African Journal of
Agricultural Research

  • Abbreviation: Afr. J. Agric. Res.
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 1991-637X
  • DOI: 10.5897/AJAR
  • Start Year: 2006
  • Published Articles: 6918

Table of Content: 16 April 2015; 10(16)

April 2015

Mitigation effect of dry spells in Sahelian rainfed agriculture: Case study of supplemental irrigation in Burkina Faso

This study aims to isolate the supplemental irrigation (SI) scenario from permeable rainwater harvesting basins (RWHBs) best suitable to mitigate the long dry spells (DSs) in Burkinabe Sahel (BS). The water flow in the soil was studied on corn crop during 2013 and 2014 depending on the available water in the monitored RWHB. The experimental design was a block Fisher with four treatments (one under rainfed regime and...

Author(s): Vivien Chaim Doto, Hamma Yacouba, Dial Niang, Rabah Lahmar, and Euloge Kossi Agbossou

April 2015

Evaluation of maize yield in flood recession farming in the Okavango Delta, Botswana

Flood recession farming locally known as molapo farming in the Okavango Delta is practiced along the edges of the river channels or seasonally flooded depressions on its fringes. It relies on residual moisture and natural fertilization of the floodplains, and is promoted as being more productive than dry-land farming. However, the productivity of this low-input farming system has not been extensively investigated. The...

Author(s): Keotshephile Kashe, Oarabile Mogobe, Thebeetsile Moroke and Mike Murray-Hudson

April 2015

Integration crop-livestock: Is it efficient in suppressing troublesome weeds? A case study

There is need to characterize the impact of the integration crop-livestock on weed infestation in production fields; higher infestation would result in lower system sustainability mainly due to the increased demand for agrochemicals, especially herbicides. Thus, we aimed with this study to assay weed dynamics in a farmer's managed, long-term crop-livestock system, through a case study adopting the phytosociological...

Author(s): Germani Concenço, Rodolpho Freire Marques, Sabrina Alves Santos, Igor Vinicius Talhari Correia, Waggner Gomes Palharini, Maxwell Santos Alves, Thais Stradioto Melo, Laryssa Barbosa Xavier and Larissa Tagara Linhares

April 2015

Biostimulants, macro and micronutrient fertilizer influence on common bean crop in Vitória da Conquista- Ba, Brazil

The use of plant biostimulants jointly or without macro or micro fertilization may be an alternative to change plant metabolism and consequently, improve bean crop yield. Under this circumstance, we aim to evaluate the influence of biostimulants and its interaction with macro and micronutrient fertilizers on common bean var. Pérola yield in Bahia State (BA). The research started on 12 December, 2013 in the...

Author(s): Danilo Nogueira dos Anjos, Ramon Correia de Vasconcelos, Hellenn Thallyta Alves e Mendes, Alana dos Santos de Azevedo Alcantara and Anselmo Eloy Silveira Viana

April 2015

Impact of drying methods on the seed quality of sorghum (Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench)

Seed storage is being affected by factors viz. seed moisture content, temperature and relative humidity. The effects of four drying methods using silica gel, saturated salt solution of lithium chloride, concentrated sulphuric acid and dryer drying on different physiological and biochemical characteristics of genotypes CSH 16 and CSV 18 of sorghum (Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench) were investigated. Faster drying rate was...

Author(s): Manish Kumar Vijay, Sushil Pandey, Chitra Devi Pandey and Yasin Jeshima

April 2015

Estimation of heterosis and combining ability for earliness and yield characters in pumpkin (Cucurbita moschata Duch. Ex. Poir)

Heterosis breeding is a potential tool to achieve improvement in quantity, quality, and productivity of pumpkin. A line x tester mating design was used to study standard heterosis for earliness and yield characters in pumpkin. An investigation was carried out during 2009 to 2010 with twelve lines and three testers at Department of Vegetable Crops, Horticultural College and Research Institute, Tamil Nadu Agricultural...

Author(s): N. A. Tamilselvi, P. Jansirani and L. Pugalendhi

April 2015

Analysis of risks in crop production due to climate change in the Central Rift Valley of Ethiopia

This study was conducted to investigate historical climate dynamics and the resultant risks at four sites (Meki, Melkassa, Miesso and Ziway) in the Central Rift Valley of Ethiopia. It involved analysis of rainfall and temperature data in the study areas. The results showed the existence of high inter-annual rainfall variability within seasons and sites. The number of rainy days exhibited a declining trend at Meki in...

Author(s): Hirut Getachew and   Kindie Tesfaye