African Journal of
Agricultural Research

  • Abbreviation: Afr. J. Agric. Res.
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 1991-637X
  • DOI: 10.5897/AJAR
  • Start Year: 2006
  • Published Articles: 6914

Table of Content: 19 February 2015; 10(8)

February 2015

Analysis of light transmission ratio and yield advantages of pigeonpea in relation to intercrop and different plant population

A field experiment was conducted at Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore, during kharif 2011 to optimize the spacing for medium maturation pigeonpea at different planting geometry and row proportions under intercropped and irrigated situation. The experiment was laid out in Randomized block Design with 3 replications. Adjacent to the treatment plots, sole pigeonpea and greengram were also raised in dummy plots...

Author(s): Udhaya Nandhini Dhandayuthapani and Kuzhanthaivel Rajaian Latha 

February 2015

Evaluation of indigenous technologies of fresh cocoyam (Colocasia esculenta (L.) Schott) Storage in Southeastern Nigeria

Cocoyam (Colocasia esculenta) also referred to as taro is an herbaceous root crop and its non availability throughout the year has implicated lack of good storage methods. Survey and storage experiments were therefore, conducted at the Department of Crop Science, University of Nigeria, Nsukka to establish the scientific basis for adopting the indigenous technologies by the farmers and indentify the best among the...

Author(s): Eze S. C., Ugwuoke K. I., Ogbonna P. E., Onah R. N., Onyeonagu C. C. and Onyeke C. C.

February 2015

Economic viability of cucumber cultivation under NVPH

The economic analysis was conducted for cultivation of parthenocarpic cucumber cv. Dinamik under naturally ventilated polyhouse for two consecutive years, 2013 and 2014. The actual value of economic inputs along with subsidy component (65 and 75%) imparted by Government of Gujarat in coordination with Government of India was considered for fitting into simulation model. The differences in net realization of Rs....

Author(s): Sanjeev K., Patel N. B., Saravaiya S. N. and Desai K. D.

February 2015

Chemical profile, somatic cell count and milk production of Holstein, Girolando and Jersolando cows

The aim of this study was to evaluate the chemical profile, somatic cell count (SCC) and milk production of Holstein, Girolando and Jersolando cows. Fresh milk samples were collected from 34 high-production cows, averaging 31 L/day, belonging to three genetic groups (Holstein, Girolando and Jersolando). Experimental design was completely randomized, in which data collected were submitted to analysis of variance...

Author(s): Rafaella Belchior Brasil, Marco Antônio Pereira da Silva, Thiago Soares Carvalho, Jakeline Fernandes Cabral, Julliano Costa Garcia, Edmar Soares Nicolau, Rodrigo Balduíno Soares Neves and Moacir Evandro Lage

February 2015

Effect of biochar application on microbial biomass and enzymatic activities in degraded red soil

To assess biochar effect on soil microbial biomass, community and enzymatic activities, degraded acidic soil was amended with three different rates (0.5, 1.0 and 2.0%) of oak wood biochar (W0.5, W1.0 and W2.0) and bamboo biochar (B0.5, B1.0 and B2.0), with control as 0%. The soil and the biochar were mixed thoroughly, wetted and incubated at a constant temperature of 25°C. The amended soil properties were evaluated...

Author(s): Walelign Demisie and Mingkui Zhang

February 2015

Evaluation of some soil test methods in acid soils for available phosphorus for soybean of Imphal East District, Manipur (India)

Evaluation of nutrient status in soil is important for nutritional, environmental and economical aspects. Phosphorus is a very important nutrient for leguminous crops. In order to evaluate the phosphorus availability, six soil test methods were carried out for predicting response of soybean to phosphorus application on twenty surface soils (0 - 15 cm) of Imphal East District, Manipur were studied. The suitability of...

