African Journal of
Agricultural Research

  • Abbreviation: Afr. J. Agric. Res.
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 1991-637X
  • DOI: 10.5897/AJAR
  • Start Year: 2006
  • Published Articles: 6918

Table of Content: 18 February 2016; 11(7)

February 2016

Soil conservation practices in three watersheds of Benin: Farmers’ cropping systems characterization

This document addresses the farming practices and their characteristics on three watersheds in southern Benin. These watersheds are located in the villages of Govié, in Allada district, Lokogba in Aplahoué district and Linsinlin in Djidja district. Simple random sampling is used to investigate 417 farm households at the rate of 139 per village. Focus groups are conducted with resource persons and...

Author(s): Félix Alladassi Kouelo, Pascal Houngnandan, Houinsou Dedehouanou, Rigobert Tossou, Daouda Orou Bello, Joël Kossobakan Afiolorom Bekou and Anselme Yenakpon Tchetangni

February 2016

Estimate of the least limiting water range based on relative density of an oxisol in Brazil

The no-tillage technique has been expanding in the Brazilian Cerrado (savanna), but due to the rapid decomposition of residues and few options for profitable rotation crops, soil compaction can be a problem, seriously reducing water availability to plants. Determination of the least limiting water range (LLWR) is a sensitive method to assess the current soil compaction state, although it is operationally and...

Author(s): Fabricio Tomaz Ramos, João Carlos de Souza Maia, Oscarlina Lúcia dos Santos Weber and José Holanda Campelo Júnior

February 2016

Systemicity of banana bunchy top viral infection in the Kisangani region of the Democratic Republic of Congo

In order to evaluate the systemicity of BBTV from one plant of the mat to the physically attached shoots, 60 mats both of “Yangambi Km5”, Musa AAA and those of the false horn plantain “Libanga Likale”, Musa AAB showing severity levels from 0 to 5 were selected in backyards in Kisangani. In addition, 30 sucker corms per genotype were put under macro-propagation and leaf samples of lateral shoots...

Author(s): Benoît Dhed’a Djailo, Junior Lokana, Faustin Ngama, Bonaventure Ibanda Nkosi and Guy Blomme

February 2016

Impact of resettlement on vegetation status and rangeland condition in southwestern Ethiopia

This study was conducted with the objectives of comparing range condition of an area under different land use practices (resettled and non-resettled) and assessing the possible effect of resettlement on range condition in Meinit-Shasha district of Bench-Maji zone, southwest Ethiopia. Two kebeles were selected purposively where vegetation and soil conditions were investigated in 40 quadrats across 20 sampling sites using...

Author(s): Yonas Berhanu, Lisanework Negatu, Fekadu Beyene and Ayana Angassa

February 2016

Steel slag to correct soil acidity and as silicon source in coffee plants

Slags from the iron and steel industry may be used in agriculture to correct soil acidity. Current assay assesses the effect of iron and steel industry´s slag, derived from stainless steel, and compares it to limestone as soil acidity corrective and silicon source in coffee plants. The experiment was conducted between December, 2012 and January, 2014 in the municipality of Machado MG Brazil, in a 4-year-old coffee...

Author(s): José Ricardo Mantovani, Gabriella Moreira Campos, Adriano Bortolotti Silva, Douglas José Marques, Fernando Ferrari Putti, Paulo Roberto Corrêa Landgraf and Eduardo José de Almeida

February 2016

Bayesian discriminant analysis of plant leaf hyperspectral reflectance for identification of weeds from cabbages

In order to spray herbicides accurately on targets, this study focused on spectral classification of weeds and crops for potential to rapidly detect weeds in crop fields. A 350 ~ 2500 nm FieldSpec-FR spectroradiometer was used to measure spectral responses of the canopies of the seedling vegetables, cabbage ‘8398’ and cabbage ‘Zhonggan 11’, and weeds, Barnyard grass, green foxtail, goosegrass,...

Author(s): Wei Deng,, Yanbo Huang, Chunjiang Zhao,, Liping Chen,, and Xiu Wang,,

February 2016

Root system and yield of sugarcane cultivated under different amounts of straw in southern Brazil

The amount of straw of sugarcane needed to remain in field for sustainability of the production system and quantity that could be used in sectors such as cogeneration and production of bioethanol for optimization of power generation by the sector are unclear issues. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of different amounts of straw on the development of the sugarcane root system and yield using the variety...

Author(s): Gisele Silva de Aquino, Cristiane de Conti Medina, Evandro Romeu Tronchini, Amarildo Pasini, Ayres de Oliveira Menezes Junior, Adriano Thibes Hoshino, Eli Carlos de Oliveira and Osmar Rodrigues Brito

February 2016

Nitrogenous compounds in hog plum plants (Spondia mombin L.) under water deficit

The hog plum tree is a species exploited extractively, but this information is not included in official statistics, despite the socioeconomic relevance of the species in the North and Northeast of Brazil. The present study aimed to analyze physiological and biochemical processes in Spondia mombin L. plants under two water regimes. The experiment was conducted in a greenhouse at the Federal Rural University of the...

Author(s): Cândido Ferreira de Oliveira Neto, Ellen Gleyce da Silva Lima, Wander Luiz da Silva Ataíde, Andresa Soares da Costa, Karollyne Renata Souza Silva, Bruno Moitinho Maltarolo, Thays Correa Costa, Roberto Cezar Lobo da Costa, Luma Castro de Souza, and Ricardo Shigueru Okumura,

February 2016

Adoption of Bambara groundnut production and its effects on farmers’ welfare in Northern Ghana

With the growing concerns about the likely implications of climate change, the long term sustainability of conventional agricultural approaches and biodiversity loss have contributed to a growing interest in the potential of the so-called underutilised crops to address food, nutritional, and income security challenges. In support of their wider use, advocates of underutilised crops associate a number of benefits with...

Author(s): Adzawla William, Donkoh Samuel A., Nyarko George, O&#;Reilly Patrick J., Olayide Olawale E., Mayes Sean, Feldman Aryo and Azman Halimi R.