African Journal of
Agricultural Research

  • Abbreviation: Afr. J. Agric. Res.
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 1991-637X
  • DOI: 10.5897/AJAR
  • Start Year: 2006
  • Published Articles: 6883

Table of Content: 18 September 2014; 9(38)

September 2014

Yield, maturation, and beverage quality of arabica coffee progenies under selection in Rondonia state, Brazil

In this paper, we studied coffee bean yield, maturation, and other characteristics of special progenies of Arabica coffee (Coffea arabica L.) grown under high temperatures in a low altitude region in the state of Rondonia, Brazil. We evaluated 29 progenies developed by the Instituto Agronômico de Campinas – IAC, namely, 24 F2BC2 progenies of Obatã (C. arabica with introgressions of C. canephora) x (C....

Author(s): Alexsandro Lara Teixeira, Flávio de França Souza, Herculano Penna Medina Filho, Rita Bordignon, André Rostand Ramalho and Rodrigo Barros Rocha

September 2014

Significance of vinasses waste management in agriculture and environmental quality- Review

Vinasse is a waste material from distillery industries which has lot of organic and inorganic loads. It is utilized in agriculture  for  cheap  nutrients  source,  ameliorating  agents  and  animal  feed  beyond  the limitation of high biochemical oxygen demand (BOD; 46100 to 96000 mgL-1), chemical oxygen demand (COD; 104000 to 134400 mgL-1) and total dissolved...

Author(s): Rajagopal Vadivel, Paramjit Singh Minhas, Suresh Kumar P., Yogeswar Singh, Nageshwar Rao D.V.K. and Avinash Nirmale

September 2014

Molecular studies on transmission of mung bean yellow mosaic virus (MYMV) by Bemisia tabaci Genn. in Mungbean

The whitefly Bemisia tabaci Genn. is an important pest worldwide because of its ability to cause damage by direct feeding and its role as a vector of plant viruses including geminiviruses. Yellow mosaic virus (MYV) is a serious disease of pulse crops including mungbean, blackgram, frenchbean, pigeonpea and soybean. Yellow mosaic diseases are one of the most important viral diseases in mungbean caused by mungbean yellow...

Author(s): K. Govindan, P. Nagarajan and K. Angappan

September 2014

Response of durum wheat varieties to water in semi-arid Algeria

Irrigation and varietal improvement are two major ways of increasing and stabilizing durum wheat (Triticum durum Desf.) production in semi-arid Mediterranean countries. A 3-year study was conducted in Khemis-Miliana (Upper Chelif, Algeria) to evaluate the yield response of six durum wheat genotypes to deficit irrigation. Grain yield in the unirrigated treatment ranged from 2.0 t.ha-1 (2008) to 2.8 t.ha-1 (2009). In...

Author(s): A. Merouche, P. Debaeke, M. Messahel and M. Kelkouli

September 2014

Chromosomal characteristics of Tho-Tho cattle (Bos indicus) in Nagaland, India

Tho-Tho cattle is a semi-wild indigenous cattle available in Nagaland, India. Tho-Tho cattle has been associated with tribal culture of 16 tribes of Nagaland besides its use for meat, milk and draught purposes. A cytogenetic analysis was conducted in a total of 10 numbers of Tho-Tho cattle (5 males and 5 females) from 3 districts of Nagaland hills situated at mean sea level (msl) ranging from 1000 to 10000 ft (4 nos....

Author(s): Hitu Choudhury, Vibhuti Bhusan Sarmah, Arindam Dhali,  Mitali Dutta Choudhury,Vijay Kumar Vidyarthi, Subodh Kumar, Uttam Kumar Baruah and Dilip Kumar Sarma