Author(s): Wangkhem Herojit Meetei, Herojit Singh Athokpam, Raj Kumar Kumarjit Singh, Linthoi Watham, Nandini Chongtham, Konthoujam Nandini Devi, Naorem Brajendra Singh, Khwairakpam Lenin Singh and Naorem Janaki Singh

February 2015

Increasing farmers and breeders access to yam (Dioscorea spp) diversity: The case of Forest-Savannah Transition Agroecology

A study was conducted in five yam-growing communities in the Forest Transition Agroecological Zone of Ghana to identify cultivated yam varieties, their distribution and intensity of cultivation and to document the rate and causes of landrace germplasm loss. Generally, the cultivated varieties ranged from 9 to 16 with a mean of 12. The most diversity was found in Sankore (Asunafo South District), followed by Sampa in the...

Author(s): Otoo E., Opoku-Agyeman M., Dansi A., Aboagye L. M., Acheremu K. and Tetteh J. P.

February 2015

Drought coping strategies at Lonhlupheko community, a semi-arid rural area in Swaziland

Climate change predictions reflect that temperatures in Swaziland will increase by 2.5°C and annual rainfall could decrease by 100 mm by 2050. Drought frequency and intensity is likely to increase in future and its occurrence could not be divorced from climate change. A descriptive research using questionnaire survey procedures and personal interviews was designed to determine drought coping strategies at...

Author(s): B. R. T. Vilane, A. M. Manyatsi and K. Shabangu

February 2015

The effect of temperature and cutting time on curd yield and quality made from goat, buffalo and cow milk

For the present study, two species of lactating animals, that is, Bubalusbubalis (Buffalo) and Bosindicus (Cow) was selected. In both types of milk, highest curd yield at 34°C was obtained at 60 min of cutting time after the addition of rennet followed by 39°C at 60 min of cutting time while at 28°C and  60 min of cutting time the yield was low and cutting times. This may be due to the improper...

Author(s): Sabir Khan, Saima Inayat, Imtiaz Hussain , Muhammad Nadeem, Fazal Rahman and Adnan Khan

February 2015

Production practices of potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) by farmers in Mzimba District, Northern Malawi

Potato (Solanum tuberosum [L.]) is one of the food and cash crops in Malawi. Almost all potato farmers in the country are smallholders with low productivity. In order to develop appropriate interventions to improve productivity, it is important to first understand farmers’ characteristics and prevailing production practices. This study was therefore carried out in October 2010 in Champhira Extension Planning Area...

Author(s): Sekani Yoram Kateta, Vernon Kabambe, Max William Lowole and Patson Cleopus Nalivata

February 2015

Control of Mahanarva fimbriolata (Stål) (Hemiptera: Cercopidae) with entomopathogenic fungus and insecticides using two sampling methods on sugarcane fields

The sampling of M. fimbriolata aims to estimate the population level and optimum timing for spittlebug control in the sugarcane fields. Thus, this study was conducted to determine the cost and efficiency of Metarhizium anisopliae (Hypocreales: Clavicipitaceae) and insecticides utilized in M. fimbriolata control using two sampling techniques. The experiments were performed between November 2012 and April 2013, in a...

Author(s): Samir Oliviera Kassab, Elisângela de Souza Loureiro, Camila Rossoni, Fabricio Fagundes Pereira, Thiago Alexandre Mota, Rogério Hidalgo Barbosa and Daniele Perassa Costa

February 2015

Agricultural yield components of dual purpose wheat cv. BRS Tarumã under cutting and nitrogen fertilization handlings

This experiment aimed to study the effects on grain and forage productivity in dual-purpose wheat cv. BRS Tarumã under cutting handlings and nitrogen fertilization. The experiment was conducted in area of ​​Rhodic Hapludox in the city of Marechal Cândido Rondon, Paraná State, in a randomized block design with 12 treatments and four replications. The treatments consisted of surface nitrogen levels...

Author(s): João R. P. Ramella, Keli D. C. Libardi, Deise D. Castagnara, Marcos C. Mottin, Edleusa P. Seidel and Paulo S. R. De Oliveira

February 2015

Characteristics of maize production irrigation and time-varying doses of nitrogen

Maize grown during the off season is a viable alternative for the state of Mato Grosso, Brazil. Therefore, the objective of the present study was to investigate the influence of the duration of irrigation with nitrogen doses on the yield characteristics of maize. The experiment was conducted in a greenhouse using a randomized completely block design with a factorial 5×5 matrix corresponding to 5 irrigation...

