African Journal of
Agricultural Research

  • Abbreviation: Afr. J. Agric. Res.
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 1991-637X
  • DOI: 10.5897/AJAR
  • Start Year: 2006
  • Published Articles: 6914

Table of Content: 17 September 2015; 10(38)

September 2015

Effect of temperature on life history parameters of brown planthopper(Nilaparvata lugens Stal)

Climate change, especially temperature increase, would affect insect physiology, behavior, and development as well as species distribution and abundance, evidenced by changes in the number of generations a year, increasing survival rates in winter, and the earlier appearance of some insects. Hence, an investigation was undertaken to understand effect of elevated temperature on population dynamics of Brown Planthopper...

Author(s): N. Manikandan, J.S. Kennedy and V. Geethalakshmi

September 2015

Effect of fungicide application times in the control management of leaf foliar diseases in maize

This study aimed to evaluate the effect of fungicide trifloxystrobin (200 g/L 20% m/v) + tebuconazole (100 g/L 10% m/v) at different phenological stages in controlling southern rust and Cercospora leaf spot in the maize crop and on its productivity. This work was carried out in 2013, Ertel farm, located in the city of Toledo – PR of Brasil. The experimental design was a randomized complete block in a factorial...

Author(s): Gustavo Moratelli, Kaian Albino Corazza Kaefer, Fernando Ertel, Regis Tome Vogt, Silvio Douglas Ferreira, Vanessa Aline Egewarth, Eloisa Mattei, Willian Bosquette Rosa and Jonas Francisco Egewarth

September 2015

Evaluation and ranking of Macadamia genotypes using mixed models

The annual yield of kernels in a population of macadamia (Macadamia integrifolia MAIDEN and BETCHE) were assessed with the aims of identifying the best genotypes relative to this trait to establish a base population for breeding program and focusing in the macadamia crop yield increase. Kernel production from 46 plants of 23 genotypes at different ages was analyzed using mixed models with REML/BLUP methodology by WOMBAT...

Author(s): Elisia Rodrigues Corrêa, Gil Carlos Rodrigues Medeiros, Willian Silva Barros and Valmor João Bianchi

September 2015

Reactivity of a blast furnace slag in latosols

Two experiments were conducted to study reactivity for a blast furnace slag, both developed in a greenhouse, in pots planted with Brachiaria brizantha. A 3 x 4 + 3 factorial was used with four replications, with three slag doses corresponding to 0.6, 1.2 and 2.4 g dm-3 for the clay soil and 2.2, 4.4 and 8.8 g dm-3 for the medium texture soil, four particle sizes (ABNT 5-10, 10-20, 20-50 and <50) and three controls...

Author(s): Anelisa de Aquino Vidal Lacerda Soares, Renato de Mello Prado and Fernanda de Paiva Badiz Furlaneto

September 2015

Dynamics in nutritional qualities of tef and wheat straws as affected by storage method and storage duration in the central highlands of Ethiopia

This study assessed the effects of storage method and storage duration on the dynamics in nutritional qualities of tef (Eragrostis tef-cereal indigenous to Ethiopia) and wheat straws in Ejere woreda, central highlands of Ethiopia. The trial was designed with a factorial combination of two storage methods (shelter shade, open-air) and four storage durations (zero, two, four and six months). A total of 12 farmers (six...

Author(s): Fekede Feyissa, Gezahegn Kebede and Getnet Assefa

September 2015

Prediction of leaf N in centipedegrass by a chlorophyll meter

The persistence of color response to fertilizer treatments is an important criterion of turfgrass performance. Centipedegrass (Eremochloa ophiuroides (Munro) Hack.) is widely used throughout sub-tropical region, and was selectedas the subject of this study. Four N treatments were applied, with NH4NO3monthly atan application rate of 0, 2.5(1.4), 5.0(2.8), and 10.0(5.6) g-N/m2 (oz). A slow-release fertilizer applied as...

Author(s): Yu-Sen Chang, Yu-Shian Chung and Yu-Jen Kuo

September 2015

Alluvial soil quality in agroforestry systems and native forest of the Brazilian semiarid region

The agroforestry systems consist of techniques appropriate to local conditions, taking into account the coexistence with the semiarid in Brazil. The objective of the research was to evaluate the soil properties in agroforestry management units (SAFs), and native forest, in Bueno community, city of Irauçuba, CE. Treatments were: (1) Agroforestry management unit SAF 1 in the elevated portion of the landscape...

Author(s): Alessandro Antônio Lopes Nunes, Jeane Cruz Portela, Nildo da Silva Dias, Maria Laiane Ferreira Neto, Jucirema Ferreira da Silva, Cezar Augusto Medeiros Rebouças, Vania Christina Nascimento Porto and Miguel Ferreira Neto