African Journal of
Agricultural Research

  • Abbreviation: Afr. J. Agric. Res.
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 1991-637X
  • DOI: 10.5897/AJAR
  • Start Year: 2006
  • Published Articles: 6915

Table of Content: 12 November 2015; 10(46)

November 2015

Wind in the production of lettuce in Brazil (Lactuca sativa L.)

Lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) is a vegetable of higher consumption and economic value in Brazil. Due of the sensitivity of the leaves, the wind can bring losses to the perfect harmony of growth and physiological development the plant. Wind can also cause irreversible mechanical damage, such as senescence, burning, breaking, fall leaves and tear. The city of Cascavel in western Paraná is at an average altitude of...

Author(s): Lucas Tondo Wellington, Flávio Gurgacz, Reginaldo Ferreira Santos, Eduardo De Rossi, Marinez Carpiski Sampaio and Cassio Duminelli

November 2015

Productivity of Citrus latifolia plants subjected to branch girdling

Abscission of flowers and fruit in Citrus latifolia cultivars is more intense than in seeded Citrus ones. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of different levels of branch girdling in C. latifolia fruit fixation. The work was carried out in an orchard of C. latifolia grafted onto three-year-old Citrus limonia spaced 3x1, located in the Goiás State University experimental field. The experiment was...

Author(s): Alainy Carla de S. Nascente, Rosane Angelica R. dos Anjos, Priscilla Gomes de F. Santos, Leonardo Willian A. Mendes, José Paulo C. Custódio, Hilton Dion T. Júnior, Patrícia S. da Silveira and Fábio S. Matos

November 2015

Influence of Uroclhoa brizantha cv. Marandu phytomass in the control of Bidens subalternans under dystrophic yellow latossol

The objective of this work was to evaluate the interference resulting from the use of different phytomass quantities of Uroclhoa brizantha cv. Marandu and the management of straw to control beggar-ticks (Bidens subalternans). The experiment was performed under greenhouse from May to August, 2014, using a randomized block experimental design with four replicates, in a factorial scheme (3 × 4) + 1, with Factor A...

Author(s): Adaniel Sousa dos Santos, João Batista da Silva Oliveira, Wéverson Lima Fonseca, Tiago de Oliveira Sousa, Leandro Pereira Pacheco, Aline Sousa dos Santos,  Lisânia de Castro Medeiros and Alan Mario Zuffo

November 2015

Genetic parameters in Stylosanthes using different statistical methods

Genetic parameters in Stylosanthes accessions were estimated through (ANOVA) and REML/BLUP (Restricted Maximum Likelihood /Best Linear Unbiased Prediction), to compare them for the genetic values in order to select superior accessions. Twenty five genotypes were evaluated in two environments in a randomized blocks experimental design with four replications. The genetic parameters were estimated for 12 descriptors by the...

Author(s): Ronaldo Simão de Oliveira, Manoel Abílio de Queiróz, Roberto Lisboa Romão, Bruno Augusto de Souza Almeida, Cláudio Mistura and Luciano Paganucci de Queiróz

November 2015

Impact of conservation agriculture on weed dynamics and maize grain yield in eastern Zambia

Improved fallows of Sesbania sesban (Sesbania) have been known to improve soil physical and chemical properties and increase crop yield compared to traditional fallows. However, the effects of soil tillage practices after improved fallows on soil properties, weeds, labour and subsequent maize crop has not been assessed in Southern Africa. This study aimed to evaluate how tillage practices affect yield of maize and...

Author(s): P. L. Mafongoya and  O. Jiri

November 2015

Removal of Cr (III) from contaminated water using industrial waste of the cassava as natural adsorbents

This innovative research aimed to study the potential of the use of solid wastes from cassava root processing industry (Manihot esculenta Crantz) (peel, bagasse and the mix peel + bagasse) as natural adsorbents of Cr3+ from waters. In a first step, the biosorbents were characterized chemically, structurally and morphologically. This way were performed infrared spectrum analysis, scanning electron microscopy, point of...

Author(s): Daniel Schwantes, Affonso Celso Gonçalves Jr., Juliana Casarin, Adílson Pinheiro, Ivone Gohr Pinheiro and Gustavo Ferreira Coelho

November 2015

Genetic gain prediction in coffee progenies derived from the cross between ‘Híbrido de Timor’ and ‘Catuaí’ cultivars

The objective of this study was to estimate genetic parameters and predict the genetic gains of coffee plant progenies using characters that are targeted in coffee breeding. The experiment was conducted in an area naturally infested with Meloidogyne exigua on Ouro Verde Farm, which is located in the municipality of Campos Altos in the state of Minas Gerais- Brazil. Twenty-three progenies that were potentially resistant...

Author(s): Ramiro Machado Rezende, Juliana Costa de Rezende, Gladyston Rodrigues Carvalho, Cesar Elias Botelho, Sonia Maria de Lima Salgado and Andre Dominghetti Ferreira

November 2015

Characterization of Pectobacterium species isolated from vegetable crops in north-west of Iran

In August 2012, vegetable crops including potato, cabbage, bell pepper and carrot showing symptoms of maceration and water soaked lesions on their tuber, leaf and fruit were collected from major vegetable growing areas in north-west of Iran. Physiological and biochemical assays divided the isolates into two main groups according to their ability to grow at 37°C. In addition, these two groups were differentiated by...

Author(s): S. Rafiei, Gh. Khodakaramian and S. Baghaee-Ravari