Author(s): Alessana Franciele Schlichting, Marcio Koetz, Edna Maria Bonfim-Silva and  Tonny José Araújo da Silva

February 2015

Analysis of effect of government’s trade policy on rice supply in three local government areas of Cross River State, Nigeria

This study was carried out to analyse the effect of government’s trade policy on the supply of rice (imported and local) brands in three local government areas of Cross River State, Nigeria. The study captured two periods, July 2004 to February 2005, during which the Federal Government place Tariff on the importation of rice at 75% and the second period; March 2005 to October 2005 where the tariff was raised to...

Author(s): Arigor, A. J., Nyambi, N. I. and Obuo, P. O.

February 2015

Infection of rose flowers by Botrytis cinerea under different temperatures and petal wetness

The effect of temperature and petal wetness on the infection of Botrytis cinerea in rose flowers was studied by combining temperatures of 10, 15, 20 and 25°C with periods of petal wetness of 8, 16, 24 and 32 h. An increase in the severity of gray mold was observed when petal wetness period increased. Lower level of disease severity was verified at 10°C for all wetness periods as well as for the temperature of...

Author(s): Alderi Emídio de Araújo, Luiz Antonio Maffia, Guy de Capdeville and Eduardo Seiti Gomide Mizubuti

February 2015

Socio-economic impacts of wetland cultivation in South-Bench, Southwest Ethiopia

Wetlands provide several ecological and socio-economic benefits. However, in southwestern Ethiopia, the conversion of wetland to agricultural land is substantial. Hence, the aim of the study was to identify the socio-economic impacts of wetland cultivation. The impacts were assessed through focus group discussion and semi-structured questionnaire of 252 households. According to the respondents, the results indicated...

Author(s): Kassahun Mulatu, Debela Hunde and Endalkachew Kissi

February 2015

Effect of magnetic field on germination, seedling growth and cytogenetic of onion (Allium cepa L.)

Magnetic field is considered a simple and cheap method for stimulation of germination process compared to traditional chemical processes. In this research, laboratory experiment was conducted at Seed Technology Unit, Mansoura, Egypt to evaluate the effect of magnetic field on germination, seedling growth and cytogenetic characters of fresh and carry over (old) onion seeds (c.v.Giza Red). Seeds were magnetically...

Author(s): Hozayn M., Amal A. A. EL-Mahdy and Abdel-Rahman H. M. H.

February 2015

Review of patents on life cycle assessment

Many tools are developed and used in order to evaluate the environmental impacts in products and services. One tool that is gaining prominence is the Life Cycle Assessment (LCA), which can analyze environmental aspects and impacts along the life cycle of product. However, not much is known about the patent generation through the use of LCA. In this sense, this paper aims to investigate LCA studies that generated patents...

Author(s): Lidiana Zocche⊃, Luan Carlos Santos Silva, Cassiano Moro Piekarski and Antonio Carlos de Francisco

February 2015

Natural seed germination and seedling dynamics in cultivated population of Cassia fistula Linn. in Nigeria

For the first time, natural seed germination in cultivated population of Cassia fistula Linn. is reported in this paper. Natural seed germination occurred under many mother trees at Covenant University, Ota, Ogun State, Nigeria; while no germination occurred under some other mother trees. Random soil samples were taken in representative areas and analysed. Seedling dynamics were also investigated by fencing the...

Author(s): Olubukanla Tejumola Okusanya, Olusola Olanrewaju Shonubi and Sadat Elutola Babalola

February 2015

Seasonality and management of stone weevil, Aubeus himalayanus Voss (Curculionidae: Coleoptera): An emerging pest of Indian Jujube (Ziziphus mauritiana L.)

The ber (Ziziphus mauritiana Lamarck) is an important fruit crop grown in arid and semi arid regions of India and elsewhere. Nutritionally, the fruits are rich in protein, phosphorus, calcium, carotene and vitamin C. In India, productivity tends to be low because of various biotic stresses such as pests and diseases. Of the various insect pests infesting ber, the stone weevil Aubeus himalayanus Voss (Coleoptera: ...

Author(s): V. Karuppaiah