree species on total organic carbon, cation exchange capacity, pH, growth and yield of maize. Top soil (0 to 15cm) and maize plants were sampled for...

Author(s): Noella Ekhuya, John Wesonga, Jonathan Muriuki and Jeremias Mowo

June 2015

Sugar cane crop coefficient by the soil water balance method

Current assay, conducted on the experimental farm of the Goiás Federal Institute, campus at Urutaí GO Brazil, determines the crop coefficient (Kc) for sugar cane in the Brazilian savannah at several phases of development. Kc was determined by the soil water balance method in a 3.0 m3 suspended drainage lysimeter, measuring 1.0 m in width and height and 3.0 m in length. Reference evapotranspiration (ET0)...

Author(s): Gabriel Greco de Guimarães Cardoso, Renato Campos de Oliveira, Marconi Batista Teixeira, Milton Sergio Dorneles, Romenig Marcos Oliveira Domingos and Clarice Aparecida Megguer

June 2015

A system dynamics design for the structure of irrigated wheat mechanization in Fars province (Southwest Iran)

The focus of this paper is on the mechanization of wheat, one of the oldest and most important and valuable plants on earth. Considering the fact that Fars province in recent years maintains the premier status in the production of this crop, in the country, a systemic view toward the mechanization of this product, may serve in the enhancement of efficacy of production. As far as the writer knows, such study on the...

Author(s): Gholamreza Rabet, Mohammad Javad Sheikhdavoodi, Houshang Bahrami and Mohammadhashem Moosavihaghighi

June 2015

Effect of farm yard manure and press mud on fertility status of alkaline soil under maize-wheat cropping sequence

An experiment was conducted on an alkaline clay loam soil of Golagamdi, India during 2005-2006 to study the effect of Farm Yard Manure and pressmud on fertility status of alkali soil under maize-wheat cropping sequence. The treatment consist of three levels of organic manure M0- no manure; M1- FYM at the rate of 10 tha-1; M2- Pressmud at the rate of 5 tha-1 and six fertilizer levels; F0- no fertilizer; F1- 75% of...

Author(s): N. J. Singh, H. S. Athokpam , K. N. Devi, N. Chongtham, N. B.Singh, P. T. Sharma and S. Dayananda

June 2015

Sediment management decision making of the Sanmenxia reservoir based on RESCON model

In order to determine whether the existing in water resources system sustainable management solution, we need to develop a tool to provide reasonable and reliable information to decision makers. RESCON project's goal is to use data for reservoir and dam, to provide a toolkit in policy formulation used in decision making. At the same time, it also prompt policymakers stand at the national level to recognize the...

Author(s): Huang Yuan, Qi Shi, Liu Xiaoying, Xie Jinming, Liu Dan and Zhao Hui

June 2015

Growth performance of Adilo sheep fed urea treated wheat straw supplemented with enset(Enseteventricosum), atella and their mixtures

The experiment was carried using twenty-five male intact yearling Adilo sheep with average body weight of 16.5 ± 3.5 kg to determine the effects of ensetventricosum, atella and their mixture supplements to urea treated wheat straw (UTWS) on feed intake, digestibility and body weight gain (ADG). The experiment consisted of ninety days of feeding trial and seven days of digestibility testing. The experimental...

Author(s): Feleke Assefa, Mengistu Urge andGetachew Animut

June 2015

Survey of diversity and production of yams in four communities in Southern Ghana

A survey was conducted in four yam growing communities in southern Ghana, with the objectives of analyzing the diversity of yam species being cultivated, extent of production, yams preferred and identification of challenges confronting yam production. A total of 264 farmers were involved in the survey, 200 men and 64 women. Six yam species were encountered and 136 varieties were characterized according to the number of...

Author(s): Aboagye L. M., Nyadanu D., Opoku-Agyeman M. O., Owusu S. K. and Asiedu-Darko E.

June 2015

Factors influencing smallholder farmers’ access to agricultural microcredit in Northern Ghana

This paper explores access to agricultural microcredit in Ghana using household survey data collected for the 2013/2014 farming season. The study approaches the access to microcredit from two angles pertaining to the factors influencing access to loan and when accessed, the determinants of loan size. Since these two choices are related, the Heckman selection model was chosen as the analytical tool for addressing the...

Author(s): Benjamin Tetteh Anang, Timo Sipiläinen, Stefan Bäckman and Jukka Kola

June 2015

Epidemiological study of contagious caprine pleuropneumonia (CCPP) in selected districts of Gambella Region, Western Ethiopia

A cross-sectional study was conducted in three selected Districts of Gambella Regional State (GRS) namely Lare, Itang and Gambella Zuria from March to October 2011 to determine seroprevalence of Contagious Caprine Pleuropneumonia (CCPP) caused by Mycoplasma capricolum subsp capripnemoniae (Mccp) and to identify potential risk factors and to assess community perceptions about CCPP in the study area. Multistage sampling...

Author(s): Aklilu Fasil, Asfaw Yilkal, Baumann Maximillan and Abie Getnet